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Charterset error V.1.0.7

Posted: Sat 19. May 2007, 20:17
by funkyrob
We have just implemented the calendar mod V.1.0.7, and we are experiencing the error as listed below when we want to add something.
Is there anyone who can offer support?
Many thanks in advance.

Yours sincerely
Rob Funk

Warning: htmlentities(): charset `3' not supported, assuming iso-8859-1 in /home/funk/

Re: Charterset error V.1.0.7

Posted: Mon 21. May 2007, 22:45
by Niedzielan
funkyrob wrote:We have just implemented the calendar mod V.1.0.7, and we are experiencing the error as listed below when we want to add something.
Is there anyone who can offer support?
Many thanks in advance.

Yours sincerely
Rob Funk

Warning: htmlentities(): charset `3' not supported, assuming iso-8859-1 in /home/funk/
I have the same problem including the following error

Warning: Wrong parameter count for substr() in /opt/users/s/b/sbo-piramide/ ... rAdmin.php on line 114

...please help! (Looks great though ) 8)

Qcalendar 1.0.7-error in QcalendarAdmin.php - solved

Posted: Tue 22. May 2007, 14:11
by petsta
Hi Folks,

in QcalendarAdmin.php line 114 I found a bracket at a wrong place. It must be exactly like in line 112 and then should look like this:

...title='".htmlentities(substr($this->monthNames[$nextMonth+1], 0, 3))..

Tested with phpWCMS 1.3.3, works perfectly after correction.

Good Luck!

Re: Qcalendar 1.0.7-error in QcalendarAdmin.php - solved

Posted: Thu 24. May 2007, 10:32
by Niedzielan
petsta wrote:Hi Folks,

in QcalendarAdmin.php line 114 I found a bracket at a wrong place. It must be exactly like in line 112 and then should look like this:

...title='".htmlentities(substr($this->monthNames[$nextMonth+1], 0, 3))..

Tested with phpWCMS 1.3.3, works perfectly after correction.

Good Luck!
Thanks, I saw that a bracket was missing, only didn't see that it was somewhere else in that line. Moving it to the right place worked for me! :)

I have another problem though, but I'm gonna try to solve it myself first...

Posted: Mon 28. May 2007, 16:29
by Niedzielan
OK, tried something myself, but I can't get it to work properly. I don't know what's wrong with the qCal code but this is what I get at the backend:



Look at the red circles! I can't edit or insert a calendar. And also the button's are empty...I haven't updated to the latest phpwcms version, but that shouldn't be the problem.

Can someone look at this please!

(PS. Why doesn't my image show?)

Posted: Mon 28. May 2007, 17:59
by MrPotter
Sorry that I write in german...
Also ich hab eine frische Kalender-Mod Installation (in phpwcms 1.3.3) und genau den selben Fehler wie ihr. Habe den Klammerfehler korrigiert und es läuft nun alles ohne Probleme!
Seid ihr euch sicher, im Code von petsta ein + stehen muss?

...title='".htmlentities(substr($this->monthNames[$nextMonth+1], 0, 3))..

In der falschen QCalenderAdmin.php ist in Zeile 112 nämlich ein minus so wie in 114! Demnach müsste es doch so aussehen:

...title='".htmlentities(substr($this->monthNames[$nextMonth-1], 0, 3))..

Ist mir nur aufgefallen...

Liebe Grüße

QcalendarAdmin.php line 114

Posted: Tue 29. May 2007, 10:49
by petsta
Hello Mr.Potter,

sorry, your absolutely right, line 114 should look like this:

...title='".htmlentities(substr($this->monthNames[$nextMonth-1], 0, 3))...

was just a forgotten part of my "experiments".

Posted: Tue 29. May 2007, 10:50
by nehemia
Hello JensZ,
I tried to understand your explanation below:
JensZ wrote:I don't know why this happens to some people. It is not a general issue, I mean the pictures are shown for me! So before you do this, I recommend that you check your image paths, for example remove the starting slash /:

<img src="/img/button/edit_22x13.gif" style="border:none;" />

If that doesn't work, try putting your site here:

<img src="" style="border:none;" />
Could you please explain, in which file I have to change that? Thank you for your patience.

Posted: Tue 29. May 2007, 11:32
by JensZ

Search through QCalendar.php and QCalendarAdmin.php for /img/ and replace with img/ (i.e. remove all forward slashes in front).


QCal does not support dutch language at the moment and your user setting is set to dutch. Here's what you need to do:
- in inc_lang folder make a copy of the en directory and call it nl. Your buttons etc should appear, but in English. I would be more than happy if you would like to translate it, and I'll include it in the next release... :D



Posted: Wed 30. May 2007, 20:50
by Niedzielan
JensZ wrote: @Niedzielan

QCal does not support dutch language at the moment and your user setting is set to dutch. Here's what you need to do:
- in inc_lang folder make a copy of the en directory and call it nl. Your buttons etc should appear, but in English. I would be more than happy if you would like to translate it, and I'll include it in the next release... :D


OK, I will. But only if you make the calendar work for me!! 8) :lol:
Your above solution worked just fine. I can see the buttons and the edit end add calendar links. Looks good.


When I click one of the links (New Calendar, Edit C, New event etc.) nothing happens. I think there's something wrong with the javascript onclick functions. I saw the function are in the qcal.js file, but I don't know if there's something wrong with those. Maybe path settings, but where?

I don't get a error message, only an error in IE statusbar:

with the text:
DataRequester encountered an unexpected exeption: 'undefined'.
The status code is: 404
Code: 0
URL: ... dule&p=444

Posted: Thu 31. May 2007, 09:13
by JensZ
What about Firefox?

Is there a file qcal.php in your PHPWCMS_ROOT?

Posted: Thu 31. May 2007, 15:55
by DeXXus
JensZ wrote:What about Firefox?

Is there a file qcal.php in your PHPWCMS_ROOT?
Here's the js execution (month forward) & response header using FireFox Firebug extension:

GET ... t.tmpl&404 (172ms)datarequestor-1.6.js (line 264)

Code: Select all



<TITLE>404 Not Found</TITLE>


<H1>Not Found</H1>

The requested URL /temp/phpwcms/qcal.php was not found on this server.<P>


<ADDRESS>Apache/1.3.34 Server at Port 80</ADDRESS>


Posted: Fri 1. Jun 2007, 20:50
by Niedzielan
DeXXus wrote:
JensZ wrote:What about Firefox?

Is there a file qcal.php in your PHPWCMS_ROOT?
Here's the js execution (month forward) & response header using FireFox Firebug extension:

GET ... t.tmpl&404 (172ms)datarequestor-1.6.js (line 264)

Code: Select all



<TITLE>404 Not Found</TITLE>


<H1>Not Found</H1>

The requested URL /temp/phpwcms/qcal.php was not found on this server.<P>


<ADDRESS>Apache/1.3.34 Server at Port 80</ADDRESS>

:oops: How could I forget that one...

We're getting there, but...

it is giving me an error "Session has timed out. Please log in again.". Why is "$_SESSION["wcs_user"]" empty??

When I ignore the error, by commentating the session check code, it still doesn't work properly. When I choose a calendar in the dropdownlist I see a calendar but the 'New Calendar, Edit...etc line dissapears. Even the dropdownlist itself isn't visible anymore.

Posted: Mon 25. Jun 2007, 21:32
by adrockmk2
Here is my calendar, I want all events to follow below it. What do I put in the template file (ie {QCAL}) to make them show up?

Anyone have any ideas? Is this possible?

Thanks! Great forum!

Posted: Mon 2. Jul 2007, 09:02
by JensZ
It's easy.

Have a reptag like this:

Code: Select all

main.tmpl contains

Code: Select all

<div id="eventsCalendar">
<div id="eventsList">
and event.tmpl contains

Code: Select all

<div class="calEvent">
<span class="calEventDayDetail">{DAY}  {TITLE}</span>
<div class="calEventFieldDetail"><b>When:</b> {TIME}</div>
<div class="calEventFieldDetail"><b>Where:</b> {LOCATION}</div>
<div class="calEventFieldDetail"><b>What:</b> {DESCRIPTION}</div>
