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Posted: Thu 28. Jul 2005, 11:54
by frold
iceman wrote:I'm not aware of awstats - can you link me please?
Is it a better solution?
try to search on awstats on google :wink:

Posted: Thu 28. Jul 2005, 23:43
by pSouper

Posted: Thu 28. Jul 2005, 23:51
by iceman
Fantastic looking stats, tahnks very much, just what I was after.

Posted: Mon 21. Nov 2005, 08:09
by dasphatman
I get this error when trying to view VTS in the admin error...

Code: Select all

Fatal error: Undefined class name 'phpopentracker_config' in /mysite/include/inc_ext/phpOpenTracker/tmpl/ on line 48
Any idea!!!?

Please help!


Posted: Mon 21. Nov 2005, 08:49
by Paal
dasphatman wrote:I get this error when trying to view VTS in the admin error...

Code: Select all

Fatal error: Undefined class name 'phpopentracker_config' in /mysite/include/inc_ext/phpOpenTracker/tmpl/ on line 48
Any idea!!!?

Please help!
- phpWcms version?
- vts version?


Can you upgrade VTS POT?

Posted: Mon 16. Jan 2006, 17:43
by rtilghman
Can I update this to the latest version of phpOpenTracker (1.5.2)? I'd like to incorporate the latest bug fixes and optimations, but I don't know how "customization" for PHPwcms works... are presentation and the pot logic separate, or is it an integrated whole that would make upgrading highly problematic?

Any help is appreciated.


Posted: Tue 17. Jan 2006, 08:05
by JensZ
I updated a while back and had no problems. The structure is the same and I think that the phpwcms specific files lie outside. I don't remember running into any problems.


Posted: Thu 19. Jan 2006, 02:30
by madgyver
Does this one still works with the new version of Phpwcms?

The code has changed quite a bit, and it is really difficult to do the howto, because of missing/modified lines of code.

I tried to install it, but it might be that I made mistakes/it doesn't work or stuff.
After my (now 6x) Installation the vts option is there in the admin section. When I click on it i get a menü at the left with stuff like stats today and so on. But if I click on them nothing happens.

Does anyone know?


DB data IS correct.
Folders ARE 777
Files are 777 NOW TOO
Tables HAVE been created

I'm sorry guys, but I did and checked this very often now so don't say stuff like "check db settings or folders" or "Do it again"

It's just that the code in the Howto doesn't match the new Version of Phpwcms.


Posted: Sat 28. Jan 2006, 16:43
by bw
phpwcms v1.2.5-DEV

Leider erhalte ich nach der Installation folgende Fehlermeldungen:

Code: Select all

Notice: Undefined variable: i in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 218

Notice: Undefined variable: i in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 219

Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 223
Die Fehlermeldung erscheint im Backend in den Feldern:

"Top Betriebssystem"
"Top Host"

... einfach überall dort wo es schon Einträge gibt.

Habe etwas ausprobiert ...

Wenn ich in der Datei "phpOpenTracker.php"
den folgenden Code auskommentiere ist der Fehler weg:

Code: Select all

	function cleanup_tmp($dir) {
		$files = array();
		$dir = opendir($dir);
//		while(false !== ($file = readdir($dir))) {
//			$files[$i] = $file;
//			$i++;
//		}
		for ($i = 0; $i < count($files); $i++) {
			$buffer = explode("-", $files[$i]);
			if ($buffer[0] == "tmp" && $buffer[1] < (date("U") - 300)) {
Meine externen Links haben nach der Installation von VTS nicht mehr

Wenn ich den folgenden Code in der index.php weglasse gehen sie wieder:

Code: Select all

// replace all external URLs with exit.php?url=exit_url
	//preg_match_all("#<a href=(\"|')http://([^\"']+)(\"|')#i",$content["all"],$content_treffer,PREG_SET_ORDER);
	//$cnt_anz = count($content_treffer);
	//for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt_anz; $i++) {
	//$content["all"] = str_replace($content_treffer[$i][0],"<a href=\"exit.php?url=".urlencode($content_treffer[$i][2])."\"",$content["all"]);
Kann man das so stehen lassen?


Posted: Sat 25. Feb 2006, 11:40
by pieterbeulens
Hi there,

I just tried to install the VTS system (latest version available) on my local (WinXP with latest version of Xampp installed) phpwcms installation (latest version, 1.2.6DEV 14-12-05). I have found out where to put all the changes, and I see the VTS menu in backend, but when I click it, I get
Fatal error: Class 'phpOpenTracker_Config' not found in C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\phpwcms\include\inc_ext\phpOpenTracker\tmpl\ on line 48
I saw this error multiple times in this thread, but no one seems to know an answer. Hoping to get one now, though! Thanks in advance.

VTS Visitor Tracking System and Version 1.2.6

Posted: Tue 28. Mar 2006, 16:44
by axelS
Hi all,

Got VTS to work with 1.2.6 (the latest 14/12/05)!

There's only one part in the install file that needs to be changed for it to work correctly. I did not need to make any other changes :-D

Download: Updated Install File (vts126.txt a.k.a. howto.txt)

Have fun and let me know how it works out for you.


Posted: Fri 31. Mar 2006, 10:22
by marcus@localhorst

am I blind? or why I doesn't finde the download of VTS?
could someone post the last VTS release? would be very cool.
thank you.

edit: I am blind. the downloadlink is still on the emedia page :oops:

Posted: Fri 31. Mar 2006, 10:33
by axelS

Posted: Mon 10. Apr 2006, 12:01
by marcus@localhorst
holla, again a vts question,
the stat doesn't display the exit targets and top referrers. why?
it's strange, because the sxit.php works well and the DB Tables are filled by the exit targets... I noticed that by some other sites too, but now I like to know it :-)

thanks marcus

Posted: Mon 10. Apr 2006, 12:10
by axelS
Hmm.. same here. The ones w/o data showing are:

- Top Exit Document
- Top Exit Target
- Top Search engines (empty table)
- Top Search keywords (no table?)

Also, the SVG graphs are not working. All I get is the XML file although SVGs work elsewhere in my browser?