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Posted: Fri 4. Aug 2006, 11:18
by flip-flop
Hi Fulvio,

it is a thread about the bugs of the new V1.2.8 DEV/PRE

Solved bugs:

content title output twice
/include/inc_front/ line 47

Code: Select all

		$c .= html_specialchars($subhead).
change to

Code: Select all

		$c .= html_specialchars($subhead);
CP text w/image table right/left
Generated ouput: class imgDIVblockImgRight instead of imgDIVblockImgLeft

/include/inc_front/content/ line 141

Code: Select all

$iconimg = imagediv($phpwcms, $image, 'blockImgRight');
change to

Code: Select all

$iconimg = imagediv($phpwcms, $image, 'blockImgLeft');
Please insert a css snipped into the frontend.css
.imgDIVblockImgLeft { margin-right: 10px; }
.imgDIVblockImgRight { margin-left: 10px; }

Using picos FCK:
/include/inc_lib/ line 45

Code: Select all

//         $oFCKeditor->Config['CustomConfigurationsPath']   = PHPWCMS_BASEPATH.'config/phpwcms/fckeditor_config.js.php' ;
and line 50

Code: Select all

         $oFCKeditor->ToolbarSet                     = 'phpwcms'; //original phpwcms_basic   //phpwcms_default, Default
Thats all at this time

regards Knut

Posted: Sat 5. Aug 2006, 00:58
by pepe
So Freunde,

nun habe ich nach Umsetzen der hier beschriebenen Korrekturen meine Testseite so, daß sie die Prüfung ohne Fehler besteht.

This Page Is Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional!

Alle Bilder sind richtig angeordnet, der FCKeditor2 hat sein übliches IconSet für Erwachsene....
Ich kann im Moment keine Fehlfunktionen mehr feststellen, habe aber auch nicht alle CPs in meiner Site integriert!
Wenn ich nun wüßte wie's weitergeht... und in welchen Zeitabständen, dann würd ich jetzt meine "echten" Sites auch aktualisieren......

Da haben wir wieder das Problem der fehlenden Roadmap mit integrierten Eckterminen :roll:

Trotzdem... dieser Schritt war sicher wichtig und richtig... bin gespannt, wie's weitergehen wird :?:

Posted: Sat 5. Aug 2006, 03:19
by 1996 328ti
My index page reads

error while getting link article list: SELECT article_id, article_title, article_cid, article_summary FROM phpwcms_article WHERE article_public=1 AND article_aktiv=1 AND article_deleted=0 AND article_cid=124 AND article_beginNOW() AND article_id != ORDER BY article_sort ASC

The other pages are fine. I'll revert to 1.2.7 for now.

Posted: Sat 5. Aug 2006, 06:15
by terry_b
Captcha shows an empty image.

I even changed of hosting company and it's the same problem...

Is that normal?



Posted: Sat 5. Aug 2006, 09:57
by Rahner
pepe wrote: This Page Is Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional!
Das hab ich schon mit meiner pre 1.2.7 :wink:
Ich hab meine Seite soweit fertig entwickelt, jetzt warte ich "nur" noch auf eine stabile 1.3 :)

Posted: Sat 5. Aug 2006, 12:42
by Pappnase

does anybody try to use the googlesitemap thing!? and if yes did you get any errors!?

i try to add the sitemap.php to the google sitemap but only get errors :-(

Posted: Sat 5. Aug 2006, 13:55
by flip-flop
@1996 328ti

have you installed any hack or mod?

regards Knut

Posted: Sat 5. Aug 2006, 14:16
by 1996 328ti
flip-flop wrote:@1996 328ti

have you installed any hack or mod?

regards Knut
Yes, teaser_tag and some others. The thing is, my other pages all work using those mods. It's just the home index page that is messed up.

I have not been happy with the last 2 updates.
And looking at other CMSes, none are as versatile as phpwcms.
Not even commerical ones that I have seen.

Posted: Sat 5. Aug 2006, 16:24
by flip-flop
The version 1.2.7/8 don´t work with most hacks and mods for 1.2.6.
Internally there are many changes.

regards Knut

Posted: Sat 5. Aug 2006, 17:59
by Pappnase
Pappnase wrote:hello

does anybody try to use the googlesitemap thing!? and if yes did you get any errors!?

i try to add the sitemap.php to the google sitemap but only get errors :-(

i get it to work! but the problem is that the sitemap.php will give the wrong time / date format :-(

sitemap.php offer the time / date like this


but it should be one of this both

* 2005-02-21
* 2005-02-21T18:00:15+00:00

Posted: Sat 5. Aug 2006, 18:19
by Oliver Georgi
Pappnase wrote:i get it to work! but the problem is that the sitemap.php will give the wrong time / date format :-(

sitemap.php offer the time / date like this


but it should be one of this both

* 2005-02-21
* 2005-02-21T18:00:15+00:00
No, hm fuck - maybe MySQL handels those in another format.


Posted: Sun 6. Aug 2006, 04:50
by 1996 328ti
flip-flop wrote:The version 1.2.7/8 don´t work with most hacks and mods for 1.2.6.
Internally there are many changes.

regards Knut
I think I'll dig up an older version then.

Posted: Sun 6. Aug 2006, 07:55
by Oliver Georgi
I'm working on those and will release a fixed 1.2.8 this evening. It's not much but "Puh".

But "Juchu" - it's colder outside. No more holiday feelings...


don't feel guilty...

Posted: Sun 6. Aug 2006, 09:02
by Pauli

Posted: Sun 6. Aug 2006, 09:28
by Rahner
Oliver Georgi wrote:I'm working on those and will release a fixed 1.2.8 this evening. It's not much but "Puh".

But "Juchu" - it's colder outside. No more holiday feelings...

Das hört sich gut an // Sounds good!