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Posted: Sun 31. Jul 2005, 10:29
by pico
Hi John

you must set the correct Path to your Site in ../include/inc_ext/fckconfig.js

Code: Select all

FCKConfig.CustomConfigurationsPath = '' ;
what is going wrong at your Site?
I have it running on XAMPP on Windows and on a SUSE-Linux also on
Apache/1.3.33 (Unix)

Wich ImageManger do you use from FCK - the original or the 'new'-one?
what do you mean with 'Images listed but would not display' ? are they shown in the ImageManager and not in the Content - if so what is the URL for the Image saying in the Source-Code?

The ImageManager (PlugIn) uses GD for generating the Thumbs - look into the from the PlugIn in ../include/inc_ext/FCKeditor/editor/plugins/ImageManager there is the Configuration for that

Code: Select all

 Possible values: 'GD', 'IM', or 'NetPBM'

 The image manipulation library to use, either GD or ImageMagick or NetPBM.
 If you have safe mode ON, or don't have the binaries to other packages, 
 your choice is 'GD' only. Other packages require Safe Mode to be off.
define('IMAGE_CLASS', 'GD');

 After defining which library to use, if it is NetPBM or IM, you need to
 specify where the binary for the selected library are. And of course
 your server and PHP must be able to execute them (i.e. safe mode is OFF).
 GD does not require the following definition.
define('IMAGE_TRANSFORM_LIB_PATH', '/usr/bin/');
and the Folder for the Images ($phpwcms["file_path"]) need full access (chmod 777)
there a Folder /.thumbs will be generated with the Thumbnails of the Images in it.

If you wan't send me a PM with your login to phpWCMS and FTP and I will take a look.

Posted: Mon 1. Aug 2005, 01:43
by jsw_nz
Hi Pico,

As far as my server is concerned it is displaying a file permsiions message...although all folders are given 777, when the images are written to phpwcms_filestorage/Image directory they are set to 600 by default.
I pasted the exact path that the mcpuk image browser imported and got this apache message:
You don't have permission to access /phpwcms_filestorage/Image/09914722f86c5d40f34ca3d0630f4306.jpg on this server
Images uploaded by FCK are is only images generated by wcms.....

I did plug in the additional parameter for

FCKConfig.CustomConfigurationsPath = '' ;
still no luck

Thanks for the heads up on GD thumb issues, yet they work fine... only issue I see is that ".thumbs" directory is not showing up (is this new?).. perhaps I am using a next to latest version of FCK2. The site itself is under I will PM you with login/ftp info and leave the settings as they are, if you feel game about looking into it.

john :D