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Update content parts 1.2.6 -> 1.2.7 pre

Posted: Mon 19. Jun 2006, 18:56
by flip-flop
Update content parts funktion 1.2.6 -> 1.2.7 pre for an existing site.

Hi folks,

here is my solution to update the new content parts function at structure level for an existing site.
[EDIT] Please see the post above:[/EDIT]
O.G. wrote: make a selection of content parts for each structure level, content parts can also be sorted and grouped
SQL statement for an blank acat_cntpart:

Code: Select all

UPDATE `phpwcms_articlecat` SET `acat_cntpart`='-1,0,1,14,-2,2,50,-3,13,19,23,18,12,16,22,89,-4,6,11,52,21,9,51,-5,24,15,4,8,7,3,5,100' WHERE `acat_cntpart`='' OR `acat_cntpart`='0' ;
My order:

Code: Select all

  -1 => [optgroup] text
   0 => $BL['be_ctype_plaintext'] ,    // plain text
   1 => $BL['be_ctype_textimage'],     // text w/image
  14 => $BL['be_ctype_wysywig'],       // WYSIWYG HTML
  -2 => [optgroup] image  
   2 => $BL['be_ctype_images'],        // images
  50 => $BL['be_ctype_reference'],     // rolover image
  -3 => [optgroup] form
  13 => $BL['be_ctype_search'],        // search
  19 => $BL['be_ctype_sitemap'],       // sitemap
  23 => $BL['be_ctype_simpleform'],    // e-mail contaktform
  18 => $BL['be_ctype_guestbook'],     // guestbook
  12 => $BL['be_ctype_newsletter'],    // newsletter
  16 => $BL['be_ctype_ecard'],         // e-card
  22 => $BL['be_ctype_rssfeed'],       // RSS-feed
  89 => $BL['be_ctype_poll'],          // poll
  -4 => [optgroup] admin
   6 => $BL['be_ctype_html'],          // HTML
  11 => $BL['be_ctype_code'],          // code
  52 => $BL['be_ctype_phpvar'],        // PHP variables
  21 => $BL['be_ctype_pages'],         // ext. content
   9 => $BL['be_ctype_multimedia'],    // multimedia
  51 => $BL['be_ctype_map'],           // map

  -5 => [optgroup] special
  24 => $BL['be_ctype_alias']          // contentpart alias
  15 => $BL['be_ctype_articlemenu'],   // article menue
   4 => $BL['be_ctype_bulletlist'],    // list (table)
   8 => $BL['be_ctype_linkarticle'],   // article link
   7 => $BL['be_ctype_filelist'],      // filelist
   3 => $BL['be_ctype_link'],          // link & e-mail
   5 => $BL['be_ctype_linklist'],      // linkb list   
 100 => $BL['be_ctype_ullist'],        // list
Please find your own order and listing.


Posted: Mon 19. Jun 2006, 19:05
by Oliver Georgi
This is not really neccessary ;-) - if you wish to have an ordered change edit include/inc_lib/ This is a lot easier and/or future safe.


Posted: Mon 19. Jun 2006, 19:25
by flip-flop
I did know that. ...
But what is the solution for an uptade of an large existing site?
We need a basic entry at "Content Part selection:" otherwise we can´t edit the articles. :?:


Posted: Mon 19. Jun 2006, 23:21
by Oliver Georgi
always read all posts ;-)

If no content part is selected for a structure all content parts are available there as it was by now.


Posted: Tue 20. Jun 2006, 03:40
by DeXXus
I asked this question here-->

MY UPGRADE from 20060427_phpwcms_1.2.6 -TO- pre1.2.7_phpwcms

1. Downloaded and unzipped -=original=- pre1.2.7_phpwcms (as soon as it was available! :twisted: )
2. Later downloaded 20060717_contentPartStructureForm_patch and unzipped (overwrite) those files.
3. FTP'ed most recent version of ALL files.
4. Ran upgrade script and finished setup.
5 Logged in and went to Article Center (site structure and article list).
6. Chose edit article [Article Name].
7 Chose add new content part-->DROPDOWN was -=EMPTY=- !

SO... then webmaster CANNOT -=ADD=- any further content to EXISTING articles UNTIL he ADDS BACK (some/all) Content Parts to parent_structure.

I know there is a language problem in the forum ( :D GERMANGLISH :D ) that leads to "presumed" understanding... sometimes!

But now I wonder -=IF=- the patch addresses the problem. I know it is TOO LATE for me to determine because I have already ADDED BACK all Content Parts for all categories and cannot reverse this. Is this similar to what you are talking about flip-flop ? Or has anyone else done the upgrade that I describe ?

Posted: Tue 20. Jun 2006, 08:27
by flip-flop
Hi at all,

there we have two different patch files:
1. 06/06/17: 11.419 byte
2. 06/06/20: 20.436 byte

The first one was my installation, related to this patch my hint was written.
- No double CP at article
- clear group structure for all users.
- It works very well

The second and newest patch did do Olivers solution.
But this feature
".... selection of content parts for each structure level, content parts can also be sorted and grouped ..."
don´t work no longer.
At article CP dropdown my selected CPs are all visible and grouped.
But at the bottom part of the dropdown list all available CPs are visible a second time. :shock:

I don´t understand this.
For me this new function is unusable at this time.

@O.G. Please don´t fill up a patch/version with different content publishing under the same name.
Nobody can´t look into.

A little mistake: It´s june. 20060717


Posted: Tue 20. Jun 2006, 09:33
by Oliver Georgi
flip-flop wrote:Hi at all,

there we have two different patch files:
1. 06/06/17: 11.419 byte
2. 06/06/20: 20.436 byte

The first one was my installation, related to this patch my hint was written.
- No double CP at article
- clear group structure for all users.
- It works very well

The second and newest patch did do Olivers solution.
But this feature
".... selection of content parts for each structure level, content parts can also be sorted and grouped ..."
don´t work no longer.
At article CP dropdown my selected CPs are all visible and grouped.
But at the bottom part of the dropdown list all available CPs are visible a second time. :shock:

I don´t understand this.
For me this new function is unusable at this time.

@O.G. Please don´t fill up a patch/version with different content publishing under the same name.
Nobody can´t look into.

A little mistake: It´s june. 20060717

I can't follow. It is working. So let me check the files again - the first patch couldn't work.


Re: Pre 1.2.7 release!

Posted: Tue 20. Jun 2006, 09:43
by yoshi01
tinoo wrote:Hi Folks
Kosse wrote: # captcha for guestbook and form generator
--> Yeeha! Thx
DE: Ist es möglich, nur das Gästebuch zu updaten? Quasi als "Sofortmassnahme" gegen Spammer? Welche Files wären das?

EN: Is it possible only to update the guestbook? Just as a instant spam protection? Which files would that be?
hi tinoo..

DE: ich nutze als "sofortmassnahme" bad-behavior, was für meine gästebücher bisher wunderbar funktioniert hat und innerhalb von minuten problemlos integriert war. offenbar gibts aber auch was neues - sie dir das mal an:

EN: my instant spam protection for phpwcms-guestbook is bad-behavior, wich has been set-up in minutes und done very well so far. obviously there is yet another solution - for this issue please have a look at:

kind regards,

Re: Pre 1.2.7 release!

Posted: Tue 20. Jun 2006, 09:51
by tinoo
yoshi01 wrote:DE: ich nutze als "sofortmassnahme" bad-behavior...

EN: my instant spam protection for phpwcms-guestbook is bad-behavior...
Jup, das hab ich auch installiert. Aber im Moment füllt so eine ****-Fritz meine Gästebücher...

Jup, i did that a couple of weeks ago. But still one of this **** guys ist filling my guestbooks with spam...

Posted: Tue 20. Jun 2006, 10:39
by nekket
Ich hab auch was merkwürdiges bei der 1.2.7:
Habe von 1.2.5 geupdated, mein Problem bezieht sich auf {NAV_TABLE_COLUMN}.

Die untergeordneten Menüpunkte (also die, die eingerückt dargestellt werden) werden viel zu weit eingerückt. Das war in der alten Version nicht der Fall.

Frage an Oliver: hast du hier was verändert und ich muss noch irgendwo etwas einstellen? Bin eigentlich davon ausgegangen, dass hier alles beim Alten geblieben ist.

Ansonsten: Gästebuch endlich SPAMfrei dank dem netten Mod :D

EDIT: komisch - im Firefox geht es - im IE nicht *grübel*

Posted: Tue 20. Jun 2006, 10:55
by flip-flop
Hi nekket,

- doctype identisch?

$content['page_start'] = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">';
$content['page_start'] = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">';

- Link?


Posted: Tue 20. Jun 2006, 12:11
by flip-flop
@ O.G.
O.G. wrote:I can't follow. It is working. So let me check the files again - the first patch couldn't work.
Here you did see the problem: Fresh installation 1.2.7 pre + last patch.

site structure

article information


Posted: Tue 20. Jun 2006, 14:27
by pico

have exact the same Problem :( with the Contentparts as Knut has shown

tested with:
updated 1.2.6
fresh install with imported Data

Apache 2.2.0
PHP 5.1.1
mySQL 5.0.18

edited: seems that this Code always run (articlecontent.list.tmpl.php)

Code: Select all

if(!$temp_count) {
	//list all available content parts
	foreach($wcs_content_type as $key => $value) {
		echo "<option value=\"".$key."\">".$value."</option>";
with a change to this it works for me

Code: Select all

if(is_array($article["article_cntpart"]) && count($article["article_cntpart"])) {
	// list all content parts usable for this article category
	foreach($article["article_cntpart"] as $value) {
		if(isset($wcs_content_type[$value])) {
			echo '<option value="'.$value.'">'.$wcs_content_type[$value]."</option>\n";
		$value1 = $value * (-1);
		$temp_count++; // <--------------------------------- -------added by pico
		if(isset($BL['be_admin_optgroup_label'][$value1])) {
			echo '<optgroup label="[ '.$BL['be_admin_optgroup_label'][$value1].' ]" class="cntOptGroup"></optgroup>'."\n";
Have you installed the patch files?



Posted: Tue 20. Jun 2006, 17:57
by flip-flop
This code is generated after an upgrade from 1.2.6 to 1.2.7

Code: Select all

<!-- colspan1:  colspan2:  colspan="6" //-->
<!-- colspan1:  colspan2:  colspan="5" //-->
<!-- colspan1:  colspan="2" colspan2:  colspan="4" //-->
<!-- colspan1:  colspan="3" colspan2:  colspan="3" //-->
<!-- colspan1:  colspan="4" colspan2:  colspan="2" //-->
<!-- colspan1:  colspan="5" colspan2:  //-->

Some NAV_TABLE_COLUMN don´t work right in IE.

Any idea?



Posted: Tue 20. Jun 2006, 18:00
by Oliver Georgi
flip-flop wrote:This code is generated after an upgrade from 1.2.6 to 1.2.7

Code: Select all

<!-- colspan1:  colspan2:  colspan="6" //-->
<!-- colspan1:  colspan2:  colspan="5" //-->
<!-- colspan1:  colspan="2" colspan2:  colspan="4" //-->
<!-- colspan1:  colspan="3" colspan2:  colspan="3" //-->
<!-- colspan1:  colspan="4" colspan2:  colspan="2" //-->
<!-- colspan1:  colspan="5" colspan2:  //-->

Some NAV_TABLE_COLUMN don´t work right in IE.

Any idea?

I will check that - maybe I have forgotten to remove debugging stuff. And yes still problems in IE when hidden stuff. I try to find a bugfix for all menus.
