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Posted: Tue 18. Oct 2005, 01:18
by pSouper
thanks pauli ;) well spotted.

now fixed in the zip - see link on page 1

-- ok: just so you know that I know...
the glossary is far more resticked than you or I would like - this is all my fault :) I will be rewriting the glossary functionaliy entirely so as to add a little control on it's application as well as to remove it current reliance on a space being left either side of the word in question.
I have very little time this week but hope to start over the week end.

Posted: Tue 18. Oct 2005, 23:08
by pSouper
hi guys 'n' gals

I have rewritten my 'glossary' & 'tooltip' scripts as a complete do-over a the first was oh so poorly thought out'.

new features...
  • Glossry & tooltips are now the same script
  • multiple words for a single glossary term
  • html layouts for tooltip & glossary info: you can now create an html page as info if you so wish (links & forms etc will not work)
  • no whitespace restrictions - allows for punctuation etc
  • new VERY simple usage: totally 'code free' glossary terms list : just add --end-- to the end of each term and start the new term on the following line
download from here

Posted: Wed 19. Oct 2005, 00:14
by pSouper
FYI: as the glossary acts on the raw code of a page it will replace every instance of a the glossary term INCLUDING any values etc!

if you had 'Forum' as a glossary term AND had the following form element in your site...
<label><input name="type_options[]" value="forum" type="checkbox">Forum</label>

this would give bad results as the glossary script will replace the value="forum" too

A worka round is to use a slight ly different word for your value.
you could try and keep the glossary term to muliple word or phrases as values can not containe spaces :)

be carefull for now (a fix will come

Posted: Thu 23. Feb 2006, 20:32
by Kosse
Hi pSouper,

always liked your piece of code/idea, so I enhanced it a little bit ;)
I guess this post is for people that have tried it...

This is it:
- since the DEV 1.2.5 (or 1.2.6?) there is a new thing in backend called Keyword, (it's just a single table with ID, name in mysql, called phpwcms_keyword ) so I added a new column to it: keyword_description (long text).

Mysql, something like:

Code: Select all

ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_keyword` ADD `keyword_description` LONGTEXT AFTER `keyword_name`;
- I modified the backend to have the possibility to add the description (when you click on keyword you can now add a .. description, just 1 field TEXTAREA with like 10 rows :)

So, modified /include/inc.tmpl/admin.keyword.tmpl.php


Code: Select all

   Copyright notice blah blah

$keyword["id"] = 0;

<table width="538" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
          <tr><td colspan="2" class="title"><?php echo $BL['be_admin_keywords'] ?></td></tr>
		  <tr><td colspan="2"><img src="img/leer.gif" width="1" height="4"></td></tr>
		  if(isset($_GET["keyid"])) {
		  <tr><td colspan="2"><img src="img/lines/l538_70.gif" width="538" height="1"></td></tr>
          <tr bgcolor="#F0F2F4"><td colspan="2"><img src="img/leer.gif" width="1" height="10"></td></tr>
		  	$keyword["id"] = intval($_GET["keyid"]);
			if($keyword["id"]) {	
				$sql = "SELECT * FROM ".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_keyword WHERE keyword_id=".$keyword["id"]." LIMIT 1;";
				if($result = mysql_query($sql, $db) or die("error 1 while retrieving keywords")) {
					if($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
						$keyword["name"]	= $row["keyword_name"];
						$keyword["description"]	= $row["keyword_description"];
				$sendbutton = $BL['be_admin_fcat_button1'];
			} else {
				$sendbutton = $BL['be_admin_fcat_button2'];
			if(isset($_POST["keyword_aktion"])) { // show form for editing keywords
				$keyword["name"]	= clean_slweg($_POST["keyword_name"], 250);
				$keyword["description"] = $_POST["keyword_description"];
				$keyword["id"]		= intval($_POST["keyword_id"]);
				$keyword["name"]	= str_replace(';', ' ', $keyword["name"]);
				$keyword["name"]	= str_replace(',', ' ', $keyword["name"]);
				$keyword["name"]	= preg_replace('/\s{1,}/', ' ', $keyword["name"]);
				if(empty($keyword["name"])) {
					$keyword["error"] = 1; 
				} else {
					if(!$keyword["id"]) {
						$sql  = "INSERT INTO ".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_keyword SET ";
						$sql .= "keyword_name='".aporeplace($keyword["name"])."', ";
						$sql .= "keyword_description='".aporeplace($keyword["description"])."'";
					} else {
						$sql  = "UPDATE ".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_keyword SET ";
						$sql .= "keyword_name='".aporeplace($keyword["name"])."', ";
						$sql .= "keyword_description='".aporeplace($keyword["description"])."'";
						$sql .= "WHERE keyword_id=".$keyword["id"];

// UPDATE `phpwcms_keyword` SET `keyword_name` = 'phpwcmsedite',
// `keyword_description` = 'edite' WHERE `keyword_id` =3 LIMIT 1 ;					
					if($result = mysql_query($sql, $db) or die("error 2 while inserting/updating keyword")) {
						if(!$keyword["id"]) $keyword["id"] = mysql_insert_id($db);
						header("Location: ".PHPWCMS_URL."phpwcms.php?do=admin&p=5");
		  <form action="phpwcms.php?do=admin&p=5&keyid=<?php echo $keyword["id"] ?>" method="post" name="keywords">
		  <tr align="center" bgcolor="#F0F2F4"><td colspan="2"><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
		  	<?php if(!empty($keyword["error"])) { ?>
		      <td align="right" class="chatlist"><font color="#FF3300"><?php echo $BL['be_admin_usr_err'] ?>:</font>&nbsp;</td>
		      <td class="error"><strong><?php echo $BL['be_admin_keywords_err'] ?></strong></td>
			<tr><td colspan="2"><img src="img/leer.gif" width="1" height="3"></td></tr>
			<?php } ?>
		      <td align="right" class="chatlist"><?php echo $BL['be_admin_keywords_key'] ?>:&nbsp;</td>
		      <td><input name="keyword_name" type="text" id="keyword_name" class="f11b" style="width: 430px" value="<?php echo empty($keyword["name"]) ? '' : html_specialchars($keyword["name"]) ?>" size="40" maxlength="250"></td>
		      <td align="right" valign="top" class="chatlist"><?php echo $BL['be_admin_keywords_description'] ?>:&nbsp;</td>			
			<td><textarea rows="10" class="f11b" id="keyword_description" style="width: 430px" input name="keyword_description" ><?php echo empty($keyword["description"]) ? '' : html_specialchars($keyword["description"])  ?></textarea></td>
		    <tr><td colspan="2"><img src="img/leer.gif" width="1" height="10"></td></tr>
		      <td><input name="keyword_id" type="hidden" id="keyword_id" value="<?php echo intval($keyword["id"]) ?>"><input name="keyword_aktion" type="hidden" id="keyword_aktion" value="1"></td>
		      <td><input name="Submit" type="submit" class="button10" style="width: 150px;" value="<?php echo $sendbutton ?>">&nbsp;&nbsp;<input name="donotsubmit" type="button" class="button10" style="width: 80px;" value="<?php echo $BL['be_admin_fcat_exit'] ?>" onClick="location.href='phpwcms.php?do=admin&p=5';"></td>
		  <tr bgcolor="#F0F2F4"><td colspan="2"><img src="img/leer.gif" width="1" height="15"></td></tr>
		  } //Ende Anzeige Category Name Formular
          <tr><td colspan="2"><img src="img/lines/l538_70.gif" width="538" height="1"></td></tr>
          <tr><td colspan="2"><img src="img/leer.gif" width="1" height="5"></td></tr>
			$sql = "SELECT * FROM ".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_keyword WHERE keyword_trash=0 ORDER BY keyword_name;";
			if($result = mysql_query($sql, $db) or die("error while browsing keyword list")) {
				while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
		 			echo "<tr onMouseOver=\"this.bgColor='#CCFF00';\" onMouseOut=\"this.bgColor='#FFFFFF';\">\n";
					echo "<td width=\"483\"><table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n<tr>\n";

					echo "<td>";
					echo "<img src=\"img/symbole/plus_empty.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"15\" border=\"0\"></td>\n";
              		echo "<td><img src=\"img/leer.gif\" width=\"2\" height=\"15\"></td>\n";
					echo "<td class=\"dir\"><strong>".html_specialchars($row["keyword_name"])."</strong></td>\n";
              		echo "</tr>\n</table></td>\n<td width=\"55\" align=\"right\">";
					echo "<a href=\"phpwcms.php?do=admin&p=5&keyid=".$row["keyword_id"]."\" title =\"".$BL['be_admin_keyword_edit']."\">";
					echo "<img src=\"img/button/edit_22x11.gif\" width=\"22\" height=\"11\" border=\"0\"></a>";
					echo "<a href=\"include/inc_act/act_filecat.php?do=8,".$row["keyword_id"]."\" title =\"".$BL['be_admin_keyword_del']."\" ";
					echo "onClick=\"GP_popupConfirmMsg('".$BL['be_admin_keyword_delmsg']."\\n[".html_specialchars($row["keyword_name"])."] ');return document.MM_returnValue;\">";
					echo "<img src=\"img/button/del_11x11.gif\" width=\"11\" height=\"11\" border=\"0\"></a>";
					echo "</td>\n</tr>\n";
          <tr><td colspan="2"><img src="img/leer.gif" width="1" height="5"></td></tr>
          <tr><td colspan="2"><img src="img/lines/l538_70.gif" width="538" height="1"></td></tr>
            <td><img src="img/leer.gif" width="483" height="1"></td>
			<td><img src="img/leer.gif" width="55" height="5"></td>
          <tr><td colspan="2"><form action="phpwcms.php?do=admin&p=5&keyid=0" method="post"><input type="submit" value="<?php echo $BL['be_admin_keyword_add'] ?>" class="button10" title="<?php echo $BL['be_admin_keyword_add'] ?>"></form></td></tr>
- I modified your glossary.php to something like:

Code: Select all

function glossaryReplace ($string){
	$query="SELECT `keyword_name` , `keyword_description` FROM `phpwcms_keyword`" ;
	$result = mysql_query($query)or die("There was an error<br /> " . mysql_error() . "<hr />");
	while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
		$glos_code[$keyword_name]='<a class="tooltip" href="index.php?glossary#'.$keyword_name.'">'.$keyword_name.'<span>'.$keyword_description.'</span></a>';
		$string=str_replace($ToolTip_keyword_name, $glos_code[$keyword_name], $string);
   return $string;   // spit out the final webpage for display
$content["all"] = (glossaryReplace($content["all"]));
- Result: you don't need the glossary.glos file any more it is replaced by the values you put in keywords at backend.

- Little plus:
a) create a hidden site structure you call GLOSSARY (for example) and with glossary as ALIAS.
b) Put in it an article with plain html text, where you put this:

Code: Select all

$query="SELECT `keyword_name` , `keyword_description` FROM `phpwcms_keyword` ORDER BY `keyword_name`" ;
 $result = mysql_query($query)or die("There was an error<br /> " . mysql_error() . "<hr />");
 while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
 echo "<a name=\"$keyword_name\"></a>[br]<strong>$keyword_name</strong>: $keyword_description [br][br]";
VoilĂ  a little complicated but now you have:
{TOOLTIP:keyword} that gets the keyword from the backend and when u click on the keyword you get the automatic generated glossary page with a names :D
{TOOLTIP:keyword:description} that acts like your tootltip

- don't forget to put the tooltip replacement tag in frontend render
- don't forget your css too for the box :)

Code: Select all

	//tooltip replacement
	$search[3] = '/\{TOOLTIP:(.*?):(.*?)}/';
	$replace[3] = '<a class="tooltip" href="">$1<span>$2</span></a>';


Posted: Thu 23. Feb 2006, 21:48
by pSouper
in the words of the immortal Ronald McDonald... I'm Lovin' it :D

fantastic Kosse - just the stuff that I was bieng asked to do but have not had any speare time to do -this also explains my sadly too infrequent contributions to this forum too :(


Posted: Thu 23. Feb 2006, 22:45
by frold
pSouper wrote:in the words of the immortal Ronald McDonald... I'm Lovin' it :D
Nope Ronald cant spell... He says i'm loving it

pSouper you'r alive... nice to know!!

Posted: Thu 23. Feb 2006, 22:57
by pSouper
yup, still alive - but only until my wife or my kids or my work kill me :)

Posted: Fri 24. Feb 2006, 18:37
by Kosse
pSouper wrote:in the words of the immortal Ronald McDonald... I'm Lovin' it :D

fantastic Kosse - just the stuff that I was bieng asked to do but have not had any speare time to do -this also explains my sadly too infrequent contributions to this forum too :(

Giving back what has been given ;) np, my pleasure, hope my explanation wasn't too ~messy~ I'll try to make a zip file so pple can just dl it and use it, maybe next few weeks I can make a MOD of it.

"come back pSouper forum needs you" && "PhpWMc'S I luve it" == nice feature

:D Cheers