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Posted: Fri 2. Sep 2005, 17:08
by Oliver Georgi

Posted: Fri 2. Sep 2005, 17:11
by nekket
thank you, oliver!

Posted: Fri 2. Sep 2005, 19:25
by Ben
Great! This also helped me out. Thanks for the tip, Oliver.

Posted: Sat 3. Sep 2005, 04:45
by consistency

Posted: Sun 20. Nov 2005, 01:10
by jpsaenz
Oliver Du bist SPITZE!!! Du bist WUNDERBAR!!! :D :D :D


Posted: Sun 20. Nov 2005, 05:13
by Pappnase
jpsaenz wrote:Oliver Du bist SPITZE!!! Du bist WUNDERBAR!!! :D :D :D


schau mal ab und zu bei den cvs updates vorbei dann hättest du den bugfix schon drin gehabt ;-)

Posted: Sun 20. Nov 2005, 09:36
by Oliver Georgi
da gab es gestern ein Update für GT MOD mit dem ich ein Problem behoben habe, das auftritt, wenn man den GT MOD um einen Text mit Link herumsetzt. Dieser wird nun extrahiert und dann beim Rückgeben des entsprechenden HTML Codes (img Tag) wieder außen herum gesetzt, sodass dann das Bild wieder als Link funktioniert. Schön z.B. für Artikellisten.


Posted: Fri 25. Nov 2005, 14:55
by Kosse
Hi all,

I'm not quite sure it is related to GT module, I think it might be related to the font I use... (but I'm lost...)

Strange, I used GT MOD for with no problems.
Last week, when the webmaster in charge added a title with accents ie "Les mères porteuses" the font doesn't appear correctly (when accents weren't a problem before... ????)

The font I use is phoenix arise.
The trick I used is to write: l e s m è r e s p o r t e u s e s (space between each letter) and it works. I'm puzzled about why this is happening.

The page with the trick: ... 68,0,0,1,0

Pages with accents where it works!: ... 47,0,0,1,0

If anyone knows or has a clue why this happens, thanks to let me know.

Btw, I've managed to use siFR (font replacement with flash) in phpwcms, nice solution as well.


Posted: Sun 27. Nov 2005, 02:22
by DeXXus
I don't know if you solved this yet, but I noticed a reference HERE to minor change in the file "".
You might want to compare the two sites for this file!