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fixed sorting by date?

Posted: Thu 13. Jul 2006, 16:53
by yoshi01
hallo zusammen..

zuallererst tausend dank für diesen umfangreichen und ausgefuchsten mod.
heute habe ich mich mal herangetraut, ihn für ein aktuelles projekt in einsatz zu bringen und bin just auf ein problem gestossen, für dessen lösung ich diesen thread bemühen möchte..

in diesem speziellen falle würde ich meine listings gerne ohne sort-dropdown, stattdessen mit vordefiniertem sorting nach erstellungsdatum (ASC oder DESC) darstellen.

ein bisschen trial&error mit den mod-quellen brachte keinen effekt - deswegen hier ein hilferuf in der hoffnung auf lösung..

--short summary in eng--

right now i'm trying to deal with it's features and was in need of private templates, but not of sorting-dropdown.

for this actual project i'd prefer to predefine a sorting of creation-date by ASC or DESC for my listings ('exd_entries'/'date' !?).

is there a possibility!?

ups, vergessen: phpwcms 1.2.6, ex-data 2.5.1

Posted: Fri 14. Jul 2006, 11:25
by culda_a
I have a import problem on csv file i receive this message:
Fatal error: Unable to open csv file in /include/inc_module/mod_exdata/inc_lib/exdata.class.csv.php on line 160
any Ideea?

Posted: Fri 14. Jul 2006, 12:13
by DeXXus
What file settings do you have for your .CSV file?

Posted: Fri 14. Jul 2006, 12:28
by culda_a
DeXXus wrote:What file settings do you have for your .CSV file?
sorry but I don't know ? and also I don't know where to look.

I have arange the csv file a litle and now I get this error:
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'Ambrosio', 'Plaza Romania', 'Bucuresti', '021/200.00.00', '021/200.00.00', 'info' at line 1

Posted: Fri 14. Jul 2006, 13:01
by pico

try to generate your CSV like that

Code: Select all


Posted: Fri 14. Jul 2006, 14:57
by culda_a
pico wrote:Hi

try to generate your CSV like that

Code: Select all

Ok the problem is that I have a excel file that is big around 800 entries and is made like this:

Name | City | Phone | e-mail | web |
Nino |**** | 11111 | |

But some of the filds like the phone number have 2 or 3 phone numbers with deviders lik ; or . - is possible that this is the reason whi is not working?

Is importing a few entrys the first 3 but not the rest.

Posted: Fri 14. Jul 2006, 17:24
by Kosse
culda_a wrote:
pico wrote:Hi

try to generate your CSV like that

Code: Select all

Ok the problem is that I have a excel file that is big around 800 entries and is made like this:

Name | City | Phone | e-mail | web |
Nino |**** | 11111 | |

But some of the filds like the phone number have 2 or 3 phone numbers with deviders lik ; or . - is possible that this is the reason whi is not working?

Is importing a few entrys the first 3 but not the rest.
yeps, that's the problem, you'll have to replace all the ; and then the | with ;

Posted: Fri 14. Jul 2006, 17:28
by culda_a
yeps, that's the problem, you'll have to replace all the ; and then the | with ;
Ok the exemple that I give you with this sign | - that sign I try to simulate the colomns in excel :) sorry if i misslead you .... so the data is in coloms and rows and the first row in the colomn is the title and the second row in the colomn tha entry ... so I have insert the same titles in the Exdata module but I get that error :
Fatal error: Unable to open csv file in /include/inc_module/mod_exdata/inc_lib/exdata.class.csv.php on line 160
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'Ambrosio', 'Plaza Romania', 'Bucuresti', '021/200.00.00', '021/200.00.00', 'info' at line 1
any sugestions? how can I save the excel fil in CSV file in order to be imported right?

Posted: Fri 14. Jul 2006, 17:37
by Kosse
You'll really have to 'clean' you excel data first.
Some ways of doing (testing it):
1) Test with a little .CSV file (exmaple: 4 entries) well formatted and see if it works. (if ok--> proceed ;) else... well... ???
2) in excel look for the funny signs ( ; . / ) and replace them with something you can identify (example: rororo ) then export as .CSV choosing the ; as separator.
that is a start, dunno if it's the final solution...
also check that all the fields correspond (no '' empty fields or such...) sometimes mysql doesn't like /. or such, interprets those like commands


Posted: Fri 14. Jul 2006, 19:15
by culda_a
I try this to but ... hmm I don't know maybe I will post a screenshot to see how is look like the excel file
here is how the data is inserted in excel... this is only exemple coz the file is biger ...

so any Ideea how to import a file like this .. I have save as from excel in CSV (Comma delimited) and is not working.. I ghet the errors above or this error

CSV-File is not semi-colon divided! Please check the file.
Rows should look like: value1;value2;value3;value4

Posted: Fri 14. Jul 2006, 21:26
by DeXXus
culda_a wrote:CSV-File is not semi-colon divided! Please check the file.
Rows should look like: value1;value2;value3;value4
To change the default List Separator on your PC:

-Bring up your default options window by clicking Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Regional Settings.
-Click the "Number" tab and in the "List Separator" field, replace the current default separator with the one you want to use. (semi-colon ?)

Posted: Sat 15. Jul 2006, 00:41
by culda_a
Thanks it works... and also I had to take out all the signs like this:
' or " or; and then was ok..but I still donn't know how to this:

Is there a way to sort the entry after content? I mean in the drop down menu to have a way to view the content from one fild
for exemple in one fild I want to add citys : Berlin, Vien, Amsterdam so on...
is there a way to make this city to apear automaticly in drop down menu in ordere to select the city that I want but not to be seen by the people only in the drop down menu .... and when I select for exemple city **** to show me all the entrys that has city ****.

I don't know if I was quite clear! :roll: :shock: in a few words I want to have a select criteria with more options not only drop down.

I try to use search from phpwcms but is not reading the content of the exdata module.
any sugestions?

Posted: Mon 17. Jul 2006, 00:02
by breitsch
Please have a look at the auto-template-example: ... o-template
DF6IH wrote: Would like to suggest to have rows with two different colors.
Will be doable with css, 2 classes for two background colors
AND a highlighter-effect for the rows on mouseover
culda_a wrote: Is there a way to sort the entry after content?
Almoust finished. Comes for auto-templates with options (show/hide, sortfiled=filter or defined field=filter, ignore visibility) and a none-option-version for private-templates
yoshi01 wrote: for this actual project i'd prefer to predefine a sorting of creation-date by ASC or DESC for my listings
Done. It's in beta-testing.

all the above functions and some more enhancements will be in V2.55 release available in some days.

Posted: Mon 17. Jul 2006, 12:46
by marcus@localhorst
as I understand right, the modul does not run under 1.2.7?!
because I've installed the mod, but when I want to add a new category and click on "Kategorie hinzufügen" then it will add just a new field :-(

best marcus

Posted: Mon 17. Jul 2006, 13:10
by culda_a
I think is not working with 1.27 I saw some post I don't know where exactly,

breitsch - you say that the auto_template will be finish in a few days? so is nor available for download

is there a way to insert a search form in this template?