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Posted: Mon 7. Aug 2006, 23:59
by Pappnase

i updated also to the latest release from today. the problem i had now is that the gt mod don't work :-(

is there anything i need to look for!?

Posted: Tue 8. Aug 2006, 00:02
by cyrano
thx Oliver,
tried this and got for DOC ROOT: "/home/subfolder/public_html"

have done this, but path to FCKeditor still mising something.

I use:

Code: Select all

$phpwcms["site"]              = "http://domainname.tld/~foldername/";
and this foldername seems to be required to get to full path to FCKeditor, tried this manually in adressline, than i can call the FCKeditor directly without backend.

any further ideas to get the subfolder in complete path call?

Thank you again.

at the moment i get this error and path info:

Code: Select all

Not Found
The requested URL /include/inc_ext/FCKeditor2/editor/fckeditor.html was not found on this server.
I guess it should be:

Code: Select all

right? or am i wrong with this?

Posted: Tue 8. Aug 2006, 00:08
by Pappnase
Pappnase wrote:hello

i updated also to the latest release from today. the problem i had now is that the gt mod don't work :-(

is there anything i need to look for!?
hehe damn

i'm an stupid tired oliver i forget to upload the fonts! :-)

so all is clear!

Posted: Tue 8. Aug 2006, 07:57
by Oliver Georgi
cyrano wrote: I guess it should be:

Code: Select all

Yes and no. Would you please try what happens when you set your include/inc_lib/ as this in line 44/45:

Code: Select all

$oFCKeditor->BasePath = PHPWCMS_URL.'include/inc_ext/FCKeditor2/';
$oFCKeditor->Config['CustomConfigurationsPath']	= PHPWCMS_URL.'config/phpwcms/fckeditor_config.js.php';

Posted: Tue 8. Aug 2006, 10:55
by cyrano
Hi Oliver,

tried your suggested changing of paths, so there is now no error anymore, but just a blank area where FCKeditor should appear.

The paths are now correct displayed, but still get an javascript error.

So not final but closer than before.

Re: 1. Versuch mit 1.2.8 :: erste Fehler!!!

Posted: Tue 8. Aug 2006, 12:09
by tinoo
Oliver Georgi wrote: For me it is! Upload all files, empty browser cache, enable JavaScript!
Upload was done, JavaScript was enabled - so it has to do with the browser cache. It wokrs now for me as well. Nice feature :!:

Posted: Tue 8. Aug 2006, 12:11
by tinoo
pepe wrote:Neues gefunden.... nicht die Fehler, sondern neue Spielzeuge!!! ???
Contentpart "Artikelmenü" sieht vielversprechend aus.... Das gabs in meiner 1.2.3-dev so noch nicht... :wink:

Posted: Tue 8. Aug 2006, 17:36
by cyrano
FCKeditor is now running!

I changed as OG suggested this:
Yes and no. Would you please try what happens when you set your include/inc_lib/ as this in line 44/45:

Code: Select all

$oFCKeditor->BasePath = PHPWCMS_URL.'include/inc_ext/FCKeditor2/';
$oFCKeditor->Config['CustomConfigurationsPath']   = PHPWCMS_URL.'config/phpwcms/fckeditor_config.js.php';
and installed picos edition 2.3.1 of FCKeditor, added the values for and now it's running.
Don't know why not the standard FCKeditor, is now also 2.3.1 version.

Thank you for all who helped my digging this out.

Posted: Tue 8. Aug 2006, 17:42
by flip-flop
V1.2.8 2006/08/07

Hi at all,

using the "admin" edit article button at the frontend:
A series of articles aren´t displayed.

Output using "admin" edit article:
-> An empty backend is visible.

All other CPs and article types working well.

Right adress at the backend: ... &s=1&id=46

regards Knut

Posted: Tue 8. Aug 2006, 17:57
by Oliver Georgi
Not totally correct what you are saying - this just happens for article listings. I have it fixed.


Posted: Wed 9. Aug 2006, 17:40
by Rahner
XHTML Valid?

After the Update I get 11 Errors in W3 Validator!
All with my clean CSS Layout...

I searched a bit an found out:

If a Site redirects externally this error occures:

Code: Select all

<a href="" target = "" title="Wars World Forum">&raquo;Wars World Forum</a>
What's wrong? Target="" is wrong! there is the Attribute missing, for example: "_blank" or "_self" !

In the RT {NEW:Integer}:

Code: Select all

<p><a href="index.php?id=60,58,0,0,1,0"><span class="datelink">2006/08/07 - </span>Fonds Survivalguide</a>
<p><a href="index.php?id=59,57,0,0,1,0"><span class="datelink">2006/08/07 - </span>Zeit Survivalguide</a>
You see?
It has to be:

Code: Select all

<p><span class="datelink"><a href="index.php?id=60,58,0,0,1,0">2006/08/07 - </span>Fonds Survivalguide</a></p>


Code: Select all

<td valign="top" rowspan="2" nowrap><img src="img/article/intlink_1.gif" alt="" /><img src="img/leer.gif" width="1" height="11" alt="" /></td>
This in my SourceCode?! Why O.G.?
What is nowrap???


Posted: Wed 9. Aug 2006, 19:17
by Oliver Georgi
Really don't post such crap!

I'm a bit angry about your postings here.

Always check YOUR settings twice before posting and if there is a possible way to solve it yourself.

I would be glad to see these at SourceForge as bug listing - not here in the forum.

And really - nearly NONE of CMS processed content is 100% valid when checked against W3C validator. For me - normally - the Firefox HTML Validator is a good checker. And most of your "NO!" are just warnings!

Man please - I like hints and critics - but I HATE when somebody is CRYING here without enough knowing of phpwcms. Don't forget - 1.2.8 is released here to find such stuff before it becomes official public.

I will go running now to come down. :evil:


Posted: Wed 9. Aug 2006, 20:43
by terry_b
Rahner wrote:XHTML Valid?

After the Update I get 11 Errors in W3 Validator!
All with my clean CSS Layout...

I searched a bit an found out:

If a Site redirects externally this error occures:

Code: Select all

<a href="" target = "" title="Wars World Forum">&raquo;Wars World Forum</a>
What's wrong? Target="" is wrong! there is the Attribute missing, for example: "_blank" or "_self" !

In the RT {NEW:Integer}:

Code: Select all

<p><a href="index.php?id=60,58,0,0,1,0"><span class="datelink">2006/08/07 - </span>Fonds Survivalguide</a>
<p><a href="index.php?id=59,57,0,0,1,0"><span class="datelink">2006/08/07 - </span>Zeit Survivalguide</a>
You see?
It has to be:

Code: Select all

<p><span class="datelink"><a href="index.php?id=60,58,0,0,1,0">2006/08/07 - </span>Fonds Survivalguide</a></p>


Code: Select all

<td valign="top" rowspan="2" nowrap><img src="img/article/intlink_1.gif" alt="" /><img src="img/leer.gif" width="1" height="11" alt="" /></td>
This in my SourceCode?! Why O.G.?
What is nowrap???

What the hell is wrong with you?

If you are not happy with something, then move on and try something else. The last version is not final for God sake! The version is there for us to test. I can't believe such attitude!

If you have any constructive request/suggestion/remark, then post in the the appropriate forum. If you want to cry then avoid posting!



Posted: Wed 9. Aug 2006, 22:15
by Gastropoint
Rahner wrote:XHTML Valid?

After the Update I get 11 Errors in W3 Validator!
All with my clean CSS Layout...


Ich sach, gibt doch nix schöneres aus sich so derart selbst ins aus zu schiessen! *ROFL*

@ Rahner: Ja...und nun gehst wieder zurück in den Sandkasten und tust weiter mit deinen Eimer und Formen spielen! :)

@OG: nicht laufen, springen! Die Idee des Public-Beta Tests find ich Klasse, leider bleiben Dir da eben solche Kommentare auch nicht erspart, was solls!

Posted: Thu 10. Aug 2006, 00:40
by Oliver Georgi
Ok - jetzt werden wir aber wieder sachlich. Bitte diese Diskussion hier nicht weitertreiben und beleidigend werden!
