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Posted: Thu 8. Dec 2005, 14:31
by Kosse
Hi again Joakim José,
3 examples of working calendars: original MOD volkman MOD in between version ;) (have to modify the div z-index because with FF, you can't click on calendar... :shock: )

As you can see days are "clickable" but display the full month (some examples of calendars, but don't remember where I saw them... :oops: show only the day you click on)

And, plz don't take it on pico, he's a great guy! Just that sometimes pple who help a lot (like he does) get tired of ... how can I say... mmm... lazzy questions? (not stupid, lazzy, means that pple post without reading and ask "help" "help" --> I'm not saying it's your case, I just say sometimes it happens) ;)


Posted: Thu 8. Dec 2005, 15:10
by Jakim José
Kosse wrote:I love this... volkman MOD
Kosse wrote:And, plz don't take it on pico, he's a great guy! Just that sometimes pple who help a lot (like he does) get tired of ... how can I say... mmm... lazzy questions? (not stupid, lazzy, means that pple post without reading and ask "help" "help" --> I'm not saying it's your case, I just say sometimes it happens) ;)
OK, I'm sorry pico and all users! (I don't understand english very well)

How I put the links?

Posted: Thu 8. Dec 2005, 16:11
by volkman
Hi Jakim José!
Open the file calendar.classes.php in mod_calendar/inc_lib/

If you use "my" mod, go to line 149 and delete the two comments // in front of the line

Add // in front of line 150 then.
Linking is on then.

On page 13 of this thread, 2nd post, you find some explanation how to use the link-feature.
hope that helps


Posted: Sat 10. Dec 2005, 12:14
by Jakim José
volkman wrote:Hi Jakim José!
Open the file calendar.classes.php in mod_calendar/inc_lib/

If you use "my" mod, go to line 149 and delete the two comments // in front of the line

Add // in front of line 150 then.
Linking is on then.
volkman wrote:On page 13 of this thread, 2nd post, you find some explanation how to use the link-feature.
hope that helps
With the explanation on 2nd post of page 13 of this thread - - I don't understood what where he was.

I tried all the codes, but I did not obtain the result to make with that on click the events details of this day appear in the main "frame".

And it don't appear the details of the event (day, categorie, title, time, location and description) in main frame.
It appears only the month, year and title above de calendar in left frame.

I wish as well as here -

And what file can I modifie to edit the font and color of calendar events?

Posted: Sat 10. Dec 2005, 12:55
by juergen
Hello Jakim

First: download all the stuff from Studios Website Vers. 3 is mentioned.

After unpacking it: There will be some parts to add into css file, mostly this drives the color of the calendar. (As hint try different browsers)

Then go back to volkmanns thread, open the (in the package includede) file in an text editor and UNCOMMENT the two lines. This will result the linking of events.

Afterwards uploadd all the stuff as explained.

You need to have 2 different TAGS : (as explained some pages ago)

One .. ist for the cal with links... f.e. on the left side and the other tag is for the printing of events.

If you only take the call Tag with links, the php machine will jump to the event table.

Thast all... GREAT STUFF ! Its worth the time following the code how it works.


/*Edit*/ Was no good idea with the hot wine this morning on christmas market :shock:

Posted: Sat 10. Dec 2005, 13:54
by Jakim José
DF6IH wrote:After unpacking it: There will be some parts to add into css file, mostly this drives the color of the calendar. (As hint try different browsers)
Ok. And what the line css to modify the font size of the days on calendar?
DF6IH wrote:You need to have 2 different TAGS : (as explained some pages ago)

One .. ist for the cal with links... f.e. on the left side and the other tag is for the printing of events.

If you only take the call Tag with links, the php machine will jump to the event table.
I don't know where is it.

What is the topic explain how to jump the event details to "main table" onclick on events links?

Posted: Tue 27. Dec 2005, 21:45
by juergen
Just a hint:

As Firefoxer *g* i could not live with two differnet views of the calendar. For noe i don't know, if there is to much css inside my installation, but in IE the thing looked total different as in firefox.

...since ... i changed the colours in css to names ! silver, black.. and so on.

Now ... completly the same !

Code: Select all

/* Days Cells colors */

.noactiveday, .noactiveday td, .noactiveday tr {
color: #000000;
font-size: 8px;
background-color: silver;
text-decoration: none;
padding-top: 1px; padding-bottom: 1px;

.activeday, .activeday td, .activeday tr {
color: #ff0000;
font-size: 8px;
background-color: silver;
text-decoration: normal;
padding-top: 1px; padding-bottom: 1px;

.activeday a, .activeday a:link, .activeday a:active, .activeday a:visited 
color: #ff0000;
font-weight: bold;
background-color: silver;
text-decoration: none;
padding-top: 1px; padding-bottom: 1px;


td.activeday a:hover {
color: #ff0000;
background-color: silver;
text-decoration: underline;
padding-top: 1px; padding-bottom: 1px;


.activeday, .activeday td, .activeday tr {
color: #000000;
background-color: #eeeeee;
text-decoration: none;
padding-top: 1px; padding-bottom: 1px;
Changed template to 150px and calendar fits in template!

Posted: Wed 28. Dec 2005, 02:14
by Jakim José
DF6IH wrote:...Changed template to 150px and calendar fits in template!
OK... the font size is smaller, but "cell padding" of the days continue big.
Bigger than 150px! (and the template already is 150px)

Posted: Wed 28. Dec 2005, 09:59
by juergen
Hello Jakim,

as far as i understood:

There are several div Tags and a table. The table is fixed to (in my install) 150 px. The only thing that could happen, is that inside the small calendar width can grow bigger than the coded width. Then, different browers make different views as well, caused by different interpretation. I have no pixel meassure instrument :wink: but the thing fits to template.

I have a 10 row php in the template, which takes a **** emergency service out of the database, siwtches "daydriven" the service and put the monthly small cal just beneath of that. Quite easy with big effect in 150px :P



Posted: Fri 30. Dec 2005, 01:10
by Jakim José
DF6IH wrote:You need to have 2 different TAGS : (as explained some pages ago)

One .. ist for the cal with links... f.e. on the left side and the other tag is for the printing of events.

If you only take the call Tag with links, the php machine will jump to the event table.
It will be possible not to function because I use phpwcms 1.2.3 version?


Posted: Sat 31. Dec 2005, 01:24
I love this script...

Please take a look at the way I implemented it:

However, the active days are not linking and neither is the heading...Just curious as to how I turn on the links...

If anyone has any suggestion for improvements on the way I am using the script...Please let me know...I really would appreciate some feeback...

Posted: Wed 4. Jan 2006, 14:24
by Sir Erazor
I don´t get the calendar running :-(

i can use every function @ the "mods" section in my backend, but the replacement-tag does n t work :/

i did it like this:


is here missing sth?

Posted: Wed 4. Jan 2006, 15:33
by juergen
Hello his majesty :D


Thats the way to get the small overview working where: "termine" is the name of the linked part like "index.php?termine"

inside the article with the ailas "Termine" this :

{CAL:1:volk_temp_all_content.php:volk_temp_events_content.php:Veranstaltungen:calEventDayDetail }

The third part is the name of category in calender.
part 4 .. if I remember well .. is the css class .. but not shure
Thats for Volkmans hack of ionrocks calendar. just look for his threats in this forum.

This stuff has a very large interaction of CSS an hardcoded parts.

I would like to have a complete documentation ... but not shure if I ever will have enough time to dig throug all the mod. It's worth, in my opinion...

Its quite easy to use the database of the cal to get information for template with extra 10 line mod. Something like next event ... or taodays emergency service... or so...



dansk sprogpakke til backend

Posted: Fri 20. Jan 2006, 11:08
by bskov
Hi All

I managed to install this nice mod (v. 3.0)

and I made a danish Language file for the backend - you can get it here:

just ad the folder "da" to your


Nice job all of you.... :D :D :D

Posted: Fri 20. Jan 2006, 11:55
by Sir Erazor

i have a little problem (answers maybe in german :-)) ... ... i can´t click the narrows... its very.. mhm... i dont understand the problem ... one time it looks like being ok, but when i test it anothertime i cant klick to other months like january :-(

what can i do? did i sth wrong? :-(
