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Post by tuur66 »

php 4.1.3...??? I downloaded version 1.2.5! What's the difference? It should be called 5.2.1, I would say, as it is the latest version according to sourceforge.net...
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Post by pSouper »

ok, please do not be offended here T...
my advice to you is to research just what php, mysql and servers are. For me to explain to you in simpler terms than already covered in this thread would not help you in any practical way.
I hope you understand that there is a basic knowledge to anything that should be gained for you to be able to get on 'the ladder' so to speak. I do not think I am bringing you intelligence in to play here by saying this, a simple analogy I think fits in this case would be that even the most experienced doctors would not attempt nuclear physics nor visa versa.

My sincere advice to you would be to research those areas you are hoping to control.
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