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Posted: Mon 8. May 2006, 08:13
by pico

if you have installed the Mod correct, you should have a new Contententpart named 'Userpanel' .
So make a new Article with this Contentpart - thats it

Posted: Mon 8. May 2006, 08:43
by culda_a
Thanks a lot, now I see I try a several time and was not working but now is ok
Thanks again

another question:

Do I have to make a register form with email form generator or how do I set up that the user automaticly to register.... when i PRESS ON REGISTER is redirect me to category that I select from the userpanel content.

Is there not a register form integrated?

Posted: Mon 8. May 2006, 09:12
by rushclub
this question is already answered in this thread.
no, there is no default registration form. its in progress.
could you please turn off your add in the footer?


Posted: Mon 8. May 2006, 09:16
by ff123
The register button generates only a link to an article which you have to make yourself.
So if you want a contact form, you have to make one yourself.
It is not possible to automatically create a new user by filling in a form. The form you make can be mailed to your email adress and then you have to create the new user by hand.

Posted: Mon 8. May 2006, 09:24
by culda_a
Ok thanks I have seen that but I see if I create a user only for frontend he can see the Article section File, Modules and i don't want that how can I make it not to be seen?

rushclub sorry I thake out the picture from my signeture, I did not know that is not alow

Posted: Mon 8. May 2006, 09:47
by rushclub
culda_a wrote:Ok thanks I have seen that but I see if I create a user only for frontend he can see the Article section File, Modules and i don't want that how can I make it not to be seen?
also answered in this thread!


Posted: Mon 8. May 2006, 09:49
by volkman
its in the manual under options

plus if you wanna twist it more check ... &start=150
here in this thread

reading the thread helps a lot


Posted: Mon 8. May 2006, 11:00
by culda_a

Posted: Mon 8. May 2006, 18:10
by phalancs

pls read the install file and all info this thread. It has all been said before...

deutsche anleitung

Posted: Wed 10. May 2006, 21:15
by pjanz

habe versucht alles nach der en anleitung zu installieren.
folgender fehler:

// ENYM: login logout panel $BL['be_ctype_login'] = 'Userpanel'; $BL['be_login_info'] = 'Hinweis: Wenn in den Feldern HTML verwendet wird, muss das doppelte Anführungszeichen unbedingt durch ein einfaches ausgetauscht werden.'; $BL['be_login_settings_desc'] = 'Einstellungen'; $BL['be_login_cpstatus'] = 'Status'; $BL['be_login_cpactive'] = 'Aktiv'; $BL['be_login_cpinactive'] = 'Inaktiv'; $BL['be_login_cpreason'] = 'Grund'; $BL['be_login_sizes'] = 'Tabelle'; $BL['be_box_height'] = 'Höhe'; $BL['be_box_width'] = 'Breite'; $BL['be_box_position'] = 'Position'; $BL['be_box_position_tl'] = 'Oben, links'; $BL['be_box_position_tc'] = 'Oben, mittig'; $BL['be_box_position_tr'] = 'Oben, rechts'; $BL['be_box_position_ml'] = 'Mitte, links'; $BL['be_box_position_mc'] = 'Mitte, mittig'; $BL['be_box_position_mr'] = 'Mitte, rechts'; $BL['be_box_position_bl'] = 'Unten, links'; $BL['be_box_position_bc'] = 'Unten, mittig'; $BL['be_box_position_br'] = 'Unten, rechts'; $BL['be_login_breite'] = 'Felder'; $BL['be_login_breite_desc'] = 'px'; $BL['be_login_register'] = 'Registrieren'; $BL['be_login_register_alias'] = 'Ziel:'; $BL['be_login_forgot'] = 'PW-Reset'; $BL['be_login_forgot_back'] = 'Zurück-Button:'; $BL['be_login_xactive'] = 'Zeige Button:'; $BL['be_login_alink'] = 'Weiterleitung'; $BL['be_login_alink_desc'] = 'Zielartikel nach erfolgreichem Login'; $BL['be_login_box_desc'] = 'Darstellung der Login-Box'; $BL['be_login_title'] = 'Titel'; $BL['be_login_title_desc'] = 'Titel der Loginbox'; $BL['be_login_user'] = 'Benutzer'; $BL['be_login_user_desc'] = 'Label für das Benutzerfeld'; $BL['be_login_passwort'] = 'Passwort'; $BL['be_login_passwort_desc'] = 'Label für das Passwortfeld'; $BL['be_login_error'] = 'Fehler'; $BL['be_login_error_desc'] = 'Text bei falschen Daten'; $BL['be_login_lang'] = 'Sprachwahl'; $BL['be_login_lang_desc'] = 'Aktiviere Sprachauswahl und Label'; $BL['be_logout_box_desc'] = 'Darstellung der Logout-Box'; $BL['be_logout_title'] ='Titel'; $BL['be_logout_title_desc'] ='Titel der Logout-Box'; $BL['be_logout_ident'] ='Begrüßung'; $BL['be_logout_ident_desc'] ='Label für angemeldete Identität'; $BL['be_logout_btn'] ='Logout'; $BL['be_logout_btn_desc'] ='Link-Text für Logout-Button'; $BL['be_logout_allusers_desc'] ='Die nächsten Optionen gelten für alle angemeldeten User'; $BL['be_logout_inbox'] ='Zeilen-Label'; $BL['be_logout_inbox_desc'] ='Titel der Inbox-Zeile'; $BL['be_logout_mess'] ='Mailbox (leer)'; $BL['be_logout_mess_desc'] ='Link-Text zur Nachrichtenzentrale'; $BL['be_logout_mess_read'] ='Mailbox (voll)'; $BL['be_logout_mess_read_desc'] ='Link-Text zur Nachrichtenzentrale'; $BL['be_logout_newmess'] ='Mail senden'; $BL['be_logout_newmess_desc'] ='Link-Text für neue Nachricht'; $BL['be_logout_adminonly_desc'] ='Die nächsten Optionen gelten nur für angemeldete Admins'; $BL['be_logout_status'] ='Zeilen-Label'; $BL['be_logout_status_desc'] ='Titel der Admin-zeile'; $BL['be_logout_admin'] ='Administration'; $BL['be_logout_admin_desc'] ='Link-Text für Backend-Button'; $BL['be_logout_vts'] ='VTS Status'; $BL['be_logout_vts_label'] ='VTS Label'; $BL['be_logout_vts_label_desc'] ='Zeige User online und VTS Button'; $BL['be_forgot_box_desc'] = 'Darstellung der Passwort-Reset Box'; $BL['be_forgot_title'] ='Titel'; $BL['be_forgot_title_desc'] ='Titel der Passwort-Reset Box'; $BL['be_forgot_user'] ='Benutzer'; $BL['be_forgot_mail'] ='E-Mail'; $BL['be_forgot_mail_desc'] ='Label für das E-Mail Feld'; $BL['be_forgot_success'] ='Erfolg'; $BL['be_cforgot_success_desc'] ='Hinweis bei erfolgreichem Reset'; $BL['be_forgot_action'] ='Aktion'; $BL['be_forgot_action_show'] ='Zeige Hinweis'; $BL['be_forgot_action_mail'] ='Sende Passwort'; $BL['be_forgot_action_mailtext'] ='Daten-Mail gesendet:'; $BL['be_forgot_action_mailsubject'] = 'Neues Passwort gesetzt'; $BL['be_usermail_pwreset'] = "Guten Tag {NAME},\nwillkommen bei {SITE}\n\nIhr Passwort wurde neu gesetzt:\n\n Benutzername: {LOGIN}\n Passwort: {PASSWORD}\n\n\nSie können sich jetzt wieder mit Ihren neuen Daten anmelden: {SITE}\n\nVielen Dank für Ihr Interesse und viel Spaß auf unseren Seiten.\n\n\nSollten Sie diese E-Mail irrtümlich erhalten haben, so kontaktieren Sie bitte den Webmaster\"; //end
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/web5/html/froeschenbuendt/include/inc_lang/backend/de/ in /var/www/web5/html/froeschenbuendt/login.php on line 169

gibts ne anleitung in deutsch?

bisher habe ich phpwcms auch ohne große prg.kenntnisse hinbekommen.


Posted: Wed 10. May 2006, 22:33
by phalancs
Du brauchst egtl. auch keine "prg. kenntnisse" um das panel zu installieren.

Hast Du Infos zu diesem Fehler? Der tritt egtl. nicht auf, da musst du etwas falsch gemacht haben. Irgendwas hast Du mit der Sprachdatei komplett verhunzt, bitte folge der Anbleitung (!) oder wende Dich per p.m. an mich.


Posted: Thu 11. May 2006, 13:11
by FeldeMathi
Hallo, habe das script installiert und es funktioniert wunderbar. Danke!
Eine Frage besteht, wie kann ich das Layout der Boxen anpassen ? Also ich will nicht diese breite Form haben. Ich habe schon die Beispieldatei aus dem Forum hier probiert, gefällt mir aber immer noch nicht richtig. Kann mir jemand helfen in welchem Template ich am besten die Änderungen machen muß ?

Posted: Thu 11. May 2006, 13:34
by ff123
You can style the form and boxes, etcetera with CSS.

For example I styled it using this CSS:

/* PHPwcms userpanel styling */
.zoeken form {
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
margin-left: -8px;
margin-top: -25px;

.zoeken input#form_loginname, input#forgot_user {
margin-bottom: -6px;

.zoeken input#form_password {
color: #666666;
width: 110px;
background-image: url(../images/form_input_bg.jpg);
background-repeat: repeat-x;
background-position: left top;
border: 1px solid #d6d6d6;

.zoeken input.login_butt {
font: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 1em;
color: #999999;
width: 42px;
background: #f8f8f8;
margin-right: 10px;

.zoeken input#form_aktion {
margin-top: -15px;

.zoeken form input.login_naam {
margin-bottom: 3px;

.zoeken div.login_error {
font-size: 1.2em;
font-weight: bold;
color: #666666;
letter-spacing: 0.1em;
background-image: url(../images/headerlogin.jpg);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: left top;
padding: 0px;
margin: 0px;
width: 150px;
height: 15px;
padding-left: 18px;
padding-top: 4px;
margin-bottom: 0px;
margin-top: 30px;
margin-left: 10px;

.zoeken div.logout_form {
font-size: 1.2em;
font-weight: bold;
color: #666666;
letter-spacing: 0.1em;
background-image: url(../images/headerlogin.jpg);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: left top;
padding: 0px;
margin: 0px;
width: 150px;
height: 15px;
padding-left: 18px;
padding-top: 1px;
margin-bottom: 10px;

.zoeken div.resetpw_success {
font-size: 1.2em;
font-weight: bold;
color: #666666;
letter-spacing: 0.1em;
background-image: url(../images/headerlogin.jpg);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: left top;
padding: 0px;
margin: 0px;
width: 150px;
height: 15px;
padding-left: 18px;
padding-top: 1px;
margin-bottom: 10px;

.zoeken a {
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 1em;
color: #999999;
font-size: 1em;
text-decoration: underline;

.zoeken a:hover {
text-decoration: none;

.zoeken form a {
margin-left: 4px;

Posted: Thu 11. May 2006, 13:41
by FeldeMathi
Thanks for your quick answer.

I`m not really used to css files. Should I create a new one ? Or should I paste this code into the standard css file in the backend ? How do I include the new css into the templat, in case I need a new one ?

Would be great to answer my question :-)

Posted: Thu 11. May 2006, 20:02
by culda_a
I have instal in my site the userpanel and is working ok but I try to install in a new site and I done everything the same ...also I have copy over the files from my site to be sure that I did not forghet anything and.... Surprise

The user panel apear I can set is but after I press save or create it shows me that is saved but all the filds are empty only the title is remaining (in the backend) in frontend in the site it show me only 2 filds and the go buton no text like Login password ... and I have set them .

If I try to edit the content userpanel it shows me tht insite is only the title the other filds are empty.

Any clue what is wrong????