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Posted: Sat 13. Mar 2004, 20:15
by kurtyy

the blog isn't my stuff, it's an other hack i just wan't to try, so just drop this stuff ;-)
it doesn't work on my cms too.

i don't publish my file dir, thats why the folders 1..10 , thumbs an so on are not provided !

IT's no install version !!!!!!


Re: NEW cust_act_download.php

Posted: Sat 13. Mar 2004, 20:31
by frold
kurtyy wrote:okay the new file is available under: ... php.tar.gz

please replace the cust_act_download.php provided in inculde/inc_act - directory

where to find this?

Re: NEW cust_act_download.php

Posted: Sat 13. Mar 2004, 21:07
by kurtyy
frold wrote:
kurtyy wrote:okay the new file is available under: ... php.tar.gz

please replace the cust_act_download.php provided in inculde/inc_act - directory

where to find this? ... php.tar.gz

Posted: Sat 13. Mar 2004, 22:49
by Jan212


Download the files at: ... php.tar.gz

1. Run the CMS Basic Setup. Setup the right values in cms/.htpassword and .htaccess

1a) Don't patch up (now it's on 15.02.2004) - kurtyy will patch it as soon as possible.

2. Run the following SQL Code:
a) To create frontend user
CREATE TABLE `phpwcms_front_users` (
`user_id` tinyint(4) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`creation_date` timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
`user_name` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
`user_pass` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`user_full_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`user_email` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`user_active` char(1) NOT NULL default 'Y',
`user_admin` char(1) NOT NULL default 'N',
PRIMARY KEY (`user_id`)

b) Create the Blog Addons Table
CREATE TABLE `phpwcms_blog` (
`blog_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`blog_author` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`blog_date` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
`blog_uid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`blog_title` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`blog_summary` blob NOT NULL,
`blog_aktiv` int(1) NOT NULL default '0',
`blog_public` int(1) NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY (`blog_id`),
KEY `date` (`blog_date`)
WARNING - remember to include your "db_prepend" eg: cms_table_phpwcms_front_users !!!

3. That's it.


You can use the following Replacement Tags.

1. {LOGIN} - showw the Login Form (Login for Frontend Users).
2. {SITEMAP} - creates a menu based sitemap in a pop up window.
3. {FRONTUSEREMAIL} - shows the email of the frontend user.
4. {FRONTUSERNAME} - shows the whole name of the frontend user.
5. {FRONTLOGOFF} - generates a logoff button for the frontend user.

With this Tags you can define the Content status.

6. [LOGIN] only visible for logged in users [/LOGIN]
7. [NOLOGIN] only visible for logged out users [/NOLOGIN]
8. [ADMINLOGIN] only visible for logged in admins [/ADMINLOGIN]


1. You can setup the Frontend Users
2. Htmlarena comes with two new features
-include dyn-functions (date...) --> if u need more, tell me
-add pictures from database, just using an comfortable select list
(pictures need to be set public AND active in the file area !!!!)

And another nice thing:

Now you can include PHP in articles like this:
<? echo date("D.M.Y") ; ?>

:?: Questions

Posted: Sat 13. Mar 2004, 23:09
by frold

Posted: Sat 13. Mar 2004, 23:36
by Jan212
thanks frold - it's my saturday night blindness :oops:

Posted: Sat 13. Mar 2004, 23:43
by frold
Jan212 wrote:thanks frold - it's my saturday night blindness :oops:
the night is young!! :wink:

Posted: Sat 13. Mar 2004, 23:57
by Jan212
that's right - but i am allready stoned*... :lol: :shock: :cry: :wink: (*of course from my legally tobacco - i think it's because one of the 2400 additives and sitting 24hours on my computer)

Posted: Sun 14. Mar 2004, 01:29
by frold
Jan212 wrote:...and sitting 24hours on my computer)
Now I know why... try to jump off your computer.. why sitting on it? :D

Posted: Sun 14. Mar 2004, 01:57
by Jan212
now i am going to jump off it... good night everybody.

Posted: Sun 14. Mar 2004, 06:11
by ionrock
Hey all,
I was out of town and will post Jan's tutorial and the file on my site tomorrow. It looks like great stuff.

Also, if anyone is having problems with the blog hack please let me know. I don't know if I will make any updates to it for a while but I know there are some things I need to add to clear up some issues.

I missed spending too much time on these forums ;)

Posted: Sun 14. Mar 2004, 11:34
by StefanR
Das ist ja alles sehr toll, was der Kurtyy und sein Kollege da gemacht haben, aber mich interessiert einfach mal, wass passiert wenn Oliver G. ein neues Update rausbringt, ob das denn alles überschrieben wird oder ob da was abgesprochen wurde.

Posted: Sun 14. Mar 2004, 13:36
by Jan212
Kein Problem, die Entwicklung läuft, das richtet sich ja momentan hier an Leute die ambitioniert die Weiterentwicklung verfolgen, und die wissen auch bescheid was sich ändert. Der Olli weiß auch bescheid, wir werden da schon 'ne gute Lösung finden. (wahrscheinlich wird das ein oder andere von kurtyys works eh schon im nächsten patch mit dabei sein.)

Posted: Sun 14. Mar 2004, 21:09
by pSouper
YAY: internet back up: my isp has been down and i was sad :cry:

now I have installed as best as i know how, all the kurty/ionrock mods but either can't get the [login][/login] etc.. to work or just don't understand what to do.

I was using [LOGIN]login here[/LOGIN] as i would any other repTag - i this correct? I dont get anything show up in the article :(

should i MOVE the contents of the new INC dir to anywhere ? or leave in the phpwcmsRoot/inc forlder ?

{SITEMAP} works, thanks ;)
Blog works BUT my htmlarea throw errors messagebox's now...

1: [JavaScript Application] ERROR [createSelect]: can't find the requested dropdown definition.

2: [JavaScript Application] FIXME: unknown toolbar item: insertimagebd

3: [JavaScript Application] ERROR [createSelect]: can't find the requested dropdown definition.

4: [JavaScript Application] FIXME: unknown toolbar item: grepsite

any ideas?

ps. all the inc_moduls/modBlog contents should be MOVED to thier coresponding dir's


Posted: Sun 14. Mar 2004, 21:36
by kurtyy

pleas try the following stuff:





logged in as: {FRONTUSERNAME}






-->only visble to users not logged in to frontend
--> show the Login Form

the htmlarena problem look's to me like, not all customized files are in use !!!!

make sure to use the new:

also the new files in htmlarena/popup folder & the htmlarea.js are needed too !!!

r. kurtyy