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Posted: Wed 9. Feb 2005, 18:18
by StudioZ
Realized it is not very obvious to install :roll:
I have updated the .zip file and setup a demo calendar on my site:
Download ""

If someone's willing to update the install file:
and make it clearer...
please go ahead.

Let us know if this work for you know...

As soon as I have some time I'll try to add some TIPS to the page :wink:



Posted: Wed 9. Feb 2005, 19:06
by frold
StudioZ wrote:Realized it is not very obvious to install :roll:
I have updated the .zip file and setup a demo calendar on my site:
Download ""

If someone's willing to update the install file:
and make it clearer...
please go ahead.

Let us know if this work for you know...

As soon as I have some time I'll try to add some TIPS to the page :wink:


I have tested it but I have some Qs:

In line 4 in app-header.php you have :
require_once "Mail.php"; // PEAR mail class
But there is no Mail.php in the packed...

And in the packed you have PHPWCMS_ROOT\include\inc_conf but there is no such folder in phpwcms 1.1.9 DEV does that mean you have to place the files in: PHPWCMS_ROOT\config\ instead?`or do I need o create that folder?

Posted: Wed 9. Feb 2005, 19:21
by StudioZ
frold wrote: I have tested it but I have some Qs:

In line 4 in app-header.php you have :

require_once "Mail.php"; // PEAR mail class

But there is no Mail.php in the packed...
Good question! I also have this line in my installs and.. it is not causing any problems. I beleive that Ionrock previously answerered to this mail stuff...?
frold wrote: And in the packed you have PHPWCMS_ROOT\include\inc_conf but there is no such folder in phpwcms 1.1.9 DEV does that mean you have to place the files in: PHPWCMS_ROOT\config\ instead?`or do I need o create that folder?
Hey.. sorry Frold... it has not been tested with the DEV version yet :roll:
Let us know if ever you have the chance to confirm what/where needs to be hacked.



Posted: Wed 9. Feb 2005, 19:38
by frold
seems to work when placed in \include\inc_conf

But for some reason I can not control the categori dropdown....

If you see:

Posted: Wed 9. Feb 2005, 19:47
by StudioZ
frold wrote:seems to work when placed in \include\inc_conf

But for some reason I can not control the categori dropdown....

If you see:
Hmmmm... You mean that your drop down menu gets stuck at the top of your page...?
Isn't it?

Posted: Wed 9. Feb 2005, 19:52
by frold
StudioZ wrote:
frold wrote:seems to work when placed in \include\inc_conf

But for some reason I can not control the categori dropdown....

If you see:
Hmmmm... You mean that your drop down menu gets stuck at the top of your page...?
Isn't it?

Well I try to take a look inside some files....

Posted: Wed 9. Feb 2005, 20:04
by arkon
the mod works great for me so far. the only thing i still miss is the possibility to link an event with an article.

there is one problem: when i want to add an event it shows on the date and time parameters:
field month

Code: Select all

Warning: strtotime() [function.strtotime.html]: Called with an empty time parameter. in .../include/inc_module/mod_calendar/inc_lib/main.functions.php on line 79
the same on field day for line 95, on field year for line 111

the same message on the scheduling option fields.

it has something to do with the date/time parameters of the webserver..

Posted: Wed 9. Feb 2005, 20:18
by StudioZ
arkon wrote:the mod works great for me so far. the only thing i still miss is the possibility to link an event with an article.
Yep. I know. I beleive it is on Ionrock todo list -- at some point? Not sure! He's really busy. Altough would be great if Oliver takes it in hand and makes it complies totally or some other way... with the basic install of future PhpWCMS :)
arkon wrote: there is one problem: when i want to add an event it shows on the date and time parameters:
field month

Code: Select all

Warning: strtotime() [function.strtotime.html]: Called with an empty time parameter. in .../include/inc_module/mod_calendar/inc_lib/main.functions.php on line 79
the same on field day for line 95, on field year for line 111

the same message on the scheduling option fields.

it has something to do with the date/time parameters of the webserver..
Sorry. Never seen this error yet :?



Posted: Wed 9. Feb 2005, 20:30
by StudioZ
frold wrote: But for some reason I can not control the categori dropdown....
If you see:
Well I try to take a look inside some files....
Frold... you might want to create a special class for "eventsMenu":

Code: Select all

<div id="eventsMenu">
This is not in the css file I included :roll:
I have the feeling that you will be able to get better control.

Posted: Wed 9. Feb 2005, 20:33
by frold
thanks I just removed it.... I dont need categories...

Posted: Thu 10. Feb 2005, 17:22
by reklame-haus
StudioZ wrote:Just like reklame-haus...
I am looking on how to change the month names from English to French ?

Any idea anyone...? :roll:


Hi my friends,

I couldn't change the month names. Also I couldn't find any solution with Deutsch and Turkish characters. Just I bought another calendar.

Thats it.

Posted: Thu 10. Feb 2005, 18:30
by frold
you can that in the new version!!

Can't add events in Version 2.01

Posted: Fri 11. Feb 2005, 16:14
by missberli
I have installed version 2.01. Everything works but the most important thing doesn't: I can't add events! :cry: Old events (from version 1) can be edited and deleted. But no new event is written to the sql table.
In the phpWCMS backend when I click "add event" a new form with a "update event"-button appears, but nothing happens.


Posted: Fri 11. Feb 2005, 18:41
by ionrock
For anyone having specific problems such as errors or warnings, please send them in a pm to me or email me and I will see what I can do. I am going to be updating the package this weekend (i hope) and adding a small addition to display 10 of the most recent calendar events (this will be a separate addon though). Hopefully I can get everyones bugs worked out. I do apologize for leaving folks hanging with regard to support. I have been looking for internships for this summer, doing school, work, band (, and research ( Thanks to everyone who has been helping each other out. It is the community that makes open source what it is and I must give credit to the phpwcms for making this cms one of the best available!

(Note: if you do email me and I respond, please post any responses to the board after we find a solution so others can get the benefits too ;))

Posted: Fri 11. Feb 2005, 19:12
by marco
It looks very nice, great work!

The demo always seems to show the same content for both calendars, the one in the right column and the center, no matter what date is chosen. I don't know if this is a bug or by design...

Would it not make more sense to have each calendar independent? In other words, let the center column calendar select and display events but do not also change the dates and events in the side column. Or make it maybe an option?

StudioZ wrote:Realized it is not very obvious to install :roll:
I have updated the .zip file and setup a demo calendar on my site:
Download ""
