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Posted: Wed 17. Aug 2005, 14:06
by Apollo2000
But - does it matter?
It´s not a big problem, I know.
But I have all content on my sites aligned left without margin, even the article summary. So the most important page, the one with the news list, looks a bit different.

But maybe someone has an idea how this can be edited.

Posted: Wed 17. Aug 2005, 14:54
by erich_k4
Hello Volker!

Try this CSS:

#teaserTable {border:0px; margin:0px; padding:0px; border-collapse:collapse;}


Posted: Wed 17. Aug 2005, 17:03
by Apollo2000
Hi Erich,

thanks for your fast help.
Yes, it worked :D , and I had to add also #teaserTableRightCell-CSS to remove the margin completely.

One more question: How can I get a bigger margin between the last teaser text entry and the Pagelinktext at the bottom?
I tried with "AFTER= show after listing entry", but that produces a margin or line before and after all article listing entries?


Posted: Wed 17. Aug 2005, 17:59
by tinoo
Hi Apollo

Just add <div style="margin:20px 0 0 0; padding:0 0 0 0; clear:both;"></div> at the end of the template.... with margin you can control the cap...

Posted: Wed 17. Aug 2005, 19:23
by Apollo2000
Thx, tinoo.
I tried something like this before, but imho it can´t work.
The table in the template repeats in each single list entry, and so the margin also repeats at the end of all list entries.

What I need is a margin just between the last list entry and the Pagelinktext.

Posted: Wed 17. Aug 2005, 20:58
by erich_k4

try margin-bottom: e.g.
#teaserTable {border:0px; margin-bottom:50px; padding:0px; border-collapse:collapse;}


#teaserPageNav {

More info at ... bstand.htm


Posted: Thu 18. Aug 2005, 09:03
by Apollo2000
Thanks again, now it works and also looks great on my site :D

and btw:
While testing I discovered one thing: If you put a picture beside the teaser text that is higher than the text, it breaks into the the next list entry below, even through the image-line I use as [SPACER].

No problem for me, but maybe interesting for you as developer of this RT.

space before news-headline in firefox?

Posted: Sat 20. Aug 2005, 10:07
by ebser
first of all, many thanks to Erich for this great RT. I discovered a little problem with different browsers. With IE all works fine, but with Firefox and Opera there is sometimes a space before the news-headline. I think it occurs, if a picture is shown?
Look at: with Firefox, ...(4. news-item! "Bundestagswahl..")
My teaser_ex:
#teaserTable {border:0px; padding:10px; border-collapse:collapse;}
#teaserTableLeftCell { border-left:0px; padding:10px;}
#teaserTableRightCell {border-left:1px dotted #999999; padding:10px;}


erstmal vielen Dank an Erich für den tollen RT. Bei unterschiedlichen Browsern zeigen sich manchmal Unterschiede. Mit IE funktioniert alles, bei Firefox und Opera ist manchmal vor der News-Überschrift ein Leerraum zu sehen. Das passiert anscheinend nur, falls auch Bilder angezeigt werden?
Zu sehen ist das: mit Firefox, ...(4. news-item! "Bundestagswahl..")
Mein teaser_ex:
#teaserTable {border:0px; padding:10px; border-collapse:collapse;}
#teaserTableLeftCell { border-left:0px; padding:10px;}
#teaserTableRightCell {border-left:1px dotted #999999; padding:10px;}

Posted: Sat 20. Aug 2005, 10:35
by erich_k4
@ebser (and maybe @Apollo2000)

Check your template for the article listing!

The default one may not work correctly, so you will have to write your own.

Here is a samlpe template, used on my demosite:

Code: Select all

<div style="margin-bottom:10px;">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%">
[TITLE]<h2 style="margin:0 0 5px 0;"><a href="{ARTICLELINK}">{TITLE}</a></h2>[/TITLE]
[SUB]<h3 style="margin:0 0 5px 0;">{SUB}</h3>[/SUB]
<td valign="top">
<div style="float:left; margin-right:6px;">
[CAPTION]<div align="center">{CAPTION}</div>[/CAPTION]
[MORE]<a href="{ARTICLELINK}"><img src="images/more.gif" border="0" height=12 width=18></a>[/MORE]
(Modify and) save this file under phpwcms_template\inc_cntpart\articlesummary\list with .tmpl as extension and assign the new template (in the Backend) to each article you want to show with teaser_ex.


Posted: Sat 20. Aug 2005, 14:52
by ebser
Danke für den Tipp!
Mi angepasstem Template gibt es keine Probleme.

Posted: Wed 24. Aug 2005, 12:28
by Athas
hi to all,
finally after many problems teaser_ex works on my website. I have just a qestion about the order on which the articles are listed. Is it possible to have a random list? I mean to have a different list order each time? I have a website where I have some link to webcams and it would be great to have a random visualizatio in order ot have all the webcams in the first page at leat one time.

Thanks in advance

Riccardo V.

Posted: Thu 25. Aug 2005, 21:27
by cbmr777
Hi Erich!

Learning PHPWCMS and want to use your replacement tag to post family news from differnt categories on our personal family website. I got it installed but am seeing the replacement tag as text, not the news. Could you please tell me what I did wrong?

I am on php 4.3.10, Apache 1.3.33, MySQL 4.0.25 standard, register OFF.

Thanks so much!

Posted: Fri 26. Aug 2005, 03:33
by StudioZ
Good Job erich_k4 :D
Just installed your RT in 1.2.5 DEV, and it worked right out of the box...
Just as announced :wink:

Many thanks for your efforts and Hats Up! :D

Posted: Fri 26. Aug 2005, 08:55
by erich_k4

min. phpwcms-version for teaser_ex is 1.2.1DEV....


Posted: Sat 27. Aug 2005, 04:39
by StudioZ
Looking for a small and minor tweak....:wink:

I am trying to put the category name on it's own single line, rather than being immediately followed by the article title.
How could I edit this line? (~ 327):

$tmpl = render_cnt_template($tmpl, 'TITLE', html_specialchars($article_list[$key]["article_catname"]." - ".$article_list[$key]["article_title"]));

the " - " being the part where I need to replace with a break like "<br />" but it is not being taken :roll:

What I want to acheive is this:

Category Name Here
Article Title Here
Followed of course, by the summary
text Followed of course, by the summary
text Followed of course, by the
summary text ...
