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Posted: Thu 7. Apr 2005, 11:46
by Fulvio Romanin
crude facts - the new enhancements oliver made for me in the most recent version are (as far as i can remember)

- {RELATED:n:allkeywords} - means you have a "real", non-template fixed related tag. If you write "michael jackson" in your keywords and use this tag, you'll see all articles with "michael jackson" as keyword. Precious, in lots of cases. You can see a demo of this running in, in the right part (articoli correlati).

- "sort by article name" into admin - very useful for catalogs and such

- mp3 filelist generator, soon to be released with fcms 0.5

- php vars content (maybe this one is older...)

- something else?


unrequested personal statements:

sorry guys if my mood will look unkind: i don't want to be unkind, but i guess i heard that story a million times, and now i want to make a strong statement about that.

There's a chinese proverb i like that says:"the spectators that enter the theatre for free are the first to start booing the actor". Guys, just a minor thought:

million and million of times you have BOUGHT, read this word please: BOUGHT, lousy programmes or applications with one trillion bugs, and could do nothing about that, but just accept it. Most of you, like me, live with a permanent virus in your computer called Windows - so full of flaws it's a miracle it works.

The part that follows is something you might KNOW, but i'd ike to point out again, as maybe it's often forgotton.

Oliver - a single human being - has done for FREE what usually companies charge for lots of money. Which you can usually buy and not resell. And that would be enough to respect him forerver. Consider please that a good percentage of wcms users - like me - would have NO CHANCE of doing dynamic sites without wcms since i dont' know shit of php . I think you ALL know and share this, and i think that money has entered in almost everyone's pockets because of him. And each time we signalled a bug he tried to correct it as fast as he could - with single-human timings. But let's get to the point.

Phpwcms is not perfect, sure. It's not your 1-million-dollar application which you might sell to nasa. Yesterday i installed oscommerce and just thought there were SO MANY features i'd like to see integrated in wcms. But, as far as i can see, it's SO GOOD. Even with the bugs thing. So good i did found NOTHING BEST atm. And believe me, i've seen lots of cms's.

I work with sites with extraordinarily weird requests, mostly festivals and musical artists. One of those sites,, has proven ONCE and FOREVER that wcms is GOOD and STABLE, "resisting" to over 1 million hits per day (yes!) in the festival days: and lots of wcms features are born from my requests to the kind and patient oliver.
If you see down the "code snippets" path in earlier devs lots of things are born because of my requests. I can track down just some, because they're honestly - a lot.

- articles ordering, in two times (first the concept, then adding the "by article name" part)
- php vars content part (a whole content part!)
- {related:allkeywords} which is a new feature that will be released soon
- image slideshow from coppermine
- filelisting for mp3 player file (soon to be released under fcms 0.5)
- double image and textinserting

and they're just a few that spring up to my mind.
the most notable thing, though, is that EACH TIME i had a problem with something and i ran whining from oliver, he helped. Each time. Even if it was something i could have figured out alone. In most irc channels the answer would have (correctly) been "RTFM: READ THE FUCKING MANUAL". But not him.

and i know, and you know, that i'm not "privileged" in any way in such requests. I do not feel particulary "special". There are lots of other ppl's requests that have been fulfilled, if oliver had the time and the will to do that. I tried to bring my support to the community, and i am doing fcms to give something "back" to the community.
Of course - i repeat - oliver is a human being, and sometimes he just wants to take a walk or spend some time with his girlfriend instead of coding things for us. But as far as i know, he's REALLY REALLY patient and kind.

I asked him a news system like in august 2004 (which is not like asking for a file, but a whole, complex content part) and he didn't had the time to do that. So, i took my decision: i can't bore him all of his life, and i cannot shoot him because he doesn't fulfills all my caprices; he has a life, and i sometimes am embarassed with him because i feel SO boring, like "daddy, can you buy me that?"; so, since i STRONGLY believe in the phpwcms project, i have asked a php-wise friend to build it for me, re-investing in phpwcms part of the money i earned THANKS to it (yes, i'll share it when it's done, but no clue about the "when" - we didn't even start it).
Phpwcms should have a "development roadmap"? Dunno - phpwcms is Oliver's baby, i just take advantage of it like everyone and request stuff when i need it. Fine with me.
You find bugs? Correct them, and share the answer. That's how it works in all open-source programs, and i don't see any reason why here it should be different.

My only advice to the people (no offense for anyone!!) who complains about the bugs is: try some other cms, and all their bugs and PITAs. I'll see you coming back. After trying typo 3 and Movable type, phpwcms is HEAVEN. ;)
Thanks for reading all my puerile statements. :)

Posted: Thu 7. Apr 2005, 19:49
by brans
It looks like you were talking right out of my mind. The only difference with me is that I don`t give back anything as big as you to the community and I don`t seem to be earning at least the 100th part of your income with phpwcms :-)

I only wrote some very very little parts of the docu and I am now doing the development forum together with trip. But really fulvio thank you for this statement which seems to reflect exactly my mind.

Posted: Fri 8. Apr 2005, 02:03
by Fulvio Romanin
my income is not SO big at all, but it would be DEFINITELY lesser without phpwcms... ;)

Posted: Fri 8. Apr 2005, 09:18
by frold
Nice post Fulvio!!

And just off topic.

If you have up to 1mill hits pr / day. Then you might not use this, but....

I wonder why your pagerank is 0 - If I was you I would place some matetags in your header like:
<META NAME="Title" CONTENT="Rototom Sunsplash 2005 | 01-09.07.2005 | European Reggae Festival">
<META NAME="Description" CONTENT="European Reggae Festival bla bla.">
<META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT="festiva, reggae, etc , ">
<META NAME="Revisit-after" CONTENT="7">
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="your name">
<LINK REV=made href="mailto:your email">
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Reply-to" CONTENT="your email">
<META NAME="Copyright" CONTENT="your name, 2005, All rights reserved.">
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-language" CONTENT="Dan">

<META NAME="DC.Title" CONTENT="Rototom Sunsplash 2005 | 01-09.07.2005 | European Reggae Festival">
<META NAME="DC.Description" CONTENT="European Reggae Festival bla bla">
<META NAME="DC.Subject" CONTENT="festiva, reggae, etc, ">
<META NAME="DC.Creator" CONTENT="Your name">
<META NAME="DC.Rights" CONTENT="Your name, 2005, All rights reserved.">
<META NAME="DC.Identifier" CONTENT="">
<META NAME="DC.Language" scheme="NISOZ39.50" CONTENT="Dan">
The one in bold - I dont know how thay should look like when the lang i italian

Posted: Fri 20. May 2005, 17:03
by Kosse
Fulvio, you are so right. (even if OT, which I am about to do as well :roll: )
I asked for stupid things and feel ashamed. I' m not a php coder either but now I can offer to some pple CMS-oriented sites!
A dream come true this PHPWCMS, saved me from hating webdesign (I was kinda tired to ask developers for stupid things like... can you connect me a db pleaaaase?) and gave me the will to continue and LEARN.
No words for how much OG and you all have done.
The one thing I can do (and try to) is help out pple when I know the answer, so I decided to spend a couple of hours a week trying to answer the posts and contribute a little. My new job (3 weeks) is making websites from scratch, well, I have a goal: discuss with my partners and decide to retribute a % of all sales to PHPWCMS (kinda logical, as I plan to use it every time).
