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Posted: Thu 6. Apr 2006, 11:10
by jareeq
erich_k4 wrote:
jareeq wrote:
im writing about 1.61 downloaded from recomended link that line is missing and problem with sort order is back again...
could not verify this:

Version 1.61, 14.03.2006
for mysql.4
line 281 $sql .= $sqlorder;
line 298 $sql .= $sqlorder;

dont know what file you are talking about!!!!!???

or do you mean it should be before the "LIMIT" statement on line 293?
yes :-)

Posted: Thu 6. Apr 2006, 11:15
by erich_k4

you are right, it seems to work in the version for mysql 3, don't know what happened to mysql 4 version....strange, very strange (-> hobgoblins , maybe) :D

it will be corrected in the next version...

Posted: Thu 6. Apr 2006, 11:25
by jareeq
You found it some time ago :-) ... &start=219


for me it is not a problem I know where insert the line :D

Posted: Mon 10. Apr 2006, 13:57
by ff123

I am using the reptags {teaser_ex} and {show_content:xxx}.

Now I want to show a news archive with {teaser_ex}. So {teaser_ex} shows the news items, but only the summary of the articles.

Now I want to show certain news items on the front page. So I use {show_content:xxx}. But {show_content:xxx} shows the ful article not the summary.

My problem is that I have to enter the news twice: in the summary for {teaser_ex} and in the full article for {show_content:xxx}. My client won't like this.

Does anyone have a suggestion how to solve this?

Posted: Mon 10. Apr 2006, 14:41
by erich_k4
ff123 wrote:Hi,

I am using the reptags {teaser_ex} and {show_content:xxx}.

Now I want to show a news archive with {teaser_ex}. So {teaser_ex} shows the news items, but only the summary of the articles.

Now I want to show certain news items on the front page. So I use {show_content:xxx}. But {show_content:xxx} shows the ful article not the summary.

My problem is that I have to enter the news twice: in the summary for {teaser_ex} and in the full article for {show_content:xxx}. My client won't like this.

Does anyone have a suggestion how to solve this?
you want to show the summary text and an particular contentpart below the summary?

if so, try this modified version:

Code: Select all

// AUTHOR:          Jens Zetterström
// DESCRIPTION:    Shows the content of the article content part with the specified id.
// INSTALLATION:    Put the code in frontend_render (for example in a file called show_content.php)
//                  Note: If the article content part contains replacement tags (for example {SITE}),
//                  they will not be replaced because code in frontend_render is executed after those
//                  replacement tags already have been processed. To fix, put the code in
//         instead.
// {SHOW_CONTENT:acontent_id:show_summary}
// where acontent_id is the id of the content part.
// and set show_summary to 1 if you want to show the summary, 0 to hide it    -> added by Erich Munz, erich_k4
function show_content($id, $showsummary, $db)
   $CNT_TMP = '';
   $template_default = $GLOBALS["template_default"];
   $sql =   "SELECT * " . 
            "FROM " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_articlecontent " .
            "INNER JOIN " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_article ON " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_article.article_id = " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_articlecontent.acontent_aid " .
            "WHERE acontent_id = " . $id . " " .
            "AND acontent_visible = 1 " .
            "AND acontent_trash = 0 " .
            "AND " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_article.article_deleted=0 AND ".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_article.article_begin < NOW() " .
            "AND " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_article.article_end > NOW() ";
            "ORDER BY acontent_sorting, acontent_id;";
   if($cresult = mysql_query($sql, $db) or die("error retrieving article from database"))
      if($crow = mysql_fetch_array($cresult))
         if ($showsummary == 1) $CNT_TMP .= '<div class="articleSummary">'.$crow["article_summary"].'</div>'; // -> added by Erich Munz, erich_k4

         // Space before
            $CNT_TMP .= '<div style="margin:' . $crow["acontent_before"] . 'px 0 0 0; padding:0 0 0 0; clear:both;"></div>';

                  // include content part code section
         include("include/inc_front/content/cnt" . $crow["acontent_type"] . "");

         //check if top link should be shown
               $CNT_TMP .= $template_default["article"]["top_sign_before"];
               $CNT_TMP .= '<a href="#top">'.$template_default["article"]["top_sign"].'</a>';
               $CNT_TMP .= $template_default["article"]["top_sign_after"];
               $CNT_TMP .= '<br /><a href="#top">' . $template_default["article"]["top_sign"] . '</a>';

         // Space after
            $CNT_TMP .= '<div style="margin:0 0 ' . $crow["acontent_after"] . 'px 0; padding:0 0 0 0; clear:both;"></div>';
   return $CNT_TMP;

if( ! ( strpos($content["all"],'{SHOW_CONTENT:')===false ) )
   $content["all"] = preg_replace('/\{SHOW_CONTENT:(.*?):(.*?)\}/ie', 'show_content("$1", "$2", $db);', $content["all"]);

where acontent_id is the id of the content part.
and set show_summary to 1 if you want to show the summary, 0 to hide it

NOTE that this modified version only displays the htmlformatted summary text, without images or assigned templatesettings...

Posted: Mon 10. Apr 2006, 19:50
by ff123
Thanx for the fast reply and the enhanced reptag!! :D
One thing I wonder about if it is possible to show only the summary without having made an article. This is because I only write summaries, because the {teaser_ex} only shows summaries.
Of course I could ask the client to write a summary AND a full article, but that will be more work for him.

Posted: Mon 10. Apr 2006, 20:13
by erich_k4
ff123 wrote: Of course I could ask the client to write a summary AND a full article, but that will be more work for him.
but thats the normal way

Posted: Wed 3. May 2006, 09:16
by ndm

RT läuft prima.

danke :!: :!: :!:

gruss andi

Posted: Sun 7. May 2006, 19:57
by stjohannboys
Hi @ all:

hab mir das hier runtergeladen und wieder hochgeladen :wink:

hab den {TEASER_EX:news|-1:6:default|ASC:1:Seite:1::default:-1:Weiter:1:0::0} eingesetzt aber guckt selbst -->

Was ist falsch?

Hätte das gern wie der Andi/ndm vor mir nur mit 2 News nebeneinander!

Danke im voraus,


Posted: Mon 8. May 2006, 17:20
by stjohannboys
Hi @ all:

schaut mal bitte -->

Wie kann ich vor jede Nachricht ein Bild machen?

Posted: Mon 8. May 2006, 17:22
by ssyfrig
poste mal Dein Template Code ..

Gruss Sven

Posted: Mon 8. May 2006, 20:38
by stjohannboys
hab das standard-template (glaube ich)!

Posted: Mon 8. May 2006, 22:37
by ssyfrig

Code: Select all

<table width="300" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
    <td width="100" rowspan="2">[IMAGE]<a href="{ARTICLELINK}">{IMAGE}</a>[/IMAGE]</td>
save as test.tmpl and upload to /phpwcms_template/inc_cntpart/articlesummary/list/

change your RT ...
{TEASER_EX:news|-1:6:default|ASC:0:Seite:2::test.tmpl:200:Alle Seiten:0:0::0}

greez Sven

Posted: Mon 5. Jun 2006, 14:25
by albu
jetzt kommt mein "Problem" mit teaser - trotz generator und neuester Version kommt bei mir nur EIN Resultat...
folgende Seitenkonstruktion:
Level 1.1
Level 1.1.1
Artikel zu 1.1.1
Level 1.1.2
Artikel zu 1.1.2
Level 1.1.3
Artikel zu 1.1.3
Level 1.2
Level 2
Level 2.1
Level 3


Alle Artikel und Kategorien haben Schlagtext und -1 als Anzahl...

Ich möchte nun eine Übersuiht z.B. der neuen Artikel zu Level 1.1 - das sollten dann z.B. 3 Stück sein...

Was mache ich falsch? (es wird nur ein Artikel angezeigt, also WIE es geht weis ich schon :-) )

PHP 4.3.1
MySQL 4.1.10a

Posted: Mon 26. Jun 2006, 12:11
by erich_k4
albu wrote:jetzt kommt mein "Problem" mit teaser - trotz generator und neuester Version kommt bei mir nur EIN Resultat...
folgende Seitenkonstruktion:
Level 1.1
Level 1.1.1
Artikel zu 1.1.1
Level 1.1.2
Artikel zu 1.1.2
Level 1.1.3
Artikel zu 1.1.3
Level 1.2
Level 2
Level 2.1
Level 3


Alle Artikel und Kategorien haben Schlagtext und -1 als Anzahl...

Ich möchte nun eine Übersuiht z.B. der neuen Artikel zu Level 1.1 - das sollten dann z.B. 3 Stück sein...

Was mache ich falsch? (es wird nur ein Artikel angezeigt, also WIE es geht weis ich schon :-) )

PHP 4.3.1
MySQL 4.1.10a
wie schaut dein teaser_Ex RT aus? haben deine level einen alias?