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Posted: Sat 15. Jul 2006, 07:51
by fopulu
Thx erich!
That's great!!!

Posted: Tue 18. Jul 2006, 07:58
by Jenne20
Is that close to what you mean ?
Hi DeXXus,

I will explain it a little bit. Do you know the website :

On this page you can also use a calendar. It is called "EventKalender".

You have to put all of your dates into the calendar and then you can set the option: show the dates one day longer as normal.

date 18.07.06 will be shown till the 19.07.06 and then delete

I hope, that you understand my wish.[/code]

Posted: Fri 21. Jul 2006, 12:48
by Chrismuc

wie kann man denn den Abstand zwischen den einzelenen Teasern vergrössern? Ich hab zwar einiges probiert -aber nicht wirklich weiter gekomen.


Posted: Fri 21. Jul 2006, 13:33
by tinoo
Hi Chrismuc

Schau mal im Ordner phpwcms_template\inc_cntpart\articlesummary\list nach, da findest du eine Datei, die heisst sample.tmpl.

Kopiere diese Datei z.B. auf teaser.tmpl. In der Datei drin wird die Darstellung des Artikels geregelt. Pass das Layout einfach deinen Bedürfnissen an und gibt dem Teaser_Ex diese Template-Datei als Vorlage an.

Zu Testzwecken kannst du im Artikel selbst, in den Artikel Basisinformationen, deine Datei unter "Vorlage: Artikellisting:" aus einer Dropdownliste auswählen...

Hoffe das hilft

Posted: Fri 21. Jul 2006, 15:28
by Chrismuc
Hallo Tinooo,

danke für den Tip, klappt soweit ganz gut - bis auf das er mir die Headline nicht mehr als Link anzeigt, bzw. nicht mal mehr das more... bringt.
Wasn da los? :-)


Posted: Fri 21. Jul 2006, 15:59
by tinoo
Hmhm, das hast du vermutlich überschrieben... Ich hab das bei mir ganz einfach gelöst:

Titel als Link:
[TITLE]<a href="{ARTICLELINK}"><b>{TITLE}</b></a>[/TITLE]

Und unter dem Summary-Bereich habe ich einfach folgendes eingefügt:
<a href="{ARTICLELINK}">mehr...</a>

Alles klar?

NB: jaja, ich weiss. mit dieser Methode ist der "more"-link nicht mehr sprachunabhängig... Aber für rein deutschsprachige Seiten genügt das schon... 8)

Posted: Fri 21. Jul 2006, 16:02
by Chrismuc
Super! Das wars. Vielen Dank
Schönes Wochenende

Posted: Sat 22. Jul 2006, 19:37
by terry_b
Hello there,

I don't know if this idea's already been requested or submitted but what about an online integrated TEASER_EX generator as a module? That would be a great option (with a dynamic list of templates, categories, ect..)

Is that possible?

Thank you ;)


Posted: Mon 24. Jul 2006, 06:46
by jsw_nz
Hello Erich,

The teaser reptag is really great. I had a chance to run it through a few tests in the last day - in my first attempts..and it worked very well
(despite issue of missing image discussed in this thread)

Offering the generator online is a real plus...++++

Just wanted to make a few comments/observations about it

I got tripped up at first by the online generator, since if I left:
Maximal Thumbnail Width: blank ....hmm

As a NULL field,
your script defaults to insert 0 instead of -1 into the output..

Since your code sniffs: if ($thumb_maxwidth == -1){... line 579
in order to preserve original formatting (height/width) of image.....
if left blank - it returns 0 and not -1
and sends instructions to browser to use $thumb_maxwidth

here is the full code:

Code: Select all

if ($thumb_maxwidth == -1)
	$thumb_img = '<img src="'.PHPWCMS_IMAGES . $thumb_image[0] .'" border="0" '.$thumb_image[3].' alt="'.$caption[1].'" title="'.$caption[1].'">';
	$thumb_img = '<img src="'.PHPWCMS_IMAGES . $thumb_image[0] .'" border="0" width="'.$thumb_maxwidth.'" alt="'.$caption[1].'" title="'.$caption[1].'">';
where $thumb_maxwidth = intval($c_thumb_maxwidth);
if left blank this returns 0
in effect not displaying the image.

So am making suggestion for your generator page:

enter -1 to preserve original image dimensions.

A couple of other things --
regarding two topics

does not render when using ex-teaser - so the workaround is to copy and paste the WAK_ARTICLE_CREATED code directly into reptag_teaser_ex.php (at bottom)


As DeXXus has mentioned
it would be great to get another set of options, namely using the core code you have developed - to display new articles (regardless of category) - in effect it would be a much needed feature >> to display new Articles in Summary Format site wide. OliG's {New} tag only gives the title and a link as you know -

if this could be implemented - it might offer an opportunity to developing a blog logic...since OliG has done great work in incorporating CAPTCHA and timeouts to prevent spamming guestbook/comments contentpart.

Just some observations.
Again GREAT work

all best from kiwiland,

Posted: Mon 24. Jul 2006, 13:26
by erich_k4
terry_b wrote:Hello there,

I don't know if this idea's already been requested or submitted but what about an online integrated TEASER_EX generator as a module? That would be a great option (with a dynamic list of templates, categories, ect..)

Is that possible?

Thank you ;)

Hi Terry!

integrating TEASER_EX as contetpart is on the todo list.....first steps are already done...

Hello John!
I got tripped up at first by the online generator, since if I left:
Maximal Thumbnail Width: blank ....hmm
Thank's for reporting, Generator-Bug fixed, should work now....
does not render when using ex-teaser - so the workaround is to copy and paste the WAK_ARTICLE_CREATED code directly into reptag_teaser_ex.php (at bottom)

As DeXXus has mentioned it would be great to get another set of options, namely using the core code you have developed - to display new articles (regardless of category) - in effect it would be a much needed feature >> to display new Articles in Summary Format site wide. OliG's {New} tag only gives the title and a link as you know -
Ok, also on the todo list... :D

Posted: Tue 25. Jul 2006, 21:20
by jsw_nz
hi Erick,

Thanks for the reply - this reptag is so elegant - cannot say enough about it. Shows the power of reptags in wcms (thanks Oli) and a new level of usability that you have offered to wcms (thanks Erick) - the navigation (graphic) works without a hitch - really nice.

Now while thinking out loud - guessing the graphic navbar to navigate/paginate excessively long articles - would be another great add-on. This topic has been mentioned throughout the forums and recently discussed by Fulvio. not sure if this has been brought to your attention.
- chances to have a front end paging, whereas a very long text can be automatically splitted in several pages
With regards to frontend pagination -
this is a feature that has been requested for sometime (2years ago).
pSouper put it succinctly,
namely some kind of tag that can be placed inside the article, not unlike

Excellent work Erick - you da man!

Posted: Tue 22. Aug 2006, 16:15
by cyrano
Hi Erich,

may be for future :-)

When no article is in called structure level exists, than have a blank output?

or better jump to the index page of the choosen structure level /language index page.

HELP HELP HELP needed... completely frustrated....

Posted: Thu 24. Aug 2006, 19:03
by lady_witchcraft
found this RT - big thank to erich!!!!! for his work - after searching several days to find a solution for my new portfolio... BUT *damned* i can't get the mod runnig, and i absolutely clueless, what's the problem!!! 'cause the RT shows absolutely nothing...

can anyone help me PLEASE :oops:

this is my new projekt, where i really like to use the teaser_ex RT to navigate through the samples... should be shown in the lower white box..

in the page-template for this site (index.php?print) i placed this RT in the box

Code: Select all

{TEASER_EX:print|-1:-1: |DESC:0: | :10: :default:2: :0:0:45:1:horz}
the simple menue structure is:
print (containing 3 articles with image + summary)

and the needed file IS in the frontend_render
and RT support IS enabled
and i'm using the newest version of the mod and phpwcms (downloaded and installed today)
and i really got no clue or idea, what i am doing wrong - please help me!!!

i think the apache, sql and other versions should fit the requirements /phpwcms 1.2.5 /teaser_ex 1.7/MySQL - 4.0.24_Debian-4.dotdeb.0-log/Apache/1.3.31 (Unix) FrontPage/ PHP/4.4.2

the only thing which is written in the source code is
<table id="teaserTable"></table>

nothing more, nothing left, but it should show the article images linking to the articles (template: thumb.tmpl is in use..)
this template contains only the image tag and the article link... is this the fault??? does the RT needs more? i've seen on the sample page,0,0,1,0,0 how the RT could work, and i need exactly the same for my portfolio, just the pics should be horzontally aligned, not vertically...

has anybody a big heart and could help a dummie like me to find the solution? :roll:

thx in advance!!! sunny greets from vienna - claudia

P.S: no i won't use flash instead of the phpwcms to solv my prob :wink:

Posted: Fri 25. Aug 2006, 10:08
by ssyfrig
Hi lady_witchcraft

i made the page. If you need help please contact me by PM.
because at the moment I doesn't understand what your problem is.

greez Sven

Posted: Wed 30. Aug 2006, 12:18
by laszlobela
Hallo zusammen,

ich teste grade den RT von Erich und hab ein kleines Problem, was mach ich falsch?

Ich will eine Kategorie mit dem Paginator anzeigen lassen.

{TEASER_EX:hunde|-1:10:article_created|ASC:0:Seite | von :1:3:sample.tmpl:-1::1:2:-1:2:vert}

Dazu habe ich einen Artikel mit dem titel 001 angelegt, in den CP HTML obigen RT eingestellt.

Sitestruktur steht Anzahl Artikel auf -1,

Da ich nach Artikelnamen sortiere, hat der Artikel eben den Namen 001 um ganz oben zu stehen.

Funktioniert auch, nur eben den 001 will ich nicht angezeigt bekommen, der soll ja nur den Tag ausführen. Im Artikel-Info-Feld also, wo man dann die einzelnen Parts erstellen, editieren kann, hat der Artikel die ID:3. Der wird aber nicht unterdrückt.

Was mach ich falsch? Oder muss ich es doch ganz anderst versuchen?

Vielen Dank