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Posted: Tue 22. Nov 2005, 14:04
by ssyfrig

It’ me again. I installed a clean version of 1.2.5 on my dev machine. And installed the Modifications as written here in this post. All works fine. Except the Navigation Point isn’t visible in the NAV_TABLE_COLUMN.

I tried also the alternative Solution with is stored in the folder phpwcms_code_snippets. But I think this cannot bet he solution or I doesn’t understand.

I hope any body can help me, because I have site running Release 1.1-RC4 27-08-2004 and I cannot upgrade before I have a proper FE Login Function

Thanks for any help


Posted: Fri 25. Nov 2005, 09:37
by ssyfrig
:cry: :cry: nobody can help?

thanks, Sven

Posted: Thu 2. Feb 2006, 07:59
by maxx

Tried to apply this enhancement, but unsuccessfully. I reached the login screen, but while entering user/pwd data it reloaded login screen :(

So, my question is what kind of user I should create in backend (I used 'frontend'), and how site structure settings (status, frontend menu status, authorized to access) and article status should be set.

And one more thing, I created structure level with alias 'login', then after some time I deleted it, but seems that in some db tables alias is still present, because I can't create similary aliased level again, and in frontend while going to index?login it diplays empty content part, while with other non-existing aliases I see regular index.php.
Which table(s) I should modify to get rid of it?

Thanks and regards,

Posted: Thu 2. Feb 2006, 09:10
by DeXXus
`acat_alias` is in table `phpwcms_articlecat`

Posted: Fri 21. Apr 2006, 23:43
by amps5000
Hallo Leute
Ich brauche auch ein Members Area für meine Seite also ein Mitgliederbereich. Beginnend mit der Funktion dass sich die Mitglieder registrieren können und auch enloggen können.
Danach sollen diese in einen geschützten Downloadbereich kommen können.
Habt ihr das hier realisiert oder wie ist das ausgegangen?
Würde mihc über Tips diesbezüglich sehr freuen. Ich verende die Version 1.1.RC2