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Posted: Wed 12. Jul 2006, 16:21
by Hero
muj wrote:
DusX wrote:Right now I am liking 'ModX'

I must say, I like this page:


Posted: Thu 13. Jul 2006, 11:44
by Kosse
Hero wrote:
muj wrote:
DusX wrote:Right now I am liking 'ModX'

I must say, I like this page:

double ;)

Posted: Thu 13. Jul 2006, 23:11
by intermedion
Right now I am liking '[url=]ModX[/url]'

seems like the approach is similar in many ways.. sure it lacks in some ways but it expends in others...

It sure does expand - in complexity. To extend it you now have a choice of: snippets, chunks, template variables, widgets, plugins, modules. Did I forget anything? Oh, yes, there is an API too. All of that is very good, except it is way, way too complex already.

I like phpwcms - it is simple and elegant.

Posted: Fri 14. Jul 2006, 10:55
by Kosse
intermedion wrote:
DusX wrote: Right now I am liking 'ModX'

seems like the approach is similar in many ways.. sure it lacks in some ways but it expends in others...
It sure does expand - in complexity. To extend it you now have a choice of: snippets, chunks, template variables, widgets, plugins, modules. Did I forget anything? Oh, yes, there is an API too. All of that is very good, except it is way, way too complex already.

I like phpwcms - it is simple and elegant.
Phpwcms simple? mmmm... yes for some things, nope if u want (much) more... (and don't tell me to go for typo, they are on another planet) it has the potential to do it but it gets very tricky if u actually want to go there... phpwcms started as something small/medium and stable, now about time to get it better and further, can 1 person do that?
I like the fact that modx has teamworking :P

Posted: Tue 18. Jul 2006, 10:43
by DeXXus
Has anybody tried this one?


I wish they had "real" screen shots, LOL!

Posted: Tue 18. Jul 2006, 13:00
by cyrano
nice one dexxus :-)

installed and playing - not really using it for now.
I'am to deep in wcms to change by a weak mood :-)

Posted: Tue 18. Jul 2006, 19:23
by lindesbs
I´m playing with contentnow for some weeks, and what i definitly love of the project is, the multilanguage module. This is the module i definitly miss in phpwcms.
It is absolutly simple, translating the pages in contentnow, there is the solution i wish to have in phpwcms.

Posted: Fri 21. Jul 2006, 08:13
by cyber-james
Kosse wrote:
Hero wrote:
muj wrote:
I must say, I like this page:

double ;)
Yesss! That's it! :D

Posted: Wed 2. Aug 2006, 10:01
by sebnl
what you guys really really need to take a look at is sNews.

Its a small (tiny) cms/blog and thus very understandable, hackable and extendable. It already has SEF urls, valid code, search, categories and articles and very well commented code. If we could only try to implement some sort of content-part system and multiple templates we are there...

I'm totally in love with it. Luka, the developer listens carefully and is very active.

For as far as phpwcms is concerned, i would say a word of warning before you express your irritation about the slow progress.

What OG needs is a little push to keep things going. So unless you are donating already on a regular basis you shouldn't demand more then what he's offering you for free right now.

"Don't bite the hand that feeds you"

Posted: Wed 2. Aug 2006, 12:20
by pepe
Great tipp, thanks... have it on my PC since 3 minutes :lol:

A new tool, to while away the time........ until real News (V1.2.7) will come.

Posted: Wed 2. Aug 2006, 16:12
by zed

I have solucija on my harddisk for a month now, but never started using it yet.... :roll:

it's definitely very interesting and imho perfect for small websites.

Posted: Wed 2. Aug 2006, 16:30
by pepe
A very quick and easy solution is CMSimple

Works without a database :!: A small site (5-7 pages) within 30-45 minutes... unbelievable, but possible. Try it, and you will see!

But not comparable with phpWCMS... but simple, very simple :wink:

Posted: Fri 4. Aug 2006, 11:52
by sebnl
pepe wrote:A very quick and easy solution is CMSimple

Works without a database :!: A small site (5-7 pages) within 30-45 minutes... unbelievable, but possible. Try it, and you will see!

But not comparable with phpWCMS... but simple, very simple :wink:
I'm sorry, but if i get the creeps looking at a website and the screenshots i will never install it. Aestetics matter! ;-)

The sNews backend is template independent, wich means it looks like your design. Im right now tweaking the forms. Its so light and well commented that even I (with zero php programming experience) now how to hide/change certain stuff. Perfect for keeping it simple for your clients AND extremely important: fast deployment.

I'll post a screenshot when i have it ready (i'll start a topic).

The tool is hot people, very very hot.

Future of PHPWCMS - Some questions

Posted: Tue 17. Oct 2006, 12:14
by simpannar
As I can see, this discussion ended about 2 month ago, just at the point, where it got interresting. I ask you: Why?

But first of all, let me tell you something about my background and my experiences with phpwcms (and other cms). I also want to make clear right from the beginning, that so far I'm not an active part of the phpwcms-community, I'm just a user of this great system.
But I think, that the considerations of a "normal" user should be very interesting for developers (OG, I mean you!!!) and more active parts of the phpwcms-community, because without "users" there is no future for the system.

About 5 or 6 years ago, I started getting interested in CM. Over the years I experimented with Nuke and Postnuke, later with typo3 and Mambo. But especially after Typo3 I thought: I want to save time by using a CMS, not waste time only to understand the concept.

But, finally (2004) I found phpwcms. For me that was quite inspiring! It was the first system on my way, where I could say: it was simple and intuitive to set up and - even more important for me - it was simple to use for the editors, who maintain webistes.

The backend-section is simple and clear. During some trainings for editors, I found out, that also non-experienced users could work pretty fast with phpwcms. For me the simplicity, clarity and the structure of the whole backend-section is the major advantage of phpwcms.

After I'm forced to work with typo3 in severel projects, I know that I can configure the typo3-backend for editors very flexible and I know that typo's functionality and extension-system is far beyond phpwcms. But I also know, that I MUST (!) spend my time to configure the typo3-backend (otherwise editors get "lost in hyperspace"...) and I know that sometimes it really takes a looooong time to get very simple things done in typo. Things, which are provided by the standard-installation of phpwcms, like news, newsletters, rss and so on.

So at this point, it seems like phpwcms would be first choice for most of the projects I have to realize. But I'm afraid so, it is not anymore!!! Why not?

There are two aspects
a) more "technological" aspects
b) the development process and the community

Related to the first aspect for me there are three very important things
1. it is complicated to realize tableless webpages including all content-parts (which should be standard now)
2. there is still no (official) support for frontend-users (I know, that there are some hacks). But frontend-users and frontend-user-groups are - lets say it clearly - a basic need for many projects.
3. as I can see it, accessibility isn't even on the list.

But the second aspect (development process and community) is far more important! What should I tell my customers, if they ask for the future of this software? Well, one year ago, I made the mistake to tell a customer that frontend-users are part of the next release, but we're still waitng on that release...
As I can see it, the CORE Problem of phpwcms is, that it depends only on one person. OG provided us with a great peace of software. But software-development - also (or especially??) within an open-source-project - is not only a matter of coding - it's a matter of

- documentation
- information
- PR and fund raising
- division of labour and responsibilities
- definition/discussion of objectives
- defining roadmaps and Dates
and so on...

Let's take typo3 just as an example (other projects like MODX work in a similar way). As typo3-user I'm provided with:
- full documentations, a variaty of books for developers
- The Product is known by IT-Profesionals, So it is easier to sell a project based on typo3
- Corporate Design and
- high-quality booklets, which I could give to my custumers and which could support the earnestness of the software
- as a user I'm not relying on a single person, but on The stability of well-organized development-teams. I also know what funcionality is to expect in the next release. And even if developers don't meet every deadline for the next-release: days are days, weeks are weeks and months are months!

So if OG and all of you are really interested in further development and success of this - still - great and userfriendly software, things must change QUICKLY. I told you already, that so far I'm not an active part of the community. But maybe, if I and other users like me would recognize that things change and there is a way to influence the project, more of us would be willing to put some work on it.

If things don't change, I will have to take a closer look on other systems. During the last years a lot of very interesting projects started, some of them have already been mentioned in this thread. MOD X is really great. And since wordpress offers also support for static pages, it is also very interesting for smaller projects, I'm shure there are other systems.

Let's see, what happens!

Posted: Fri 8. Dec 2006, 18:18
by kolja
ok - the next one to write some lines. :wink:

short story:

i'm only one little guy that found out how nice publishing informations can be using a wcms instead of plain html-pages. one of those, that compared several systems and settled down with phpwcms because it's a great HANDY system. no unnecessary ballast. easy to handle. great! really great! really, really GREAT!

unfortunately i'd like to publish some informations that not everyone shall be allowed to see. one or two different users shall be able to see some different protected articles (a cv for example or contactadresses in a central place for some friends). i'd say - that's a very important feature for me. a basic feature for a cms.

so i told myself to wait. no problem. in some weeks there'll be a release 1.3 that'll solve the problem by introducing groups (updating to 1.2.8 stopped the possibility to assign certain articles to certain users - am i right?).

often i returned to the forum - almost daily - waiting to find a message that the new version is finished and i'm able to move on (next march i'd like to leave the country - before my website has to be finished :wink: ). day after day after day after day.

now christmas is almost reached. 2006 almost finished. and today a little surprised i recognized, that i'm willing to look for an alternative system because i'm running out of time and it doesn't seem like anything will happen.


i'm only one little pappnase (pappnase - sorry - ich leih mir deinen namen nur kurz :D ), but if many other little pappnasen have the same problem, this could mean many lost users. it would be a great pity because phpwcms is a great system with high potential.

i'm able to hold the invested work of one special and many other somehow involved individuals in high regards (did those things myself too - bis kurz vor herzkaschper - beneath other things wrote php-based basic-cms myself, for example), but little children get bored if nothing happens. and it seems like nothing happens. there is no visible progress. a little indicator like an imaginary progressbar. for example a published list of milestones or tasks that are marked as finished when finished or something like this.

possible solution:

such a public "Progress-meter" would be the easiest solution. many other good ideas have been posted by many other people.

oliver, you're doing an absolutely great work. thank you very much.
but somehow - does not matter how concretely - you should think over involving your willing users a little more. only i little :wink: if only making progress visible...

probably i do not have a good overview concerning the complete forum, but to me it seems, like some children tend to talk about new (other) toys...