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Re: GoogleMaps Module [NEW VERSION 3.0, 2009-02-22]

Posted: Wed 11. Mar 2009, 10:31
by update

Re: GoogleMaps Module [NEW VERSION 3.0, 2009-02-22]

Posted: Wed 11. Mar 2009, 10:49
by kivipea
I need the same as claus, one site I'm building spans 2 domains. Waiting for the results of your test.

Re: GoogleMaps Module [NEW VERSION 3.0, 2009-02-22]

Posted: Wed 25. Mar 2009, 21:37
by breitsch
for the moment I have only a hack solution
backend input will be possible in next version

File: include/inc_module/mod_googlemaps/inc/cnt.article.php

Insert in Row 83:

Code: Select all

    '' => 'Google-Key 1',
    '' => 'Google-Key 2'
if(array_key_exists($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], $keys_array)) {
    $googlekey['data']['googlekey_key'] = $keys_array[$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']];
When you're on subdomains it requires ''

Not very pretty, I know, but I have no time right now to really solve that.

Re: GoogleMaps Module [NEW VERSION 3.0, 2009-02-22]

Posted: Wed 25. Mar 2009, 22:45
by kivipea
Thank you. Works like a charm.
It's incredible, this module of yours. Thanks, and keep up the good work.

Re: GoogleMaps Module [NEW VERSION 3.0, 2009-02-22]

Posted: Mon 13. Apr 2009, 03:20
by breitsch
Google Maps Module is now available as SVN repository at Google Code: ... e/checkout

I updated the module with the latest zoom controls as used in
Future updates are published at Google Code and can be checked out with a svn client there
I'll post the most important updates as zip's as well.

It is planned to post the upcoming addon "Google Maps Timeline" at Google Code as well.
Also the new version of ExData may be available there, when no license conflicts with 3rd party scripts occur.

Re: GoogleMaps Module [NEW VERSION 3.0, 2009-02-22]

Posted: Mon 4. May 2009, 01:21
by kivipea
Upgraded to the latest Google Code ver, but the zoom controls are still the same. Am I missing something?


Re: GoogleMaps Module [NEW VERSION 3.0, 2009-02-22]

Posted: Mon 4. May 2009, 13:46
by breitsch
Only one is different/new, you have to change this in backend to the new added option

Re: GoogleMaps Module [NEW VERSION 3.0, 2009-02-22]

Posted: Mon 4. May 2009, 18:47
by kivipea
Thanks, found it. Somehow I presumed the update will automatically update all the maps' controls to the new look. Which would've been of course not too flexible, now when I think about it. Thanks, as always. Great job with the module, looking forward to your new stuff.


Re: GoogleMaps Module [NEW VERSION 3.0, 2009-02-22]

Posted: Fri 14. May 2010, 20:43
by Jensensen
Betrifft den Content Part (das Modul funktioniert):

Code: Select all

Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed in .../include/inc_module/mod_googlemaps/inc/cnt.form.php on line 195
Ich habe ein Problem mit den Kategorien. Es werden nicht alle zur Auswahl angezeigt. Eine andere Einordnung (subcat) ist nachträglich nicht möglich. "Germany" erscheint gar nicht.

Des weiteren ist bei der Sidebar der Text weiterhin in Englisch, alles andere erscheint in der Hauptsprache DE.

PHP: 5.2.12
MySQL: 5.0.32

Benötige dringend Support... pm, login access, einfliegen - alles drin....

Re: GoogleMaps Module [NEW VERSION 3.0, 2009-02-22]

Posted: Wed 26. May 2010, 03:53
by Jensensen
Does anybody know a way to use {GM_sidebar} as a RT for the positioning of the sidebar? Thank you for an explanation.

Re: GoogleMaps Module [NEW VERSION 3.0, 2009-02-22]

Posted: Wed 26. May 2010, 08:32
by update
A HTML CP should do it with the following content:

Code: Select all

At least this is what I have there... place it anywhere you want.
Afterwards define: Sidebar: Position: [Replacement Tag {GM_Sidebar}] in module CP

Re: GoogleMaps Module [NEW VERSION 3.0, 2009-02-22]

Posted: Fri 17. Sep 2010, 17:41
by sustia
Hi, I'm trying to allow to a user to add a point in my Googlemap.

I've created a user (not admin), and in a example page ( ... una-specie) I have put the code from the Googlemap backend (the page "new Google Maps point").
The problem is that the user cannot add a point, if not registered, and, if registerd, after add a point is redirected to the Googlemap backend.

I would like that the user (anonymous or registerd user), after adding a point, is redirected to the same page used for insert a new point.

I have tried with the Mod User Group/Permission module too, but not success, since in this module the Googlemap module is not listed.

Re: GoogleMaps Module [NEW VERSION 3.0, 2009-02-22]

Posted: Thu 23. Sep 2010, 17:30
by mikimoto
I'm trying to play an animation with the google earth plugin, someone has tried to do? ... ying_tours

I put the code in the API script, but when i start the Earth plugin, the camera don't works and goes to the points as usual. :roll:

Re: GoogleMaps Module [NEW VERSION 3.0, 2009-02-22]

Posted: Sun 19. Dec 2010, 18:14
by swisscheese
A really fun module. Thanx breitsch for this excellent brain purge!
A question however: Now you can choose a article content for the maximized info window. Would it be possible to use a kind of article teaser in the small info window with a link to the article itself?


Re: GoogleMaps Module [NEW VERSION 3.0, 2009-02-22]

Posted: Mon 20. Dec 2010, 19:43
by breitsch
not out of the box.
only by hand with ID-link in the wysiwyg