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Posted: Sun 14. May 2006, 17:46
by fardilha
breitsch... I would like to ask... :oops: if ... hummm... you wouldn't mind posting the latest alterations on your download area.

I really would love to try them.

Pedro Fardilha

Posted: Sun 14. May 2006, 18:50
by sustia
Ok, I've find the solution, thanks anyway :D

Code: Select all


Posted: Tue 6. Jun 2006, 00:42
by breitsch
New Version 2.5 is out!
See first post in this thread.

A working example of newest features like: moo.fx with enhanced sorting and paging and news-function see:
or all the different possibilities to show ExData-Content see:

I'd like to thank sustia and fardilha for the inspiration for these enhancements and for beta-testing!!!

Next step will be the e-commerce-function.

Posted: Tue 6. Jun 2006, 09:06
by sustia
breitsch wrote:New Version 2.5 is out!
breitsch wrote: I'd like to thank sustia and fardilha for the inspiration for these enhancements and for beta-testing!!!
I want to thank you for this great mod and to have satisfied all our requests :D

Posted: Tue 6. Jun 2006, 17:02
by fardilha

I'm the one who have to thank breitsch for all his kindness with me.

Not only we accepted the sugestions of a complete stranger (me!! :wink: ) but he was also nice enough to adapt he's great script using some of my suggestions.

So thank you sooooo much!

Pedro Fardilha

Posted: Wed 7. Jun 2006, 15:54
by isac
you're the best! :mrgreen:

Problem with "linkarticle" in EXdata

Posted: Fri 9. Jun 2006, 07:07
by Hristo
I have a problem with linkarticle in Exdata. :(
When adding category I select such as:
name - linkarticle
picture - images

then I go to add entries, select from list some article, but in frontend
haven't a link, I see like this:
[ID 48]Here is the shown text[/ID]

How can correct this problem?
I have installed ExData-Module 2.3

Posted: Fri 9. Jun 2006, 10:04
by Dave_LOgic
Firstly what an absolutely awesome modification. It must have taken a lot of time, work and effort.

What would make this the best EVER mod would be one of these two things.

1 -A Search facility, although the standard phpwcms search could probably search the static pages (haven't tried yet)

2 - Another Form content part that Frontend users or even guests could enter data via.

I'm currently using the PHP Form to MySQL script that was suggested earlier in this thread. This works REALLY well if setup correctly however it refuses to upload the images in the same way that Extdata is setup.

Having this facilty will open up all sorts of possibilities for phpwcms. Anyway, thanks so much for what has been acheived so far.


Re: Problem with "linkarticle" in EXdata

Posted: Fri 9. Jun 2006, 21:55
by breitsch
Hristo wrote:Hi,
I have a problem with linkarticle in Exdata.

in file: PHPWCMS_ROOT/include/inc_front/
you have to copy the code

Code: Select all

// casa-loca's ExDataMOD
if($phpwcms["exdata_mod"]) { //enabled/disable ExData MOD
	require_once ('./include/inc_module/mod_exdata/inc_front/');

before this:

Code: Select all

// include external PHP script (also normal HTML snippets) or return PHP var value
if( ! ( strpos($content["all"],'PHP')===false ) ) {
	$content["all"] = render_PHPcode($content["all"]);

Posted: Sun 11. Jun 2006, 22:44
by breitsch
I need one or two beta-tester for a small enhancement I made today

Some of you may have waited for that.
The sort-order of category-fields can be changed now.


who wants?

Posted: Mon 12. Jun 2006, 09:04
by sustia
Hi breitsch

I would like to do the beta tester for this new release, but I don't have much time actually :(
I will say you when I can do it, I hope today.

Posted: Wed 14. Jun 2006, 16:02
by sustia
Dave_LOgic wrote: 2 - Another Form content part that Frontend users or even guests could enter data via.
Yes, it's a good option, with an confirmation image should be better :wink:

Posted: Wed 14. Jun 2006, 17:02
by Dave_LOgic
sustia wrote:
Dave_LOgic wrote: 2 - Another Form content part that Frontend users or even guests could enter data via.
Yes, it's a good option, with an confirmation image should be better :wink:

This addition would make my year !! Would open up so many possiblities....

Posted: Sat 17. Jun 2006, 19:13
by breitsch
The sort-order of category-fields can be changed now.
Update to Version 2.51 is now available under:

as always:
user: exdmod
pwd: phpwcms

Posted: Sat 17. Jun 2006, 19:33
by breitsch
I'd like to internationalize my ExDataMod a bit.
ExData (backend) is currently available in english and german, bulgarian is on the way.
I'm looking for translators, plaese PM me if you're interested!
Thanks a lot.

It would also be great for the users to have more predefined css files they can choose from (for auto-templates).
So, if you made a css you'd like to share, please send it to me (with a preview image of frontend table or a url)