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Re: ImageFlow in CP Images special

Posted: Mon 28. Apr 2008, 16:53
by flip-flop
Es ist sicher einfacher ein Update nach mind. 1.3.5 zu machen.
du kannst allerdings auch die 1.3.3 und 1.3.5 vergleichen und schauen was sich geändert hat.


Re: ImageFlow in CP Images special

Posted: Thu 22. May 2008, 10:54
by rednus
I dont know what i am doing wrong.. but imageflow doesnt work for me.. :(

somehow these lines are appearing in page source.. so i assue the css and javascript are not being changed in globals..

Code: Select all

<a href="#" id="move_left">Left</a> | <a href="#" id="move_right">Right</a>

	$GLOBALS['block']['css']['slider'] = 'specific/slider.css';
	$GLOBALS['block']['custom_htmlhead']['slider'] = '  <script type="text/javascript">

	window.addEvent(\'domready\', function(){
		var slider_width	= 0;
		var step			= 106;
		var scroll_x		= 0;
		var slider_parent	= $(\'slider_container_2\').getSize().size.x;
check this page..

i am using phpwcms_r182..

thanks in advance

Re: ImageFlow in CP Images special

Posted: Thu 22. May 2008, 11:04
by Cipolla
First check your slider template for starting and ending [PHP] ... [/PHP] tags.

and check this in your config:

Code: Select all

$phpwcms['allow_cntPHP_rt']   = 1; //allow PHP replacement tags and includes in content parts

Re: ImageFlow in CP Images special

Posted: Thu 22. May 2008, 11:19
by rednus
Aaah.. perfect.. thanks a lot.. it works now.. :D

however.. i wanted a bigger thumnail.. so i changed the following in imageflow.js

Code: Select all

source image var conf_focus = 2;                  
	size = images_width * 0.7;
	max_height = images_width * 0.7;
but now the slider is not centered.. check here..

could you please let me know which variable to centre it?


Re: ImageFlow in CP Images special

Posted: Thu 22. May 2008, 11:52
by Heiko H.
rednus wrote:i wanted a bigger thumnail..
This is not possible!
Please have a look in the ImageFlow FAQ Nr. 9.
The only thing you can do, is make your site larger (more width).

Regards Heiko...

Re: ImageFlow in CP Images special

Posted: Thu 22. May 2008, 13:35
by rednus
thank heiko.. i played a bit with the js and got it working..

however.. when i open the page in IE i get "Error on page" at line 141 and char 4 with message "Invalid argument" and unable to display any images after the error occurred.. the error comes after going thru few images.. also there is a flicker when changing the images..

but works a treat on firefox..

here is the link:

pleae help.. thanks

Re: ImageFlow in CP Images special

Posted: Thu 22. May 2008, 13:53
by Heiko H.
rednus wrote:however.. when i open the page in IE i get "Error on page" at line 141 and char 4 with message "Invalid argument" and unable to display any images after the error occurred.. the error comes after going thru few images.. also there is a flicker when changing the images..
It is a newer Version of ImageFlow (v0.9) available here. These bugs are fixed in this version.

Version 0.9

* Fixed the IE bug (Invalid Argument, line 141, character 4)
* Fixed the selection bug (ugly text and image selection on slider dragging)
* Fixed the back button bug (using the back button with Safari 3 or Opera sometimes crashed ImageFlow)

Re: ImageFlow in CP Images special

Posted: Thu 22. May 2008, 15:48
by rednus
Heiko, thanks for that. V0.9 solved the freezing problem on IE but now there are more problems with both IE and firefox.

check here:

following problems are encountered:

1. (Fireforx) the div height is overlapping footer (even though i have increased the height to 350px in image flow container)
2. (IE) displays larger images on the flow following thumnails
3. still shows larger reflection even though i sent the reflection to 0.1
4. thumnail images are distorted

ps: btw, before using copying the css we need to make changes to suit phpwcms..


Re: ImageFlow in CP Images special

Posted: Thu 22. May 2008, 16:47
by Heiko H.
rednus wrote:following problems are encountered:
Seems you have some CSS-Trouble.?.

Code: Select all

#imageflow_container {
		 width: 100%;
	    height: 350px;
pa/dding-top:20px; should be padding-top:20px;
rednus wrote:3. still shows larger reflection even though i sent the reflection to 0.1
How have you done this?
You have to set the height in template like this:

Code: Select all

<img src="reflect.php?img={THUMB_REL}&height=10%" longdesc="{IMAGE_REL}" alt="{CAPTION}" />
instead of height in % you can set the height in px too

Code: Select all

<img src="reflect.php?img={THUMB_REL}&height=20" longdesc="{IMAGE_REL}" alt="{CAPTION}" />
good luck, Heiko...

Re: ImageFlow in CP Images special

Posted: Fri 23. May 2008, 17:04
by rednus
thanks for that heiko.. that works..

now, i am trying to display the zoomed image in the same page as an iframe.. however.. not being an web expert i am having some issues.. could you please take a look at the link and see whatz wrong with it..

thanks for all your help in advance..

Re: ImageFlow in CP Images special

Posted: Sun 8. Jun 2008, 15:51
by dagba

ich habe heute mal probiert ob ich das hinbekomme, aber es funktioniert nicht.

beim aufruf der "reflect.php" bekomme ich folgende Fehlermeldung:
GD library is too old. Version 2.0.1 or later is required, and 2.0.28 is strongly recommended.
Wenn ich aber auf meinen Server schaue wird mir angezeigt das ich die Version 2.0.33 installiert habe:
apt-cache show libgd2-xpm
Package: libgd2-xpm
Priority: optional
Section: libs
Installed-Size: 616
Maintainer: Jonas Smedegaard <>
Architecture: i386
Source: libgd2
Version: 2.0.33-5.2
Replaces: libgd2 (<< 2.0.4-2)
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.6-6), libfontconfig1 (>= 2.4.0), libfreetype6 (>= 2.2), libjpeg62, libpng12-0 (>= 1.2.8rel), libx11-6, libxpm4, zlib1g (>= 1:1.2.1)
Suggests: libgd-tools
Conflicts: libgd2-noxpm, libgd2 (<< 2.0.4-5)
Filename: pool/main/libg/libgd2/libgd2-xpm_2.0.33-5.2_i386.deb
Size: 199724
Wo liegt nun das Problem, hat jemand ne idee???

Dann noch was anderes:

Wenn ich Bilder einfügemit "Bilder <div>" und Lightbox anklicke hab ich das Problem wenn ich mit der Maus über das Bild fahre das mir das Bild dann 2 mal angezeigt wird (2 mal nen halbes, siehe Bild)... Woran könnte das liegen???


Vielen Dank schon einmal im voraus



P.S.: ach ja habe die phpwcms-Version 1.3.9 r182 installiert

Re: ImageFlow in CP Images special

Posted: Sun 8. Jun 2008, 21:44
by dagba

ich hab es hinbekommen. Hab mir die "ImageFlow 0.9" hier: runtergeladen und die reflect.php und die imageflow.js ersetzt, dann ging es.

Da ich dann noch "Highslide" wollte, habe ich mir das hier: ... HighSlide/ runtergeladen und mit ein wenig ausprobieren auch hinbekommen. Zu sehen hier:,2,0,0,1,0

Nun habe ich aber das Problem das die Linie mit dem Punkt durch das Bild durch scheint


wenn ich das Bild vergrößere mit Highslide....

Hat jemand ne idee wie ich das weg bekomme???

Danke schon mal im voraus



Re: ImageFlow in CP Images special

Posted: Mon 9. Jun 2008, 22:21
by update
has anybody tried this one with an r182 or later? Following Heikos rather clear and simple description doesn't lead to success... :(
Could it be that there is a collision with mootools (which are loaded by images special)?
Or is there some trick (or magic spell ;) ) I cannot find out?

Re: ImageFlow in CP Images special

Posted: Mon 9. Jun 2008, 22:43
by update
to answer it myself - yes, there is a collision with mootools (I just renamed it to something else and now imageflow is working. But I think this is not what I want ;)
perhaps there are some additional ideas?

EDIT: I'm testing / running r191...

Re: ImageFlow in CP Images special

Posted: Tue 10. Jun 2008, 01:51
by pepe
claus wrote:...
EDIT: I'm testing / running r191...
What the hell is that, r191 ???

You are juggeling with a veeeery OLD version, my friend... we now have r203... for the next 5 minutes or so !!!