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Re: LofSlider and LofSliderNews - both new since 1.4.7 r410

Posted: Fri 21. Jan 2011, 08:48
by hausmeister
i think the hidden images must be placed outside the visible area.

der hausmeister

Re: LofSlider and LofSliderNews - both new since 1.4.7 r410

Posted: Wed 16. Mar 2011, 20:04
by dastel
Oliver Georgi wrote:I have tested it with Images <special> only. But based on this work it should run with teaser or other content too. If someone needs help, remember you can hire me.
Hat das vielleicht irgend jemand schon mal als Template für den CP TEASER umgesetzt, ich habe mal damit angefangen, aber bei mir kommen Fehler. Die ebene die den Titel ausgeben soll kommt nur auf dem ersten Bild.

hier mal das was ich schon gemacht habe, basiert auf das das Template von OG CP SPECIALS...

Code: Select all





<div class="lof-slidecontent lof-snleft">
	<div class="lof-main-outer">
  		<ul class="lof-main-wapper">

			<!-- {IMAGE_NAME} -->
				<a href="{ARTICLELINK}"><img src="img/cmsimage.php/400x300x1/{THUMB_ID}"[TITLE] title="{TITLE}"[/TITLE] alt="[ALT]{ALT}[/ALT]" border="0"/></a>
				<div class="lof-main-item-desc"><div[PRIO] class="prio{PRIO}"[/PRIO]>
		<h3><a href="{ARTICLELINK}">{TITLE} &raquo;</a></h3></div>[SUBTITLE] <b>_{SUBTITLE}.</b>[/SUBTITLE]
				<div class="lof-nav-item">
					<img src="img/cmsimage.php/100x60x1/{THUMB_ID}" alt="" />


<!-- CSS: {TEMPLATE}lib/lofslider/css/lofslider-style.css -->
<!-- CSS:
	/* Hide the nav item element by default - we use JS to move it at right place */
	.lof-nav-item {display:none;} 
<!-- JS: dimensions.min --><!-- JS: easing.min --><!-- JS: mousewheel.min --><!-- JS: {TEMPLATE}lib/lofslider/lofslider.js -->
<!-- JS:

	// build lofslider navigational element
		var lof_options = {
			interval: 4500,
			easing: 'easeInOutSine',
			duration: 1200,
		// iterate all nav items "div.lof-nav-item
			// append lof navigator wrapper and lof navigator element
			var nav_wrapper	= $('<div class="lof-navigator-outer"><'+'/div>').insertAfter( $(this).parent() );
			var nav			= $('<ul class="lof-navigator"><'+'/ul>').appendTo( nav_wrapper );
			// now iterate all and remove it from DOM the same step
			var navitems = $(this).find('li div.lof-nav-item').detach();
				// append it to navigator element
				$('<li><div>' + $(this).html() + '<'+'/div><'+'/li>').appendTo(nav);



Vielleicht, kann mir ja jemand helfen, oder hat sogar schon eine fertige Lösung!


Re: LofSlider and LofSliderNews - both new since 1.4.7 r410

Posted: Sat 14. May 2011, 12:59
by flip-flop
baklavoni wrote: Opacity ON - linking is wrong (only last link is active for all entries)
Opacity OFF - linking OK
In your template change the line:

Code: Select all

<div class="lof-main-item-desc">
<div class="lof-main-item-desc" style="z-index:1;">

The right css and script you will find in this example:
- wiki: Lof SliderNews (jQuery) (EN)
- wiki: Lof SliderNews (jQuery) (DE)


Re: LofSlider and LofSliderNews - both new since 1.4.7 r410

Posted: Mon 23. May 2011, 07:01
by santscho
I am using the LofSlider since yesterday on one of our websites. I made an independent integration on my own because I saw this threat just now. Did not know that you guys are also do experiments with the LofSlider. Anyway... I am facing a problem and hope you can help to solve it...

1. In my news template, I have this line:

Code: Select all

<p><a class="readmore" href="{URL}"{URL_TARGET}>[URL_TEXT]{URL_TEXT}[/URL_TEXT][URL_TEXT_ELSE]Read more...[/URL_TEXT_ELSE]</a></p>
2. I create a news entry (news1) and put the article id 73 in the link field. The slider shows now the news teaser correctly and the link brings the visitor to article 73
3. I create an other news entry (news2) and put the article id 74 in the link field. The slider shows now news1 and news2.

Now the strange thing: The slider for news1 takes over the link of news2. So both slider brings the visitor to article 74 :!: :?:

PS: I know I could use the CP Article Teaser for article sliders. But The slider images are specially designed for the LofSlider and I don't want to use them as images in the article heads (article listing).

Re: LofSlider and LofSliderNews - both new since 1.4.7 r410

Posted: Mon 23. May 2011, 13:00
by santscho
Oh No!.
The same if I implement the Slider in a CP Teaser/Article Link. All the article URLs for all slides become the same!

Here my tpl:

Code: Select all

<div id="lofslidecontent45" class="lof-slidecontent" style="width:730px; height:340px;">
<div class="preload"><div></div></div>
  <div class="lof-main-outer" style="width:730px; height:340px;">
    <div onclick="return false" href="" class="lof-previous">Previous</div>
  	<ul class="lof-main-wapper"><!--TEASER_HEAD_END//-->
<div class="lof-main-item-desc">
<h3><a href="{ARTICLELINK}">/ {TITLE} /</a></h3>
<p><a class="readmore" href="{ARTICLELINK}">Read more...</a></p>
<div onclick="return false" href="" class="lof-next">Next</div>

Re: LofSlider and LofSliderNews - both new since 1.4.7 r410

Posted: Mon 23. May 2011, 14:04
by flip-flop

have you read my last reply?


Re: LofSlider and LofSliderNews - both new since 1.4.7 r410

Posted: Mon 23. May 2011, 14:14
by santscho
Hallo Knut

Jetzt schon :-) Werde das gleich mal ausprobieren.

Re: LofSlider and LofSliderNews - both new since 1.4.7 r410

Posted: Mon 23. May 2011, 14:21
by santscho
IT'S MAGIC! Thanks Knut.