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Posted: Sat 4. Dec 2004, 02:29
by ionrock
I wanted to say a quick thanks to everyone helping everyone out with the calendar mod. I don't get to read the forums much and it is good people are finding solutions to their issues. Sorry I can't do more but, again if anyone wants to "maintain" the calendar mod they are more then welcome. Also, if you want to add to the instructions you are more than welcome to. Feel free to add anything like a faq to them at the end if you feel the solution was specific to your solution. Just send me a pm and I will add it to the download.

Posted: Sat 4. Dec 2004, 19:15
by kac
Is there anyone that is still having problems with this mod? The reason I ask is because I can't seem to get it to work. I've taken to hardcoding the paths in the install files to make sure that that wasn't the problem.

I finally got to the point if I call the install.php directly I don't get any errors, but when I go to click on the install, I get the error "Error creating the events table: Incorrect table name ''

I still wasn't able to get anything from the admin, either installing from the admin section, or an error, when clicked it just reloads.

I do want to add that I'm not new to installing scripts and working with php and MySQL, but I only do basic programming.

If anyone has any ideas, please let me know.



PS When I tried some of the fixes in this thread (Hals), I get errors "coding errors" ( I can't really remember the exact errors, I think string expected, but could be compiling).

Posted: Sun 5. Dec 2004, 03:36
by 1996 328ti
I'm sorry. I am just not following this.
In my phpwcms.php file I have

Code: Select all

	case "modules":		//modules
						$wcsnav["modules"] = "<strong class=\"navtexta\">".$wcsnav["modules"]."</strong>";
Do I first install the GT mod?

Also, once I have the calendar installed, can I have the calendar in one column and an article menu in another?

For instance, I want my home page to be

article menu calender

article menu

article menu

Currently I am using an article member for my calendar of events.
It works but this calendar looks so much cleaner.

Posted: Mon 6. Dec 2004, 11:36
by hal
@ Kac

Sorry that it didn't work for you - but as I said - it was working for me.

I'm afraid that I can't help you but probably you are more experienced with php than I am as a friend did that stuff for me - not I myself. I was there and looked over his shoulder but finally I couldn't do more than copy the passages he wrote and post them here.


To me the main problem was that the mod seemed to have no information about the MySQL database name, user, login etc. - the stuff found in phpwcms's We also couldn't find any code taking this information from and implementing it to the mod.

But on the other hand I was the first one (seemed so) who had this problem and other users of the board seemed to have it installed as is - without changes. So I don't know what the reasons may be.

Posted: Tue 7. Dec 2004, 21:03
by kac
I finally got it to work. There were a bunch of little things that seems to have caused the problems with my installation. The biggest was the prefix of the tables. For example, some files were calling for cal_ and some were calling for cm_ . I don't know if I had made the changes that caused the problem, or that's the way I downloaded it. Probably my fault.

I did have problems with the phpwcms file, Yves sent me a copy of the corrected file, but I was getting file not found errors with it loaded. I finally managed to copy his changes over to my phpwcms.php file and fixed that.

I guess all that matters is it's finally working :)


Replacement Tag

Posted: Mon 13. Dec 2004, 00:00
by 1996 328ti
Everything looks like it is working on the back end.
I added categories and an event.

I used the following tag

Didn't know what to use for the last part so I chose an alias.
When I chose the page where I'd like to see the calendar, this is what I get. :(

Warning: mysql_query(): Access denied for user: 'email@localhost' (Using password: NO) in PHPWCMS_ROOT/include/inc_module/mod_calendar/inc_lib/calendar.classes.php on line 40

Warning: mysql_query(): A link to the server could not be established in PHPWCMS_ROOT/include/inc_module/mod_calendar/inc_lib/calendar.classes.php on line 40
Error: 1045: Access denied for user: 'email@localhost' (Using password: NO)SELECT date,span FROM calendar_phpwcms_cm_events WHERE approved=1 AND (MONTH(date) + (YEAR(date) * 12) <= 12 + (2004 * 12)) AND (MONTH(DATE_ADD(date, INTERVAL(span - 1) DAY)) + (YEAR(DATE_ADD(date, INTERVAL(span - 1) DAY)) * 12) >= 12 + (2004 * 12)) ORDER BY date ASC

Posted: Mon 20. Dec 2004, 03:33
by 1996 328ti
I corrected my tag and now it is working sort of.
Where are the images that are needed?

Posted: Tue 21. Dec 2004, 19:51
by ionrock
There shouldn't be any images you need. Let me know where you think they should be showing up .

Posted: Wed 22. Dec 2004, 01:55
by 1996 328ti
The homepage template uses corner images.

Code: Select all

<div id="homepageCal">
<table id="calendarContainer" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
		<td><!-- <img src="images/Cal-L-top_crnr.gif" /> --></td>
		<td id="CalTopBorder"><div></div></td>
		<td><!-- <img src="images/Cal-R-top_crnr.gif" /> --></td>
		<td id="CalLeftBorder"><div ></div></td>
		<td id="CalRightBorder"><div></div></td>
		<td><!-- <img src="images/Cal-L-btm_crnr.gif" /> --></td>
		<td id="CalBottomBorder"><div></div></td>
		<td><!-- <img src="images/Cal-R-btm_crnr.gif" /> --></td>
<div id="homepageEvents">
Can you post the templates you use?

Posted: Mon 27. Dec 2004, 02:51
by ionrock
Yeah, that template is from the site I used it on and I really don't have the authority to distribute the design. The design I used just created a round border around the calendar. If you need help making your own design just lt me know how I can help.

Event calendar Deutsch problem

Posted: Thu 30. Dec 2004, 13:58
by reklame-haus

I installed the event calendar. There is Deutsch & Turkish problem. When I add the text as Turkish or Deutsch in normal page the characters are working but when I add the text with Calendar administration, I cannot see this characters: "öäüß-ýçþð..."

What can be the problem? I lost a lot of time with this calendar and couldn't find any solution.

Also the other question is: how can I change the month names?

The link:


Problems with öäü ...

Posted: Thu 6. Jan 2005, 20:08
by slv
there is a function fix($string) in calendar.classes.php. it allows only ascii chars.... hmmmm.. what about delete it? or .... change to something like

function fix($string){
$html_str = htmlentities($string);
return $html_str;

that solves the problem... quick and dirty !!...

Posted: Fri 14. Jan 2005, 19:42
by StudioZ
Just like reklame-haus...
I am looking on how to change the month names from English to French ?

Any idea anyone...? :roll:



Posted: Fri 21. Jan 2005, 21:53
by missberli
... and from English to German... :wink:


You have changed the month and weekday names to Turkish on your website. Please, can you give us a hint how to change the names?


Replacement ga for Calendar Mod

Posted: Mon 24. Jan 2005, 19:45
by caramello
Can someone help me with a working example of the calender mod ?