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Posted: Tue 15. Nov 2005, 07:49
by trip
:D 8)

Posted: Tue 22. Nov 2005, 00:26
by shiny
Just a quick message to say that I've just got a couple of bugs to iron out before release [and an RSS script to tidy up], but I'm working on stuff for an awards ceremony this week so I won't have time to release the code until then.

I hope it'll be worth the wait for you all! :)

P.S. Thanks for those who have offered to beta test and things - I'll be in touch when I have time!

Posted: Tue 22. Nov 2005, 15:55
by Fulvio Romanin
/me waits patiently...

Posted: Tue 22. Nov 2005, 16:18
by pico
PHPwcms -> PHP waiting content management system

Posted: Tue 22. Nov 2005, 16:32
by Fulvio Romanin
LOL! :lol:

Posted: Fri 2. Dec 2005, 10:29
by Fulvio Romanin
...still waiting... :shock:

Posted: Wed 14. Dec 2005, 00:30
by shiny
People are probably wondering where I am with all this. (Very amusing Phpwcms acronym above, by the way :D )

The reason I've been so silent is that I've been occupied in an awards ceremony event ( see here ) and then immediately afterwards an unexpected whirlwind of career-related stuff over the last few weeks (which has culminated in a job starting next year, so hurrah!).

I've received a few requests for the module, and I haven't forgotten you all. I've been playing with some sIFR support and also some nice expanding comments to enhance the frontend experience. [ Examples can be seen on the frontpage]

You'll have a nice release for an Xmas present.

Posted: Wed 14. Dec 2005, 04:37
by Fulvio Romanin
man, the scrolling comments thingy is A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!! :shock:
i dunno at which point you might release the new reptag, but if you can improve MORE this i just can't imagine WHAT you want to add YET!

(/me shyly offers himself for betatest...) :oops:

Posted: Wed 14. Dec 2005, 10:22
by Kosse
shiny wrote:People are probably wondering where I am with all this. (Very amusing Phpwcms acronym above, by the way :D )

The reason I've been so silent is that I've been occupied in an awards ceremony event ( see here ) and then immediately afterwards an unexpected whirlwind of career-related stuff over the last few weeks (which has culminated in a job starting next year, so hurrah!).
Congratulations shiny! Hope you can use your experience and good luck with your new job! (...and spare some time 4 phpwcms) ;) :D
shiny wrote:I've received a few requests for the module, and I haven't forgotten you all. I've been playing with some sIFR support and also some nice expanding comments to enhance the frontend experience. [ Examples can be seen on the frontpage]
Did u use something like this or do u have another method (MOD-like?)?
shiny wrote:You'll have a nice release for an Xmas present.
Yes yes! Thanx Shiny Claus :P


Posted: Wed 14. Dec 2005, 13:19
by shiny
Fulvio Romanin wrote:man, the scrolling comments thingy is A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!! :shock:
Well, thanks very much. I'm glad you like it. It doesn't work quite so well in some flavours of Internet Explorer (IE6 on Win2000 springs to mind, where it jerks a little) but that's more a fault of the browser than anything else. Or maybe my old PC :)
Fulvio Romanin wrote:but if you can improve MORE this i just can't imagine WHAT you want to add YET!
Entry categories is the big thing for me, I'd like to be able to categorise entries [as I'll probably be making lots of geeky link entries in this new job, and I don't want to flood the blog] so that people can customise which ones they can see.
Kosse wrote:Did u use something like this or do u have another method (MOD-like?)?
No, I did it 'manually'. I've had trouble with sIFR working properly cross-platform before, but I did get it working eventually. It's not integrated as a module, though I don't see why it couldn't be.

*jingles some Xmas bells*

Posted: Wed 14. Dec 2005, 14:37
by Fulvio Romanin
did you use rico for such transitions in the comments? a friend of mine showed me this free ajax lib, and it ROCKS

definitely to implement!

Posted: Wed 14. Dec 2005, 14:56
by shiny
Fulvio Romanin wrote:did you use rico for such transitions in the comments? a friend of mine showed me this free ajax lib, and it ROCKS

definitely to implement!
No, it was the rather unbelievably tiny and amusingly-named Moo.FX from Works very well, but appears to require a minor hack to work properly in Internet Explorer, which I'll detail when I release the module.

Posted: Tue 10. Jan 2006, 23:38
by joransrb
whats the status on this one...??

Posted: Wed 11. Jan 2006, 11:44
by frold
joransrb wrote:whats the status on this one...??
regarding the topic title - work in progress

Posted: Thu 12. Jan 2006, 00:02
by joransrb
yeah... just wondering :)