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Posted: Wed 21. Sep 2005, 22:52
by Kosse
Thanks for the hint breitsch, will look in that direction

PHP: PHP Version 4.3.10
MySQL: Client API version 4.1.12

Still... I'm kinda lost... :cry:


Posted: Fri 23. Sep 2005, 18:11
by Kosse
Ok, so when I'm lost I try to find my way... :lol:

I followed the idea that it was with the htmlentities function that something was wrong... I was right (I think)

So I changed in: exdata.classes.php some things:

Code: Select all

function exdfix($string){
  $html_str = htmlentities($string, ENT_QUOTES);
  return $html_str;
I added the ENT_QUOTES (it takes care of the ' and " )
My problem was that doing that I ended up with & and so on all over the place... :?
So, I edited more things, tried with the try/error/begin_again/nope/nice_try/code_again_please method... (which also means I don't remember all the cut/copy/paste I did) :oops: and ended up with a valid (at least functionnal for me) exdata.classes.php

Edited: ok, I think I was lazzy not to compare the original file and the modified, so I did my homework.

Anyway, enough blabla, here it is if someone has the same problem:

line 5 find

Code: Select all

$html_str = htmlentities($string); 
replace with (added ENT_QUOTES)

Code: Select all

$html_str = htmlentities($string, ENT_QUOTES); 
line 82 find

Code: Select all

		while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
			$row = array_map("stripslashes", $row);
			$row = array_map("htmlspecialchars", $row);
			$row = array_map("exdfix", $row); 
replace with (deleted htmlspecialchars)

Code: Select all

		while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
			$row = array_map("stripslashes", $row);
			$row = array_map("exdfix", $row);
line 116 find

Code: Select all

		$xml .= $events;

		return $xml; 
replace with (added html_entity_decode)

Code: Select all

 		$xml .= $events;
		$xml = html_entity_decode($xml);

		return $xml;
line 137 find

Code: Select all

			$row = array_map("stripslashes", $row);
			$row = array_map("htmlspecialchars", $row);
			$row = array_map("exdfix", $row); 
replace with (delete or comment those lines)

Code: Select all

			//$row = array_map("stripslashes", $row);
			//$row = array_map("htmlspecialchars", $row);
			//$row = array_map("exdfix", $row); 
line 237 find

Code: Select all

 	function insert_entry($values) {
		$values["id"] = $this->get_next_setid();
replace with (added array_map for stripslashes and exdifx)

Code: Select all

 	function insert_entry($values) {
		$values = array_map("stripslashes", $values);
		$values = array_map("exdfix", $values);
		$values["id"] = $this->get_next_setid();
line 287 find

Code: Select all

 	function update_entry($values) {
		//$values = array_map("addslashes", $values);
		$setid = $this->get_next_setid();
replace with (added array_map for stripslashes and exdifx)

Code: Select all

 	function update_entry($values) {
		$values = array_map("stripslashes", $values);
		$values = array_map("exdfix", $values);
		$setid = $this->get_next_setid();
That's it, I'm not a php coder but some google search (and extensive reading) did it ;)
So, if I did something wrong or really crappy don't hesitate to correct, at least the code works.
I will try the same thing with the calendar mode, see if it fixes the problem as well.


Posted: Fri 28. Oct 2005, 10:18
by JensZ
When are the enhancements coming for this mod? I made a few changes so that I could display tables with a header row and repeating rows, but it seems like this is meant to be included in the next release. See my example at,0,0,1,0,0.

Image links go crazy

Posted: Sat 5. Nov 2005, 06:33
by Juhana
I got the module working quite ok but images doesn't work on the frontend.

File browser shows and adds selected images smoothly but on the site
image urls are rendered with nonexisting names like:


which doesn't match with the images which are being automatically created to phpwcms_filestorage folder.

However, most welcomed module! thanks

Posted: Mon 7. Nov 2005, 20:10
by breitsch
JensZ wrote:When are the enhancements coming for this mod?
hope it'll be ready in december, it's almoust finished but I currently have no time to work on it, sorry and thank you for your patience.

Re: Image links go crazy

Posted: Mon 7. Nov 2005, 20:14
by breitsch
Juhana wrote:I got the module working quite ok but images doesn't work on the frontend.
what phpwcms-version do you use?
what is your file_path?

Posted: Tue 8. Nov 2005, 23:53
by Juhana
Hey Breitsch

I am using phpwcms_1.2.5-DEV and

["file_path"] = "phpwcms_filestorage";

Image paths seem to be ok. Just wrong hash and in some cases .doc extension instead of .jpg... weird.


Posted: Wed 16. Nov 2005, 18:38
by Pauli
Maybe it would be nice to make it possible to let the phpwcms search content part search within the entries?...

Posted: Thu 24. Nov 2005, 03:33
by Paal
breitsch wrote:Hi people

I'm working hard on the update-version 1.1 of ExData-Mod for phpwcms!
Most of the mentioned things here are now included and some bugs eliminated.
Hi breitsch,
I would highly appriciate, if I could get somehow this update version, specially would need the picture resize feature. Question: does it also makes the thumbnail, which can be clicked, and view the originale image in popup?

Posted: Fri 25. Nov 2005, 14:44
by Kosse
Hi breitsch,

think your MOD deserves to be in MOD list :)
I use it and am very happy (as well as client), you could send a PM to Jérôme to add it to the MOD list?


Posted: Thu 8. Dec 2005, 13:50
by Himmelreich
Hallo zusammen,

ich bekomme nach der Installation, wenn ich im Adminbereich den "Install ExData Mod" Button betätige folgende Meldung:

Error creating the entries table: Query was empty

Was hab ich falsch gemacht?

Danke im voraus für eure Hilfe


Posted: Fri 9. Dec 2005, 14:54
by Pauli
say what?

Posted: Fri 9. Dec 2005, 15:25
by flip-flop
His question:
After installation and activating the "Install ExData Mod" -Button an error occures:
Error creating the entries table: Query was empty

What it my error?

Posted: Fri 16. Dec 2005, 05:52
by Ben
I have two questions about this great mod:

1. What's going to happen if I upgrade to a newer version of wcms down the road and my site is using the ExData mod? Say, phpwcms v. 1.3 - is it likely that this mod will still work properly or will I get locked into staying with a particular version of wcms?

2. Are the any current developments or a recent/upcoming release with the new features that are talked about?

I'm really excited about using this mod for an upcoming project.

Posted: Tue 27. Dec 2005, 21:33
by TMerz
breitsch wrote:Hi people

I'm working hard on the update-version 1.1 of ExData-Mod for phpwcms!
Most of the mentioned things here are now included and some bugs eliminated.

If you have other requests, please let me know, maybe I can include some of them in this new version too.
(A try) in English

Hi, Breitsch

Great, very impressive Mod! :lol:
That's exactly what I need for a new website that gives informations about 100 members of our local association called "Kulturring Herxheim e.V.". The goal is, to store all the members as single records in a category "MEMBERS". The single members have different themes, e.g. sports, music, social and so on.

So my additional request would be, to code the possibility for a template-driven search after one (or more?) DB-fields in the frontend. This feature could be used for special reportings or selections, e.g. if a webuser doesn't want to see the whole members-list, but e.g. all the topics of sports.

A similar function is the selection after categories in the modified EVENT-CAL-MOD by VOLKMAN.

You understand my suggestion?
(Excuse my english!)

In Deutsch

Hallo Breitsch!

Ein fantastisches Modul! Das ist genau die Lösung, die ich brauche, um die Kontaktdaten von ca. 100 Herxheimer Vereinen, Gruppen und Einrichtungen auf der Webseite des "Kulturrings Herxheim e.V." auf elegante Weise anzubieten. Die Vereine beschäftigen sich mit den unterschiedlichsten Dingen. Es wäre daher bei der großen Anzahl an Datensätzen toll, wenn der Besucher der Webseite auswählen könnte, aus welchem thematischen "Bereich" er sich die Vereine anzeigen lassen kann.

Umsetzbar könnte das eventuell über die Abfrage auf ein DB-Feld sein, in dem ich die Vereins-Art (also Sport, Musik, Kultur usw.) erfassen würde.

Im abgewandelten EVENT-CAL-MOD von VOLKMAN wird so eine Selektion und entsprechende Datenausgabe mit den "Kategorien" prinzipiell schon so umgesetzt. Es wäre klasse, wenn man in Deinem EXDATA-MOD eine vergleichbare Abfrage zur Verfügung hätte!

Ist mein Feature-"Wunsch" soweit verständlich beschrieben? Ansonsten lege ich gerne nochmal nach :D Würde mich sehr freuen, wenn ich von Dir hören würde.
