Page 15 of 23

Posted: Fri 12. May 2006, 00:47
by phalancs
That css thing is a good idea I think i will add a field in the backend to choose the css style.

Posted: Fri 12. May 2006, 10:33
by culda_a
can somebody help me with my problem?
...the post is on page 14 the last one


members list

Posted: Fri 12. May 2006, 16:15
by typoid
Is there a way to show all registered users in the frontend? I have seen sth like that on

Anything planned about that?

Posted: Fri 12. May 2006, 20:57
by culda_a
:( no answer yet
I have instal in my site the userpanel and is working ok but I try to install in a new site and I done everything the same ...also I have copy over the files from my site to be sure that I did not forghet anything and.... Surprise

The user panel apear I can set is but after I press save or create it shows me that is saved but all the filds are empty only the title is remaining (in the backend) in frontend in the site it show me only 2 filds and the go buton no text like Login password ... and I have set them .

If I try to edit the content userpanel it shows me tht insite is only the title the other filds are empty.

Any clue what is wrong????

Posted: Mon 15. May 2006, 18:33
by volkman
I just saw OGs modification for an easier work as editor of the articles
basically it ads a litte "edit"-Button in the frontend to that little red floating box, only if you are logged in as Admin. The link lets you follow fast to the respective article in the backend.

Testing this I saw that my frontend-users (login-out-mod) here are marked as "admin" in that little red floating box in the frontend. None of them has admin privileges. Same when you log into phalances site (with your user-account). Don't know where this comes from?
Any ideas?


Posted: Tue 16. May 2006, 20:38
by phalancs
Hi volkman:

there were some difficulties within the mentioned piece of code, so i corrected them (admin tag was always shown & name of the gif picture was wrong for my version).

Code: Select all

        //enym: new check (show red box with edit only if admin is logged in)
	if($_SESSION['wcs_user_admin']=='1') {
		$content['page_end']  = '<div id="VisualMODE" style="position:absolute;left:5px;bottom:5px;padding:5px;z-index:1;background-color:#FF3300;color:#FFFFFF;border:1px solid #000000;">';
		$content['page_end'] .= VISIBLE_MODE == 1 ? 'user: ' : 'admin: ';
		$content['page_end'] .= html_specialchars($_SESSION['wcs_user']);
                $content['page_end'] .= ' <a href="phpwcms.php?do=articles&p=2&s=1&id='.$aktion[1].'" target="_blank" title="edit article">'; 
                $content['page_end'] .= '<img src="img/button/edit_22x13.gif" width="22" height="13" alt="edit" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle" />'; 
                $content['page_end'] .= "</a></div>\n</body>\n</html>";
	} else {
		$content['page_end'] = "</body>\n</html>";
        //end enym check
Use this code to show this red box only if an admin is logged in.
Replace a similar looking block in line 184 in the index.php.

Thx to volkman for this hint.


Posted: Tue 16. May 2006, 20:43
by phalancs
Hi typoid,

if there is further interest in the "show registered users" tool, contact me. :)

Posted: Tue 16. May 2006, 23:42
by selbaer
irgendwo ist mir da wohl ein kleiner fehler unterlaufen,

sieht schon eigenartig aus, kann mir jemand helfen?
ich habe alle dateien zweimal hochgeladen um sicher zu gehen...

eigentlich sind glaube ich alle funktionen da, nur die bezeichnungen fehlen,


Posted: Tue 16. May 2006, 23:54
by typoid
Hallo selbaer,

bzgl Deines Fehlers hast Du zwei Möglichkeiten ihn zu lösen, entweder Du liest die Anleitung oder diesen Thread.

Ein solcher Screenshot wurde, wenn ich mich nicht irre, mittlerweile schon mind. dreimal gepostet. Bitte lest Die Anleitung, es kann doch nicht so schwer sein!
Gehe die Schritte nochmal durch und dann wirste shcon merken worans liegt. Ich kanns Dir jetzt auch net exakt sagen, aber aus den vorigen Posts geht hervor, dass Du einen wichtigen Schritt vergessen hast (languages).


Posted: Tue 16. May 2006, 23:56
by selbaer
sorry, habs auch schon gefunden, icch habe die txt datei in die falsche sprache reinkopiert

Posted: Wed 17. May 2006, 00:45
by volkman

many thx for the quick reply! i love your mod, now working together with that litte mod for the guys like me that have to edit the articles, it makes my little world lot better.


Posted: Sun 21. May 2006, 19:57
by Yoenuts
Hey phalanx,

just found ur modd and installed it.
Made alle the modifications to all the files.
Although I could not find the line:


$sql .= "WHERE logged_user='".aporeplace($_SESSION["wcs_user"])."' AND logged_in=1";

I made an article on the homepage but haven't been able to make it work.
I get the login form but the register link does not do anything.
Also the redirect doesn't do anything either.
It just seems to reset the form that's all.

Here a sreenshot of what my form looks like and of the content part.



Posted: Mon 22. May 2006, 11:35
by _sarah
is there any possibility to show special content for only some users, not for all users who are registered? is this option integrated, any plans to do so?

that would be nice and would have a comfort for customer-based sites. like cusomer x sees some other content than customer y.

and where can i download this hack. the login does not work with user and phpwcms!


Posted: Wed 24. May 2006, 22:17
by phalancs
is there any possibility to show special content for only some users, not for all users who are registered? is this option integrated, any plans to do so?
You want to show some content only for special users? But not only for those who are registered - how do you want to identify those who are "special". I think you need some kind of identification - just like a registration and user management.

If there is another way to select those who may be allowed to see certain content, please tell me. I can not think of another way than "login" and user management.

In the install.txt there is a hint, how to implement some kind of content closure. Anyways - group management is not finished in phpwcms, and the userpanel is just a content part, not a core code enhancement. Sorry 'bout that.

I guess user specific content won't ever work without a registration!

BTW: No standard user anymore - too much work with that, you need to register (2 steps only). Than you have access. I will kick that later, testing phase is almost over (registering was necessary to help me improve the registration panel).

Posted: Thu 25. May 2006, 11:59
by Yoenuts
Does anyone have a login for the 1.1.9 release?

Just wandering...