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Posted: Thu 23. Mar 2006, 20:12
by StudioZ
Hi KIer,

Try using this:

I think you simply had a .tmpl extension missing :wink:
Should be your complete template name:


Posted: Thu 23. Mar 2006, 20:20
by StudioZ
Hi allison :wink:
allison wrote:Hi Erich,
That is. Everything is good done. It's very simple but I don't understand what "exclude" means in Vietnamese in "Exclude Articles with ID's" content. A stupid question! :oops:
I don't speak Vietnamese of course but...
Exclude means: the ones you don't want see in your listing.
Suppose you have a serie of articles which numbers are:
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
and that you DON'T want TEASER_EX to show the
article number 13 in the listing... then you will simply exclude it.

Check Erich's TeaserEX-Tag-Generator:


Posted: Thu 23. Mar 2006, 21:01
by KIer
hi erich_k4

it works!

you are great, thanks :D

Posted: Fri 24. Mar 2006, 06:16
by allison
Hi StudioZ,
I don't read "TeaserEX-Tag-Generator" carefully, so I don't know how to exclude a article. But after read a post by Erich, everything is clear. I found it's very simple so that I said my question is a stupid question. :lol:
Thanks for care StudioZ!
Good luck!

Posted: Fri 31. Mar 2006, 02:25
by ndm
great !
works perfect. tnx a lot !

greetz from switzerland

Posted: Wed 5. Apr 2006, 00:38
by peri
Really, i dont know how to use this tag.
I have read all 18 pages. And it is still strange to me.

Where do i have to set the code to keep this stuff running??

Posted: Wed 5. Apr 2006, 00:55
by DeXXus
You won't get away with posting such an empty query. Where's the details? Where's the "hard work" ?? What have you tried?? What specific questions have you asked -or- do you have to ask?? C'MON :oops: :? :o :roll: :twisted: :shock: :( :P :wink:

Posted: Wed 5. Apr 2006, 01:24
by pepe
:roll: :roll: :roll: I second you DeXXus... :wink: :wink: :wink:

The "small handfull" of helpers in this forum have to work x times to answer what a newbees want to now!

Why don't they read all the existing informations, why don't they use the search button, befor they ask :?:

What a crazy world?!

Posted: Wed 5. Apr 2006, 07:42
by tinoo
pepe wrote:The "small handfull" of helpers in this forum have to work x times to answer what a newbees want to now!
Forums are the badest way to store informations... There is no clear structure, but there are thousands of informations split over several pages...

Look at this topic! 18 pages! That's too match! At the point if you / if we have to repeat answers, we should think about a proper documentation - and a running sample!

And sometimes we should ask "special" newbies, to leave phpwcms and go back to frontpage-wizards... :roll:

Die Sache mit der Multilanguage-Page ist genau sowas... Du schreibst dir die Finger wund und mir wird beim lesen schwindlig :P , aber irgendwo ein paar Seiten weiter hinten schreibt Kosse eine Zusammenfassung, knapp und bündig - und alles wird klar! Dazwischen liegen Seiten, in denen es nichts als die gleichen Fragen hat... Solche Beiträge sollte man radikal ausmisten und alle wichtigen Informationen auf die Docu-Page übertragen,
oder einfach die Zusammenfassung im Forum liegen lassen. Ist natürlich auch eine Mordsarbeit - macht aber sicher auch mehr Spass als immer weider auf die gleichen Fragen zu antworten...
Übrigens: Ich werde mich demnächst mit einer Mehrsprachen-Seite beschäftigen. Vielleicht komm ich dann mal um ein, zwei Tipps abzuholen... :lol:

Posted: Wed 5. Apr 2006, 07:48
by tinoo
peri wrote:Really, i dont know how to use this tag.
Sorry but if you don't know how to use this tag, you don't need it...

Otherwise you would know what this tag can do and you would understand
the options of this tag. This could be, if you red article nr 1 on page 1 and if
you had a look at erichs demopage. If you still don't know how to manage
it, just be happy with phpwcms without teaser_ex...

Posted: Wed 5. Apr 2006, 20:01
by jareeq

line 293 should be

Code: Select all

$sql .= $sqlorder;


Posted: Thu 6. Apr 2006, 09:38
by erich_k4
jareeq wrote:@erich_k4

line 293 should be

Code: Select all

$sql .= $sqlorder;

it was a bug in ver 1.52 actual version is 1.61 please update your installation

Posted: Thu 6. Apr 2006, 10:03
by jareeq
erich_k4 wrote:
jareeq wrote:@erich_k4

line 293 should be

Code: Select all

$sql .= $sqlorder;

it was a bug in ver 1.52 actual version is 1.61 please update your installation
im writing about 1.61 downloaded from recomended link that line is missing and problem with sort order is back again...

Posted: Thu 6. Apr 2006, 10:48
by erich_k4
jareeq wrote:
im writing about 1.61 downloaded from recomended link that line is missing and problem with sort order is back again...
could not verify this:

Version 1.61, 14.03.2006
for mysql.4
line 281 $sql .= $sqlorder;
line 298 $sql .= $sqlorder;

dont know what file you are talking about!!!!!???

or do you mean it should be before the "LIMIT" statement on line 293?

Posted: Thu 6. Apr 2006, 11:05
by jareeq
// TEASER_EX replacementtag (by Erich Munz, 2006)^
// Version 1.61, 14.03.2006^
// requirements: mysql >= 4.x, phpwcms ver >= 1.2.x !!!!!!!!!^
// copy this file to phpwcms_template\inc_script\frontend_render

betwen line 292 and 293 $sql .= $sqlorder; is missed , i'v downloaded it yesterday this is the same problem like some time ago, tak a look some previous posts