changelog: [FIX] better handling of URLs (thanks Oliver)
Strongly recommended:
A) Use the actual version 1.7!
B) Save the SOURCE FILE 'tagcloud_v1.7.php' with the same encoding that you've been using for your WEB PAGES (see config)!
Unfortunately, TagCloud still isn't a module! The correct encoding of the source file is fundamental! Otherwise the progam doesn't work properly and the results are false.
Once you've added the needed expressions to these settings
// words to EXCLUDE from the cloud
$my_exclude = array("this","that","können","ein","auch","française","versão","rømø");
// words to INCLUDE to the cloud
$my_include = array("Lorem","ipsum","française","versão","rømø");
save [upload] the file with the appropriate character encodings!
Note: By DEFAULT the SOURCE FILE is encoded as ==> UTF-8 (no BOM). When you're using UTF (charset=utf-8) you don't need to change the encoding of the source file!
Appreciate your feedback! Thank you!
Last edited by Jensensen on Sun 8. Mar 2009, 02:58, edited 1 time in total.
{so_much} | Knick-Knack. | GitHub Umlaute im URL sind meistens immer Kacke.
The ultimate SEO solution. Unique for easily published tag clouds of --> all NEWS and --> all articles in --> any category --> you want. once more fresh as ever, so hot, so must have!
changelog: [FEATURE] - NEWS capable
(thanks claus, who adviced me how NEWS can be used).
TagCloud v1.8 is now able to analyze NEWS when they are: 1) visible, active, published and 2) not outdated.*
*Outdated NEWS which have been archived won't be captured! This means outdated NEWS won't be captured. Even though outdated news are still available (public) in the archive (archive article).
NEW PARAMETER has been added. Turn it on (=1) to get "CLOUDS with NEWS"!
$my_news_to_cloud = "1";
Note that DEFAULT it's switched OFF =0. You only need to turn on this variable. Use it only when NEWS already is on board! TagCloud is still compatible with older versions of phpwcms!
The following items (of NEWS) are captured:
--> Title
--> Subtitle
--> Teasertext (the summary of a news item)
--> Text (the main part of a news item)
Already prepared: --> Image caption. Hey, please tell me, DO YOU REALLY NEED?
Note once again
When using links to search page ( :S mode, recommended for convenience, instead of :L mode = landing pages) please note as follows:
TagCloud is working close with the built-in search function. NEWS, a MOD halfway is different!
Another useful tip AND [regardless of TagCloud!!!]: Because phpwcms by default doesn't search NEWS make sure that:
You get the right links [built-in searching NEWS, later] only when you do 1) Open --> CP "search" and enable, TURN ON --> "search also: News" 2) Edit --> target/url: --> index.php?aid=17
17 is the ID of the article WHERE you have placed the CP "News". In other words, this is the ID of the article where NEWS appears.
Hopefully it's clear how you can use it. Appreciate your feedback! Thank you!
Download the newest, no more user-friendly version 1.8 below.
Last edited by Jensensen on Thu 12. Mar 2009, 23:36, edited 1 time in total.
{so_much} | Knick-Knack. | GitHub Umlaute im URL sind meistens immer Kacke.
I am interested. I changed the math part aroudn a bit to get more diversity in font-sizes. (Pretty logical having a brother as an econometrist) I do love the news cp addition. ANything else chenged added then ?
The ultimate SEO solution for phpwcms.
Tag Clouds made easy. Unique for phpwcms.
Analyze [to be part of cloud] ==> all NEWS and ==> all articles within ==> any categories ==> YOU want.
once more fresh as ever, so hot, so must have! sounds cool, it is cool, and it's first choice
changelog: [FIX] - partly rewritten [tip (url?aid) was by claus.] [FIX] - code has been cleaned up (advised by OG. Many thanks!) [FIX] - variables have been renamed!!!
TagCloud v1.9 [last feature of v1.8] is able to analyze NEWS when they are: 1) visible, active, published and 2) not outdated. (see above)
To analyze NEWS just switch 'news_to_cloud' => 1,
Once again --> keep in mind: Because phpwcms by default doesn't search NEWS make sure that:
You get the right links [built-in search --> NEWS] only when you do 1) Open --> CP "search" and enable, TURN ON --> "search also: News"
recommended use for version 1.3.5++
a fall back has been implemented for older versions but it won't be available in all case. ==> response needed!
Appreciate your feedback! Thank you!
Download the newest, now again user-friendly, version 1.9 below.
Last edited by Jensensen on Fri 20. Nov 2009, 00:16, edited 1 time in total.
{so_much} | Knick-Knack. | GitHub Umlaute im URL sind meistens immer Kacke.