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Posted: Mon 23. Feb 2004, 22:51
by Moozie

Addition to your suggestion to do:
.table_class {width: 300px;}

If I did this the image list appears OK, but in other pages where I use text + image (in text, right aligned) the image gets also a table of 300 pixels. If the pic itself is only 150 pix wide, it will align left and leave a blank space of 150 pixels on the rightside. And the page looks messed up.

I tried:
.table_class {width: 1px;}

And than both imagelist AND other pages with text + images appear OK. I was wondering why you choose .table_class {width: 300px;} where .table_class {width: 1px;} is better.

Or do I miss something?

Posted: Mon 23. Feb 2004, 22:56
by Oliver Georgi
Was only a sample ;-) (or better woraround).

Posted: Mon 23. Feb 2004, 23:00
by Moozie
But does it makes sence to you that if I use:

.table_class {width: 1px;}

that all is fine?

Posted: Mon 23. Feb 2004, 23:32
by Oliver Georgi
yes - absolute normal.

What you have done with .table_class {width: 1px;} is to say the browser to minimize the table to a width of 1px. But your images are wider than 1px that's why this is the new table limit.

Often it's better to set the no fixed width - then use .table_class {width: 1%;} - more optimal to the browser it defines browser should check for best width.


Posted: Tue 24. Feb 2004, 00:32
by Moozie
Thanks. I take the 1% then instead if 1px. Made no dif in my test version.