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Posted: Fri 15. Aug 2008, 18:18
by Jensensen

Re: Nested Custom Content Blocks - really rocks!!! - Wow!!!

Posted: Fri 15. Aug 2008, 18:20
by update
Jensensen wrote:Yeah man, this exactly was what I tried to explain by using the expression "nested"!
:lol: ;) I know that you know that I know :lol:

Re: Nested Custom Content Blocks - really rocks!!! - Wow!!!

Posted: Fri 15. Aug 2008, 21:58
by update
WOW - this is so cool:
.... just two minutes ago - can't believe it, really. Many thanks, Oliver - will go playing with it as soon as Günther has his new r edition up !! :lol: :D

Re: Nested Custom Content Blocks - really rocks!!! - Wow!!!

Posted: Fri 15. Aug 2008, 22:35
by Jensensen
Thank you claus for PM!

Re: Nested Custom Content Blocks - really rocks!!! - Wow!!!

Posted: Fri 15. Aug 2008, 22:44
by update
Jensensen wrote:Hmm, let''s see WHO made/was responsible for issue 85...
Dig it!
Jensensen wrote:(ich sach ja: "Hier wirste bekloppt bei")

Re: Nested Custom Content Blocks - really rocks!!! - Wow!!!

Posted: Fri 15. Aug 2008, 22:49
by Jensensen
Jensensen wrote:... Hmm, let''s see WHO made/was responsible for issue 85...
No mystery anymore --> claus [... and slackero fulfilled ]

Re: Nested Custom Content Blocks - really rocks!!! - Wow!!!

Posted: Sat 16. Aug 2008, 06:00
by juergen
Ok claus, we are waiting for Nesters ... :D

Re: Nested Custom Content Blocks - really rocks!!! - Wow!!!

Posted: Sun 17. Aug 2008, 11:11
by update
This is not as easy as expected (hope is a strange animal ;) )
If I have an HTML Content Part template with - let's say- 3 CUSTOM_BLOCKS {B1}{B2}{B3} I'm able to target them as usual.
But putting another CP HTML template into e.g. {B2} with two new CBs {D1}{D2} they will be rendered as plain text only (still bold or other ones are rendered fine)
One rendering step, then finito...

So I tried to put in some CBs into the text area of different CPs and nested the - this seems to work as expected and nesting woks out, but is really unhandy :?
So why isn't it rendered - is there a difference between template and text field input rendering? Especially for the CP HTML it would come in handy to be able to render at least 2 or three steps while nesting ...

Re: Nested Custom Content Blocks - really rocks!!! - Wow!!!

Posted: Sun 17. Aug 2008, 12:14
by Oliver Georgi
You cannot nest replacement tags in looped manner. It will be rendered only once!!! You have a logical problem. Think twice what you really expect. You are now at an point where it is in-effective to handle it this way without custom frontend_render scripting.


Re: Nested Custom Content Blocks - really rocks!!! - Wow!!!

Posted: Sun 17. Aug 2008, 14:46
by Jensensen

Re: Nested Custom Content Blocks - really rocks!!! - Wow!!!

Posted: Sun 17. Aug 2008, 15:03
by update
Jensensen wrote:I'm wondering because
claus wrote:... putting another CP HTML template into e.g. {B2} with two new CBs {D1}{D2} they will be rendered ...
No - not so!
claus wrote:they will be rendered as plain text only
showing their beauty as {CUSTOM1} ... not showing the contend that is meant to be in them....
My hope has been that this would be posible with templates too, but mmm...
... perhaps some FE-rendering script could do the trich.... I will draw some picture later on.... ;)
target: --> {B1}
content: --> {D1}{NAV_LIST_UL}{D2}
I'd like to have this in a template - so users don't need to fill in some {}

Re: Nested Custom Content Blocks - really rocks!!! - Wow!!!

Posted: Sun 17. Aug 2008, 16:00
by Jensensen

Re: Nested Custom Content Blocks - really rocks!!! - Wow!!!

Posted: Sun 17. Aug 2008, 16:48
by Jensensen

Re: Nested Custom Content Blocks - really rocks!!! - Wow!!!

Posted: Sun 17. Aug 2008, 22:26
by update
Here is a little nesting test. See how it is stopping render work.

Re: Nested Custom Content Blocks - really rocks!!! - Wow!!!

Posted: Sun 17. Aug 2008, 23:35
by Jensensen