Alright, so it turns out I forgot to use a semi-colon in my recursive search and wasn't actually searching the php files... hence teh reason I couldn't find the references to these images.
Changing the icons is actually pretty simple. Everything you need to reference from a code perspective is in the file:
- include\inc_lib\
If you want to keep the icons lined up you'll probably want to switch the "X" icon for editting to the "edit_22x11.gif" version and then create a new "add_22x11.gif" icon that is 22px wide instead of 11. Then change the references in the above file accordingly, and finally make sure to change the width o fthe right column so it can fit the wider icons on one line. Specifically you'll need to edit the following:
// $a .= $at."</a></td>\n</tr>\n</table></td>\n<td width=\"77\">";
$a .= $at."</a></td>\n</tr>\n</table></td>\n<td width=\"88\" nowrap>";
//-- 19-11-2004 Fernando Batista end-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Just change 88 to something that accomodates the 11px increase, like 99px or 100px. All done. Here's a quick shot of what mine looked like.