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Posted: Sat 30. Jul 2005, 20:52
by cyrano
Hi kubens,

thank you for your screenshot,so i see i don't get nuts :-)

I don't know why this happens in my installation, i setup a new clear database and copied all stuff in this directory.

I installed the 1.2.4 release 3 days ago, so checked before the CVS...


Posted: Sat 30. Jul 2005, 21:11
by cyrano
StudioZ wrote:Cyrano... I have the feeling that you have a missing or outdated file somewhere...
Check in the CVs: ... ortby=date
Hi StudioZ,

thank you for guiding me to this:-)

I downloaded and replaced it - no changes..

It is strange...

Posted: Sat 30. Jul 2005, 21:28
by pico

is it in your ../include/inc_lib/ (last Entry) ?

Posted: Sat 30. Jul 2005, 21:29
by StudioZ
I am thinking.... :roll:

Posted: Sat 30. Jul 2005, 21:31
by StudioZ
think Pico has the answer for you... :wink:

Posted: Sat 30. Jul 2005, 21:52
by cyrano
pico wrote:Hi

is it in your ../include/inc_lib/ (last Entry) ?
ok, thank you pico and StudioZ,

as i thought to put it in inc_front....

so i think i will change this immediately :oops:

ok, think to reload all again, put now in inc_lib, get one more content part in contenpart list but as white blank entry....

frold: frontend

Posted: Sat 30. Jul 2005, 22:03
by volkman
i do have some pages that are only shown to logged-in users. i dont want the articles to be found by the search function. using DEV 1.2.3 right now
How do you do that? I would like some frontend thing to really!![/quote]

Hi Frederick!
I am using ionrocks mod with some minor changes. Can be found at ...
It works without any problems with DEV 1.2.3. You just have to comment out one line - same with ionrocks calendar-mod. In "app-header.php" change

Code: Select all

require_once "Mail.php"; // PEAR mail class
to //require_once "Mail.php"; // PEAR mail class
the only disadvantage is, that there is no automatic mail sent if you setup a new user. the line include the pear-class mail - i dont have it. still looking for a way to use phpwcms-functionality for that.
if you need help setting it up, just drop me a pm.


Posted: Sat 30. Jul 2005, 22:16
by frold
If PHPMailer - PHP email class - can be used then you find it in:


Have you tried:

require_once "include/inc_ext/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php"; // PHP mail class

Posted: Sat 30. Jul 2005, 22:37
by cyrano
fixed my question now - reinstalled the whole content in include folder, now seeing the contentpart alias.

now digging it out how it works exactly

Posted: Sat 30. Jul 2005, 22:37
by StudioZ
That good ol' Papnasse allready answered
this same question for me... here: :wink: ... ght=#45358
cyrano wrote: ok, think to reload all again, put now in inc_lib, get one more content part in contenpart list but as white blank entry....

Posted: Sat 30. Jul 2005, 22:43
by cyrano
Salut Yves,

maintenant ca marche bien :-)

mondieu .. i lost a lot of my french ...

i reloaded allin inc folder and see now all working.

a real great function - WOW.

Posted: Sat 30. Jul 2005, 22:48
by StudioZ
You bet!... Cyrano de Bergerac :wink:
Happy that you got it working for you! 8)

Salutations, :wink:

Posted: Sat 30. Jul 2005, 22:56
by cyrano
haha, exactly this was my intention when i found this nme for my alias :-)

love the film with gerard depardieu and the story, also like making compliments with words and poems :-)

now i have to update my 1.2.1 release to 1.2.4....

Posted: Sat 30. Jul 2005, 23:05
by feios
I put the gr language that i create into phpwcms 1.2.4-DEV and trying to login into freshly installed phpwcms with greek language, and i get this error.

Code: Select all

Parse error: parse error in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 497 

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/httpd/vhosts/ in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 167 

As i see into file on line 497 i have

Code: Select all

$BL['be_article_cnt_after']             = 'μετά'; 

and this line does not contain any fail data.

What do you think, why i get this error?

Posted: Sat 30. Jul 2005, 23:15
by StudioZ
Hey! Not sure about the problem you are having Feios...? :roll:
But... I would try to change/swap this setting in this config file conf/phpwcms/

Code: Select all

$phpwcms["charset"]           = "iso-8859-1";       //default charset "iso-8859-1"
This is a whole different story... :roll: