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Posted: Sun 25. Sep 2005, 21:08
by Christian
@ Wittrock,

Ich hätte eine große bitte an dich, könntest Du die modifizierten Datein hier eventuell anhängen, ich schnall das nicht ganz, habe zwar alles so gemacht wie Du es beschrieben hast, doch habe ich das Problem mit dem nicht richtig angezeigten Code, egal was ich mache es klappt einfach nicht.


Posted: Tue 27. Sep 2005, 08:30
by dbaron
Hello Pappnase

Did you have some time for that ?

Pappnase wrote:
Kosse wrote:
Pappnase wrote: i know that it work! i have seen it in progress. oliver g. showed at me at one of his sites ! :-)
Where, where...? Pappnase you're soo mysterious... :wink:
I guess you'll take your nice sunday off (take a break man, brain needs oxygen too ) :lol: , go vote, and then... post it! (at least the URI of demo site right?). Thx for the info, I guess you will make a LOT of people happy with it (n'est-ce pas Frold?) :P


hehe i done all you write yesterday.
but i can't offer the link cos it's an site of oliver g. for an costumer.
today i have a very stressy day so i hope that i can find the right way for the script today at the evenning!

got it working

Posted: Fri 30. Sep 2005, 20:00
by phalancs
Great, i found the error.

As most of you i was missing the actual login form itself.

There is an error in the script:

Step 3 has to look like this:

Step 3:

Code: Select all

Find the following in include/inc_front/ 
// put in the complete rendered content 
$content["all"] = str_replace('{CONTENT}', $content["main"], $content["all"]); 
and replace it with the following:

Code: Select all

if(empty($_SESSION['frontend_user']['id']) && $content["struct"][$aktion[0]]['acat_regonly']==1) { 
// put in the login form instead of complete content 
$content["all"] = str_replace('{CONTENT}', $fe_login_form, $content["all"]); 
} else 
// put in the complete rendered content 
$content["all"] = str_replace('{CONTENT}', $content["main"], $content["all"]); 

Thanx for the one who mentioned problems with the comments. IN this part the comment also commented out this line:

As you can guess this is the Kasus Knaxus line, that prevented our sites from showing the login thingy.

Now it should work fine!
Great script so far, thanx!

I am glad if I could help someone.

Thank you

Posted: Sun 2. Oct 2005, 06:27
by yasa
Thank you for the correction. It is work... :P


Posted: Mon 3. Oct 2005, 09:14
by dbaron
Yes, it works very well.

Thanks for every body who helps

Posted: Tue 4. Oct 2005, 08:35
by dbaron
I need some help for a little modification: :idea:

I would like to replace the logout button by a replacement tag like [LOGOUT_FRONTEND] Text or Image [/LOGOUT_FRONTEND].

I don't know about programming.

I thank you in advance 8)


Posted: Thu 6. Oct 2005, 21:32
by phalancs
step 4 is what you have to change:

Step 4:

Save the following as phpwcms_template/inc_script/frontend_render/logout.php

Code: Select all

// by Tamer ERDOGAN, 2005 - returns logout submit button 
$logout_form = '

<form class="logout_form" name="fe_login" method="post" action="'.FE_CURRENT_URL.'" style="margin:0;padding:0;"> 
<input type="submit" name="fe_user_logout" id="fe_user_logout" value="Abmelden" class="logout_button"></form>

if( ! ( strpos($content["all"],'{LOGOUT')===false ) ) { 
$content["all"] = str_replace("{LOGOUT}", $logout_form, $content["all"]); 
// LOGOUT replacement (by Tamer ERDOGAN, 2005) 
// ------------------------------------------------------------- 
the form part that I seperated is the part with the form content, i am not sure what to change to make it an image button because i dont understand the action="'.FE_CURRENT_URL.'" part.

Perhaps you can change this to

<a href=".FE_CURRENT_URL."><img src="yourimage.gif">/a>

but i am not sure about the usage of that variable there.
Well the rest of it has to be changed too, but i got no clue in what way.

At least!

Posted: Fri 7. Oct 2005, 08:44
by dbaron
Thanks, I will try

Posted: Fri 7. Oct 2005, 09:37
by Jakim José
rushclub wrote:frontend user arent supported in 1.2.5 dev. oliver will release a new version in the next weeks. i think you will see it in the forums when frontend users are supported ;)
I'm waiting.

Posted: Sat 8. Oct 2005, 10:15
by omaha
I was able to make this work (im on 1.2.5) But when it comes to protect the content, it doesnt work for me. As i tried many things (check/uncheck visible for users logged only category and then article with cache off checked/unchecked, reset cache, delete cache, etc, etc) im sure theres must be something wrong in my setup.

So i will appreciate if someone can actually show which is the best way to make content visible only for logged users. I think that in some way was explained in german some posts before, but will be better to have it in english.

Thanks in advance

Posted: Fri 14. Oct 2005, 20:56
by d-lexy
I have a similar question to omaha.

My setup is not protecting the content, but its probably a mistake on my end, and I will redo everything from scratch tonight. However, how do you protect the content: by taking off the checkmark from public? by adding usernames to allowed list?

Thanks for any help!

Posted: Thu 20. Oct 2005, 20:18
by Florian
Hey there,

I wan't to get the login running with the menu structure. However, "hidden" pages are not shown in the menue. If I put the switch to "visible for users logged on only" it's also not shown to logged in users. So it seem's to me, that it's impossible to have sites only shown to logged in user, isn't it?


Posted: Tue 25. Oct 2005, 11:27
by previn
I cant wait to get a new version of phpwcms. Hopefully with front-user login working with the navigation tags. Best CMS ever...


It works

Posted: Mon 14. Nov 2005, 15:47
by caramello
It even works in 1.2.6. Follow the instructions on this forum.

Posted: Mon 21. Nov 2005, 17:10
by ssyfrig

First thanks to all to create this Hack.

I have ...

site structure

- Intern (visible for users logged on only)
-- Mitglieder (visible for users logged on only)
-- RC Börse Admin (visible for users logged on only)
-- Archiv 2003 (visible for users logged on only)

If I link to a content what is protected the Login Screen will be displayed, also the login works, but after the login should all other Buttons like Intern, Mitglieder, etc, also visible.


Für alles die das nicht verstanden haben :-)

Der Hack funktioniert zu etwa 99%.

Wenn ich auf einen Artikel verlinke welcher geschützt ist kommt das Login Fenster, nach dem Login wird der content angezeigt.

jetzt sollten doch aber auch die andern Navi Punkte intern, Mitglieder etc, angezeigt werden.... wird aber nicht.

wer kann mir da helfen?

logout geht auch
