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Posted: Mon 10. Jan 2005, 10:42
by aborre
look here

Gnolen wrote:
Känns lite tråkigt faktiskt! För jag förstår tyvärr väldigt lite tyska!
hej gnolen

du har rätt! Vi skulle tala engelska tillsammans :D .

Hej da

No need 2 publish this ......

Posted: Mon 10. Jan 2005, 18:39
by juergen
Hello !

I for myself wonder what my german kolleques are writing inside this thread! Crying all the time while wondering about non correct time tables. Without this system i won't have anything online ! They ?

I never asked a question before, everything is self explaining. My mistakes were answered inside here, so i corrected them! :idea: No need to post, just search.....

There was no need to register inside for all my problems. Today i read these angry posts :evil: What are they doing? Lets do some learning in german language: Erbsenzähler [erbsentseler]

phpwcms... best I'd ever seen ... from 1.2.4 on :shock:

Thank you Oliver for each single word in the code !

just 1/80.000.000 part of Germany but perhaps not alone with my idea!


Re: No need 2 publish this ......

Posted: Mon 10. Jan 2005, 18:47
by spirelli
DF6IH wrote:just 1/80.000.000 part of Germany but perhaps not alone with my idea!
Can I ask, What exactly is your idea?
Is it:
Gebt den Erbsemzählern mehr Bohnen !

Re: No need 2 publish this ......

Posted: Mon 10. Jan 2005, 22:12
by Hero
spirelli wrote:
DF6IH wrote:just 1/80.000.000 part of Germany but perhaps not alone with my idea!
Can I ask, What exactly is your idea?
Replace "idea" with "opinion", i think :wink:

dev release

Posted: Wed 26. Jan 2005, 21:19
by Kosse
For all the non patient pple out there: ... 95&start=0

****-wise: "Oops, Oliver did it again..."
:wink: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Sun 6. Feb 2005, 20:58
by Hero
Still waiting...

When will it come out? :D

Will v2 support multiuser editing permissions??

Posted: Thu 21. Apr 2005, 05:44
by Optimus Prime
Hi everyone, i'm new to the phpwcms community. I have to say that I'm already amazed with phpwcms.

I know we're all dying for v.2 to be released, and I'm wondering if anyone has a clue when we'll see a version of wcms will support editing permission levels for backend user accounts.

Love the project, kudos to Oliver!

Ben Hershberg

Posted: Sat 16. Jul 2005, 02:09
by seaghan
Yes :D
I am ready to start a project building websites for schools at very low cost. I was ready to choose Mambo because this had a wide development community and lots of pluggable functions.

Then a colleague reminded me of phpWCMS and it looks easier to use (for the end-users). I would like to choose phpWCMS instead of Mambo - and would be willing also to pay for it.

Thank you Oliver for sharing you 'baby' :)

Posted: Fri 22. Jul 2005, 16:48
by Rolade
I've tried several cms-systems now and they are all made to suit developers needs. My need are more in high-level editing, so a lot of them failed.

The best till now are Mambo, Typo3 and phpwcms as free cms systems.
Mambo is very difficult in editing templates, it's a crime to do... Typo3 is very complete too. the interface is more complecated, but functions are there. phpwcms is very simular to typo3, nicer interface, but less admin capabilities.

For now I stick to phpwcms, but typo3 is a very nice one too. I thonk Oliver has Typo3 as example in his mind, but then with a better interface... ;-)


Posted: Wed 15. Feb 2006, 23:40
by ssyfrig
Hi Oliver

{Translation}could some body please translate this post in englisch, Thanks{/Translation}

Ich hoffe Du liest diesen Beitrag. Oft nervte ich mich über Beiträge welche nur immer „Hallo wann kommt der nächste Release“ beinhalteten. Und nun ist es soweit, auch ich schreibe das.

Vorab die aktuelle DEV Version ist gut, ohne Frage. Mit den diversen RT’s lässt sich auch sehr viel bewerkstelligen.

Mir geht Primär nicht um ein Datum. Aber gibt doch der Community etwas Hintergrundinformationen und das auch gespürt wird das Du das CMS weiter entwickelst.

Sind die Engpässe Zeit oder Finanziell bedingt? Denn wenn es finanziell ist sollten wir alle Dich und somit das Projekt unterstützen!!!

Hoffe ich fand die richtigen Worte.

Gruss Sven

Posted: Wed 15. Feb 2006, 23:52
by Kosse
I gave it a try...
Google and some (?) when not sure...
I hope you read this contribution. Often I get nervous (?) over contributions which always go like "hello when comes the next release".
And now it is has come so far, I write that also.
First the current DEV version is good, without question.
With the various RT's can be managed also very much.
To me main thing does not go around a date.
But nevertheless the Community gives to something background informations and is also felt which you the CMS continues to develop. (?)
Are the bottlenecks time or financially conditioned?
Because if it is financial should we all help you and thus support the project!!!
Hope I found the correct words.
Not much but can be understood ;)

Re: Hintergrundinformationen

Posted: Thu 16. Feb 2006, 04:36
by Pappnase

phpwcms is still in developing :-)
and and as i know there no finacial problems more time problems :-)

ssyfrig wrote:Hi Oliver

{Translation}could some body please translate this post in englisch, Thanks{/Translation}

Ich hoffe Du liest diesen Beitrag. Oft nervte ich mich über Beiträge welche nur immer „Hallo wann kommt der nächste Release“ beinhalteten. Und nun ist es soweit, auch ich schreibe das.

Vorab die aktuelle DEV Version ist gut, ohne Frage. Mit den diversen RT’s lässt sich auch sehr viel bewerkstelligen.

Mir geht Primär nicht um ein Datum. Aber gibt doch der Community etwas Hintergrundinformationen und das auch gespürt wird das Du das CMS weiter entwickelst.

Sind die Engpässe Zeit oder Finanziell bedingt? Denn wenn es finanziell ist sollten wir alle Dich und somit das Projekt unterstützen!!!

Hoffe ich fand die richtigen Worte.

Gruss Sven

Re: Hintergrundinformationen

Posted: Thu 16. Feb 2006, 11:00
by Kosse
Pappnase wrote:hello

phpwcms is still in developing :-)
and and as i know there no finacial problems more time problems :-)
Hi Pappnase,

same feeling here, I know it is about time problems.
But a lot of ~not good~ things are happening as a consequence of that and the lack of ~more precise~ information. (which is sad)

Some consequences (I don't know the answer to them, just pointing):
- good coders/webmaster just leave phpwcms because of the lack of consistency in its dev,
- OG has full power, good thing, we have tried ~and still do~ to organize a team for helping him, a lot of pple interested, but no real outcome (at this day),
- docu and templates are definitely a problem, too complicated for many, too few that help with 'em
- the recent opensourcecms case is interesting: the guys just took it out because some other fools made bad comments, but they NEVER said something about 1.1 RC before that, but the fact of no RC or stable release since then convinced them to remove it,

We ALL understand (I mean pple who CARE) that time IS an issue (same for us), so ORGANIZING could be an answer? Just some thoughts, if some deustche leute is ok to translate it thx ;)

I still love phpwcms 8) (and... may the sun come back soon, winter is too long)


Posted: Thu 16. Feb 2006, 11:34
by trip

sun is always shining down south

dont forget the NEW SourceForge project for ALL developers of reptags and MODS :-)

LETS make one central place


ps if you would like to contribute, please PM me or Kosse

Posted: Tue 21. Feb 2006, 19:10
by midknight
Translation helper


I too am awaiting on the v.2 release. I have chosen phpwcms as my main cms for my company. I have looked at a lot of cms lately and this one takes the cake.