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Posted: Thu 15. Dec 2005, 14:00
by Kosse
Hi ondergang
Hi all, i get the toplevel to work, but the subitem doesn’t show as a submenu but rather then a link text on my page.
Any idea what should i do now?
Can u show a link please? I don't understand your question, my intellect is somehow limited as well as my php, css, html and design skills, but I (and almost everyone here) try to anwser to the questions I DO KNOW the answer, not just for posting...

Also, should you try to ask in a little bit more nicer way (instead of being sarcastic or plain rude ?) I'm sure you would get more replies, otherwise ... you'll just be ignored by most and that is sad, because everyone here is very keen in helping others.


Posted: Thu 15. Dec 2005, 16:17
by ondergang
Hi Kosse :)
Thank you soo much!!! I didn’t expect any help certainly after my last post.

I followed the instructions and i put this in my header:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/phpwcms_template/inc_js/menubar.js"></script>
<link href="/phpwcms_template/inc_css/menubar.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

If you click on downloads you will see it doesn’t show the submenu but rather then a text link on my page self

Here you can see my articles structure:

Thanks again for you’re help i appreciate it very much

Posted: Thu 15. Dec 2005, 16:29
by JensZ
Dear Ondergang,

I am not sure what you expect to see, but it doesn't look like you have any sublevels. Hence, you will not see submenues. The menubar seems to be working just fine.

Best Regards,


Posted: Thu 15. Dec 2005, 16:49
by Kosse
ondergang wrote:Hi Kosse :)
Thank you soo much!!! I didn’t expect any help certainly after my last post.
Here you can see my articles structure:

Thanks again for you’re help i appreciate it very much
As JensZ pointed out (--> you see pple will help you) ;) , you'll have to have sublevels (don't forget to set to -1 in admin if u want only the first article to be displayed) to show a submenu, as for articles, you'll need to link to them (content part article link) or use other techniques (in forum there is teaser_tag and others that can help you).

Btw, if you are just starting to build your site I'll suggest you use 1.2.6 version (instead of RC1.4, that is like 1 year old and lacks features), it's stable and offers (much) more possibilities.


Posted: Thu 15. Dec 2005, 17:50
by ondergang
Thanks JensZ & Kosse!!!

Kosse : good advice :D I am gonna install 1.2.6 and try to link it properly this time

Posted: Fri 20. Jan 2006, 07:44
by Stim
Is it possible to choose category to display in menu?

Posted: Tue 24. Jan 2006, 17:01
by JensZ
You can always hide the structure levels that you don't want to see.

Posted: Fri 10. Mar 2006, 22:29
by ramchester
Is the a way to make this work on a multilingual site? For example I have:

- English
--- Info
--- Links
--- Contact
- French
--- Fries
--- Nuggets
--- Rolls
- German
--- Cars
--- Women
--- Magazines

I could have something like {NAV_MENUBAR:1} depending on the id of the structure level I want to show on the page. This way I could show only English on one page and French on the other.

So how about it? :D

Posted: Mon 13. Mar 2006, 17:09
by JensZ
I think it could be done quite easily with a few changes. I'm just guessing here, but try the following.

change #1:

Code: Select all

function getHorizMenuBar($startLevel = 0)
change #2:

Code: Select all

// Root level
if($struct == $startLevel)
change #3:

Code: Select all

if( ! ( strpos($content["all"],'{NAV_MENUBAR')===false ) ) 
	$content["all"] = preg_replace('/\{NAV_MENUBAR:(.+?)\}/ei','getHorizMenuBar($1);', $content["all"]);
	$content["all"] = str_replace("{NAV_MENUBAR}", getHorizMenuBar(), $content["all"]);
	$content["all"] = str_replace('{SITE}', PHPWCMS_URL, $content["all"]);	
The reptag will look like {NAV_MENUBAR[:structure_level_id]}, where the structure_level_id is optional.

Please let me know if it works...

Good luck!


Posted: Wed 15. Mar 2006, 16:18
by StudioZ
Thank you so much Jenz for that awesome script :)
In case it might help others to get it running...

I was fighting a bit to get it working and
noticed that I simply had to modify the HEAD calls, a tiny bit. :wink:

Before: (as in the menubar.txt file):
<script type="text/javascript" src="/phpwcms_template/inc_js/menubar.js"></script>
<link href="/phpwcms_template/inc_css/menubar.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

After: I simply had to modify the paths (by removing the first slash(s)):
<script type="text/javascript" src="phpwcms_template/inc_js/menubar.js"></script>
<link href="phpwcms_template/inc_css/menubar.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

All's working perfect now :D

Thanks again JensZ 8)

Posted: Thu 25. May 2006, 03:15
by mstroz
Hi All,

Has anyone had any success turning this horizontal nav into a vertical nav? I've tried a couple of times with no luck. I love the script, and really need it vertical.

Thanks much.

Posted: Thu 31. Aug 2006, 23:57
by Skipy

Wow! I love your menubar! Its fantastic ....

I saw that you have placed a search function, a print function and a sitemap at the right site of your menu in
Hej man! Tha looks cool! Is this version available for us too? That whuold be great :-)


Posted: Fri 1. Sep 2006, 08:18
by jscholtysik
Hi Skipy,

the search, print and sitemap functions are all standard functions in phpwcms... ;-)

Please search in the content parts and you will see...


Posted: Fri 1. Sep 2006, 14:02
by Skipy
Well, I saw this allready, thanx!

But he has integrated this in his menubar ... look at it! Its is awesome :-)


Posted: Fri 1. Sep 2006, 15:17
by jscholtysik
Hi Skipy,

you can integrate it wherever you want!



- Create a new site level named "sitemap" and alias "sitemap"
- Create in this site level a new article with content part "sitemap".
- Include in your template wherever you want the following code (for example near the breadcrumb menu):

Code: Select all

<a href="index.php?sitemap">Sitemap</a>
Now you can see a link called "Sitemap near your breadcrump menu that links to the content part sitemap... Simple, isn't it?
