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Posted: Sun 27. Nov 2005, 23:09
by kobos

i cant get this to work:

Code: Select all

<img id="Okobo_v4_header_14" src="images/Okobo-PSD--15.png" width="781" height="45" alt="" /></td>
<td background="images/Okobo-v4-main-exp.png">
<div align="left" style="margin:20px 20px 0px 20px;">
im using 1.1 RC4 atm with:

Operating system FreeBSD
Kernel version 5.2.1-RELEASE
Apache version 1.3.33 (Unix)
PHP version 4.3.11
MySQL version 4.0.16

what am i doing wrong?


Posted: Mon 28. Nov 2005, 08:15
by pico

if you don't have the last Version of 1.1RC4 the Frontend-Rendering is not implemented and can't work. Look in your for :

Code: Select all

$phpwcms["allow_ext_init"]    = 1;  //allow including of custom external scripts at frontend initialization
$phpwcms["allow_ext_render"]  = 1;  //allow including of custom external scripts at frontend rendering
if this is not in your conf then you first have to update your Version.

Posted: Mon 28. Nov 2005, 13:50
by kobos
those lines of code are in my file.

any other suggestions?

im trying to display some articles in my newspage on the left hand side, so i can have an "image of the day..." (i'll sort out the alignment by using div tags).
Im putting the code into a template which is then exclusively applied to the front page, i want to take the articles for the left bit, from news_lb a page which has template similar to the one in question(does this matter). - the page in question - the page where the articals are coming from


Posted: Mon 28. Nov 2005, 14:16
by JensZ
Hey Kobos,

Looks like you're not using the right format. There should be 7 colons.



Posted: Mon 28. Nov 2005, 15:06
by StudioZ
Hello Kobos,

I think JensZ is right: :wink:
I have the feeling that there is something missing in your call... :roll:

Just for reference, so you can double check...
I post here Erich's usage instruction comments,
from within the reptag itself:

Code: Select all

    // TEASER_EX replacementtag (by Erich Munz, 2005)
    // Version 1.06
    // Tested with phpwcms ver 1.2.3 DEV
    // copy this file to phpwcms_template\inc_script\frontend_render
    // Syntax: {TEASER_EX:category_alias|count[;category_aliasx|countx]:articles_per_page:sortfield|sortdir:show_cat_name:pagelink_text:columns:exclude_articles}
    //         category_alias    Name of the category to get the articles from
    //         count             Number of articles to show from this category, -1 for all articles
    //         ------------------
    //         articles_per_page Number of articles on one page, -1 all articles on one page
    //         ------------------
    //         sortfield         VALUES default, article_created, article_tstamp, article_begin, article_end, article_title
    //         sortdir           sort direction VALUES ASC or DESC
    //         ------------------
    //         show_cat_name     Show the categroy name VALUES 0 = no, 1= Yes
    //         ------------------
    //         pagelink_text     Pagelinktext e.g. Page or Seite
    //         ------------------
    //         columns           Number of columns VALUES >= 1
    //                           To format the Table and the Tablecells you can use the CSS-Values teaserTable, teaserTableLeftCell and teaserTableRightCell
    //                           in the "default css"-section of the backend
    //                           e.g.
    //                           #teaserTable {border:1px solid #FFFFFF; border-collapse:collapse;}
    //                           #teaserTableLeftCell {border-left:1px solid #C4C4C4; padding:4px;}
    //                           #teaserTableRightCell {border-left:1px solid #C4C4C4; padding:4px;}
    //         ------------------
    //         exclude_articles  List of article id's
    //                           VALUES  e.g. 10,15,23 or empty
    //                           These articles are not visible in the result list
    //                           useful if your "TEASER_EX Article" is in the same category as the articles
    // example: {TEASER_EX:en_general|3;en_fairs|-1;en_jobs|-1:3:article_begin|DESC:1:Page:1:10,15,23}
    //          {TEASER_EX:en_general|3:6:default:0:Seite:2:}


Posted: Mon 28. Nov 2005, 16:13
by kobos

It works now, it was the 7 colon thingy

thanks for all your help guys much appreciated. :)


Posted: Tue 29. Nov 2005, 10:23
by Statocast3r
Could someone help me. I'd like the script to show the latest 5 articles from categories called: ds, gizmondo, nokiangage and sonypsp. A total amount of 5 articles not 5 from all of the categories. I'd also like summaries to be shown. What kind of code would do this?


Posted: Tue 29. Nov 2005, 22:20
by kobos
it'd be kinda like this:


apart from set it to sort it by date instead of default

Posted: Tue 29. Nov 2005, 22:25
by kobos
i have a problem my self its with the displaying of images:

this is the source page:

theis is the target:

see the images of the shrooms isn't even registered let alone displayed

im using my expandable content box mod for this which slots into the article listing part:

Code: Select all

<div align="left">
<table width="170px" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" margin-left="0px">


   <td background="images/okobo-lb-cb-01_TOP.png" width="170" height="21" align="center">
       [TITLE]<h5 style="margin:0 0 5px 0;">{TITLE}</h5>[/TITLE]



   <td background="images/okobo-lb-cb-01_MIDDLE.png">

    <div align="center">
        <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="160px">
           <td width="90%" valign="top">
             [IMAGE]<div><a href="{ARTICLELINK}">{IMAGE}</a></div>[/IMAGE]
             [CAPTION]<div align="center">{CAPTION}</div>[/CAPTION]
           <td width="10"><img src="img/leer.gif" border="0" width="10" height="1" alt=""></td>



   <td><img src="images/okobo-lb-cb-01_BOTTOM.png" width="170" height="25"></td>



i dont need the summary or subheading so i just removed it.

how can i rectify this problem?



Posted: Sat 3. Dec 2005, 10:51
by kobos
Can someone PLEASE HELP me i'm stuck and i've got no idea why it doesnt display images and so far nooon have answered, if its stupidly obvious please point it out.


Posted: Sat 3. Dec 2005, 17:19
by erich_k4
kobos wrote:Can someone PLEASE HELP me i'm stuck and i've got no idea why it doesnt display images and so far nooon have answered, if its stupidly obvious please point it out.

Try this one:

Replace line 482 (v1.0.6) with

Code: Select all

return str_replace("<br /><br />", "<br />", html_parser(render_PHPcode($listing)));


Posted: Sat 3. Dec 2005, 20:25
by kobos
thanks but it doesnt work

how did you get it to display images

was it right off the bat? and what versions has it worked with? im using
1.1 RC4

Posted: Sat 3. Dec 2005, 20:55
by kobos
what about this

should it be made true and does thumb_img do anything?

Code: Select all

  // build image/image link
                    $article_list[$key]["article_image"]["poplink"] = '';
                    $thumb_image = false;
                    $thumb_img = '';
lines 253 to 256

Posted: Sun 4. Dec 2005, 11:31
by erich_k4

{TEASER_EX} was only tested with version >=1.2.3 DEV, so i don't think it will work as expected with 1.1....


Posted: Tue 6. Dec 2005, 21:19
by kobos
i got it to work, i had to update to 1.2.5 which i messed up so i then had to delete my database and start again .

thanks guys for all your help i am very grateful