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TEASER_EX Vers. 1.9 verfügbar!

Posted: Thu 25. Oct 2007, 19:56
by nehemia
Hallo zusammen,
mir ist es heute gelungen, das Erichs Replacement Tag TEASER_EX Version 1.9 von zu bekommen. Gerne bin ich bereit es der Forum-Gemeinschaft allgemein verfügbar zu machen. Vielleicht hat jemand auch die Möglichkeit, es auf einen Webserver für jedermann abrufbar zu stellen...
Bei entspechendem Interesse, bitte Kontaktaufnahme mit mir über pn.
Gruß, Martin

Hello everybody,
I was successful today to get Erich's Replacement Tag TEASER_EX Version 1.9. I'm willing to share it to the community and make it gernally available. Perhaps there is someone, who has the opportunity to put it on a webserver for access to everyone...
If there is any interest in it, please contact me by pn.
Regards, Martin

Posted: Thu 25. Oct 2007, 20:20
by update
Hört hört 8)
Listen listen :oops:
Schieb' rüber, Mann, schieb rüber
hover it over..

Posted: Thu 25. Oct 2007, 20:36
by nehemia
Wohin soll ich ihn senden?

Hier mal für's erste mein Link...

Posted: Thu 25. Oct 2007, 23:50
by nehemia
Also jetzt mach ich mal selber einen Link:
Im dortigen Verzeichnis dann auf
klicken und der Download müsste funktionieren.
Vielleicht findet sich ja sonst noch jemand, der es auf einen anderen Server stellen kann, was mir sehr recht wäre. Aber für den ersten Moment mag es mal genügen...

Viel Spaß mit Erich's TEASER_EX Vers. 1.9.
Gruß, Martin

Well, above is the link:
In the directory shown above please click on
and the download should work.
Perhaps someone is willing to put it on an other server, what would be very welcome for me. But for the first moment it is okay for me in this way...
So have fun with Erich's TEASER_EX Vers. 1.9.
Regards, Martin

Posted: Thu 25. Oct 2007, 23:52
by jscholtysik
Hi nehemia,

frag doch einfach mal Pappnase, ob er die Datei auf den Docu-Server stellt.


Posted: Fri 26. Oct 2007, 08:54
by update
Danke! Damit hat sich meine PM erledigt... :)

Re: teaser mod hosting?

Posted: Wed 5. Mar 2008, 16:26
by dreeders
pSouper wrote:A Teaser content part is part of the current phpWCMS which may make this mod redunant -having never gotten around to using this mod I can't say if there is a benefit to it still but am open to the fact that some may wish/need to use it still...

If anyone has the latest release I would be happy to host it until it finds it's rightful home again.

please message me through the board and I will have it up within a few mins.

Sorry to sound bitter but I have been posting on this board for TWO YEARS NOW trying to make people understand that PHPWCMS lacks the most basic requirement of a CMS: the ability to AUTO-generate a menu showing ALL the articles in the current article's category. Believe it or not, TEASER_EX was the ONLY way to do this. The Teaser content part requires MANUAL selection of articles. If I add an article to a category, the new article does not automatically appear in the menu provided by a Teaser content part. It is inexplicable to me why the Article Menu Content Part or NAV_LIST_UL RT do not include the current article in the menus they generate. I have just written to Oliver *begging* him to at least tell me where I can disable the behaviour that excludes the current article from an auto-generated menu. I can tell you something, as much respect as I have for PHPWCMS, I cannot love software that reduces me to such humiliation.

Re: {TEASER_EX} Replacement tag v1.90 - 10.1.2007

Posted: Wed 5. Mar 2008, 16:33
by update
For the article menu:
do not include the current article
the procedure to gain control over this one is called "update" ;)
and over lotta more ;)

Re: {TEASER_EX} Replacement tag v1.90 - 10.1.2007

Posted: Mon 30. Jun 2008, 00:47
by jsw_nz

Hi Erich,
Hope you get this message - seems your website (wcms) section is down at the moment.

I was going to install teaser on an older version of phpWcms
- but no way to get to your great tag generator
....guess I will have to do it the hard way....write the code manually

Anyway just a heads up that the
wcms running on your site is down at the moment...

not available
