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Re: disappointed 2

Posted: Thu 16. Feb 2006, 10:39
by mikepkp17
phalancs wrote: But wouldn't it be much easier if people came aoround with their teasing news at least close to some beta release dates???
I think it is not important if the code is pre-alpha, beta or whatsoever. It is not necessary to have a perfect codebase or a finished product to share it with others.

If the blog module is not finished yet because shiny didn't have the time why not sharing the code and let others finish it (or enhance it)?

I think interested people do have the time to improve the code/installation/documentation...

Would this be a possible way? Shiny, what do you think?

Posted: Fri 17. Feb 2006, 02:29
by Kosse
From shiny's website:
shiny wrote:To people coming here from the PHPWCMS forums:

I haven't forgotten you. I promise. You will have your blog! (it's not vapourware either, you're looking at it!)
He wrote that on his blog today, so it will come, patience...
I've been tossing myself with some features of the blog thing (moo.fx) and it's not an easy piece of cake, providing a lot of js/php is added and tweaked, so time is indeed an issue...


Posted: Fri 17. Feb 2006, 09:53
by phalancs
great news.

i love that sliding feature of the comments part, i could just sit and slide all day long :)

Posted: Fri 17. Feb 2006, 10:05
by Kosse
phalancs wrote:great news.

i love that sliding feature of the comments part, i could just sit and slide all day long :)
I can show you how you could do it, pm me ;)


Posted: Tue 28. Feb 2006, 14:04
by shiny
Hello everyone,

I'm currently at work at the moment so I'll keep this brief. Sorry to see that some people are getting really upset about this - I can assure you that it gives me no pleasure to see this happen, and it does make me feel terribly guilty. The simple fact is that my new job has really taken off (I've been working 19-hour days for the last week or so, for example) and time has been short of late. The good news is that it's slacking off after today.

I'd just like to clear up that there is no question about whether I'll release the code or not. You will get it. I'm not the kind of guy who enjoys winding peopel up.

It's the least I can do to give you some recent backend shots, so here are a couple:

(iManager in the second one has rendering issues with Firefox).

Speak soon. I'm really sorry for the delays.

Posted: Tue 28. Feb 2006, 15:40
by Kosse
Hi Shiny,

I'm with you ALL THE WAY! Keep it up, forum's with you!
Good luck with your new job (don't give them too much, as they might get used to it ... ;)

A fan,


Posted: Tue 28. Feb 2006, 16:33
by Ben
Wow - nice work! It looks really good.

Posted: Sun 5. Mar 2006, 20:35
by Ben_Hook
BTW Shiny which frontend login do you use? just asking questions while i wait for the first release :wink:

Posted: Sun 5. Mar 2006, 21:20
by DeXXus

*Just guessing* but it ~looks~ like one of these:

From this thread:

From "source":
<form name="login_formular" method="post" action="/login.php" autocomplete="off">
<form name="login_formular" method="post" action="http://localhost/fl/fl/frm_Login.php?" autocomplete="off">

Posted: Mon 6. Mar 2006, 19:33
by Ben_Hook
Ahh ok thanks... I was about to install that but i found This
The problem is, it doesn't seem to be compatible with 1.2.5 or 1.2.6 and it comes as a complete cms package. I was unable to extract just the mod from it :( I don't know if anyone's done that yet but i just like the design and how they have a category for backend users and a separate one for frontend.

Posted: Tue 7. Mar 2006, 09:27
by shiny
Frontend-login wise, I didn't do anything fancy at all. Quite simply, I just pulled the source code for the form out of the phpwcms.php login form, pasted the fields into the border template and changed how they looked.

That's all you need to do, really - all you need is the correctly-named forms and the correct action="xxx" attribute and it should work as advertised. Notice that it doesn't show who's logged in or anything like that - I just use it as a shortcut to logging on, myself.

A bit more explanation, and some features and stuff...

Posted: Tue 7. Mar 2006, 10:15
by shiny
Hello again all, thought I'd give a bit more of an update of where it's all at at the moment.

In the past people have quite rightly asked why I can't simply pull the code straight out of the website and dump it into a .zip file for people to test. The answer is, that I've made quite a few little modifications here and there to phpwcms to extend the functionality of the module and thus it's rather more integrated with the CMS than you might expect. My main question is, do people want these things left in? They are (more or less) as follows:

- "My Blogs". Since Phpwcms (or the version I'm running, at least) doesn't have 'proper' user management, this causes problems since the blog module allows for multi-user blogs. This could probably be solved by using a front-end system for blog editing, but for now I've solved it by making a small modification to the backend that displays this in the main navigation area for non-admin users instead of the admin controls:


It's not perfect, but it should be enough to deter casual fiddlers without any knowledge of Phpwcms. It basically means that non-admin users become 'blog-only' users, who can only write on blogs and nothing else. This is fine for my purposes, but I'm not sure how useful this would be for other people.

- iManager integration with TinyMCE. As you'd probably noticed in the screenshots above, I've integrated TinyMCE with my copy of Phpwcms, and I've added iManager so that you can upload and manipulate images directly from your browser into your blog. Would people like me to leave this in?

- Per-user image directories for blogs. If you're like me, you probably don't want the users of your blogs using each other's images in their blogs, or indeed all the ones in your images directory. You could set up a "blog images" directory for everyone to just pool things into, but I've set up a minor hack in iManager and Phpwcms so that users have access to directories thus:

Admin Users = /i/blogs (and everything below it, i.e. all user directories)
Sample Users:
mavis = /i/blogs/mavis
quentin = /i/blogs/quentin
mike = /i/blogs/mike

I was thinking of making this minor hack available separately.

So, erm, thoughts, anyone?

Moo.FX limitations

Posted: Tue 7. Mar 2006, 10:24
by shiny
[Sorry for all the replies, but this is on a different subject so I thought it important that it didn't get lost in the others]

One final thing that I've just thought of is to do with the sliding comments that everyone seems quite keen on :) For them to work correctly in Internet Explorer (due to a bug in its rendering of 0px-high elements) you'll need to add this <!DOCTYPE> to the top of your index.php so it's rendered before anything else on the page:

Code: Select all

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
People may have a problem with this, since it'll more than likely be giving a false DOCTYPE for the content that you're actually providing, and thus if you're trying to run your site through W3C standards checkers then you'll find a lot of (false) errors. You can blame Microsoft though, it's not your fault - it's their browser. The problem should be fixed with IE7 afaik.

I'll work out exactly where I added this (I can't remember offhand) and make sure I note it in the documentation. [/code]

Posted: Tue 7. Mar 2006, 11:05
by Fulvio Romanin
anyway my answer is "yes" for all three questions, as long as TinyMCE doesn't replaces fckeditor in other content parts... :)

Posted: Tue 7. Mar 2006, 11:07
by shiny
Fulvio Romanin wrote:anyway my answer is "yes" for all three questions, as long as TinyMCE doesn't replaces fckeditor in other content parts... :)
Ah, well, currently it *does*, you see... Should I look into making it separate, do you think?