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Posted: Mon 24. Jan 2005, 12:28
by Oliver Georgi
It will have a new content part too: RSS feed
An optimal thing for content anywhere.
Their sceptics were right!
Posted: Mon 24. Jan 2005, 15:34
by rsantifort
Being one of the sceptics I want to let you know that the presentation of the new stuff in this thread is very impressive. Maybe it is possible for you to show us the development pictures while still developping phpWCMS further on. This will help to keep the hungry people for a new release a little bit less sceptic.
I know I will be much more patient when I see a regular update of the things your are busy with, instead of waiting without any detailed news. Ik hope you can do this for us.
This new version 2.0 will be the one for me to wait fro. It contains exactly the things I want. In the development release 1.1.5 the user administration is there with the group administration, but doesn't work, is this the frontend login we all expect to see soon?
I wish you all the time to complete this v2.0!!
Posted: Mon 24. Jan 2005, 15:50
by Oliver Georgi
Groups and enhanced users stuff isn't working at the moment. But this is the next I will do.
The new dev release will be available this evening.
And here are some screenshots of new RSS thing
Posted: Mon 24. Jan 2005, 15:56
by frold
Oliver Georgi wrote:Groups and enhanced users stuff isn't working at the moment. But this is the next I will do.
Is this meaning included in this dev pach or the next?
Custom content blocks - re-visited
Posted: Thu 27. Jan 2005, 06:40
by Ben
I added a custom content tag to a page layout of 1.1.9 DEV, as shown in page one of this thread. I also added the same tags to my template. The names of the custom content tag does not show up in the "display" dropdown when adding a new content part. Am I missing a step or did I do something wrong? I'm extremely excited about the new ability to add content to various areas of the template. Phenomenal job, Oliver!
Nevermind ...
Posted: Thu 27. Jan 2005, 06:47
by Ben
Ok - I've answered my own question by returning to the template after adding the custom tags to the pagelayout. I now see the custom sections have been added to the template. This is amazing!
I love the new admin interface - it is much more relaxing and updated looking.
Posted: Fri 28. Jan 2005, 14:27
by Gnolen
Just wanted to say that I am not disapointed anymore!!! I love it!
Posted: Fri 28. Jan 2005, 18:42
by frold
Gnolen wrote:Just wanted to say that I am not disapointed anymore!!! I love it!
you should shame on you if you where
Stripped down version?
Posted: Fri 28. Jan 2005, 19:59
by ionrock
The new version looks really great! I was wondering if a stripped down version might also be created. I was thinking of something that is strictly a few essential content types such as wysiwyg, text, image, text with image, etc. and none of the extras like the guest book, contact, external, etc. I say this because most of the people who end up using it don't need anything other than basic page updates to text. this would allow specialized content to be created while keeping things obvious to users. Just a thought. If you know of a good way to strip things down without breaking them that would be just as good
Content Part permission
Posted: Fri 28. Jan 2005, 20:01
by Ben
A nice solution, ionrock, would be to add the ability to enable or disable each content part from the ADMIN area. This would control which content parts populate the dropdown box in the ARTICLE section.
Re: Content Part permission
Posted: Fri 28. Jan 2005, 20:06
by frold
Ben wrote:A nice solution, ionrock, would be to add the ability to enable or disable each content part from the ADMIN area. This would control which content parts populate the dropdown box in the ARTICLE section.
I think somethings like it is planned...but I cannot find the post where OG say it...
Posted: Fri 28. Jan 2005, 22:03
by Oliver Georgi
it's planned and coming with enhanced permissions. Then you will be able to disable parts of backend and functionality.
custom block didnt show up
Posted: Sat 29. Jan 2005, 10:02
by rushclub
i have the following problem. my custom part didnt shows up in the dropdown menue by contentparts. i have added it in page-layout and the custom block shows up in the template area at bottom but not in the drop-down as shown in the screenshots. what i am doing wrong
thanks for help (the new design and functionality rocks
(update)after i build a new category the custom blocks shows up. is that a bug or a feature (/update)
(update2)now it shows up in all categorys - oliver, this feature is really cool - thanks(/update2)
Posted: Sat 29. Jan 2005, 10:19
by Oliver Georgi
check that you are using the correct template for article's category.
And it's not content part - it is the so called "block" and available for selection in content parts.
Posted: Thu 3. Feb 2005, 15:09
by Gnolen
Is there only possible to have 2 custom blocks(conent everywher)? I am trying to put a third in but it just doesn't save it!?
Greetings from Gnolen