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Posted: Sat 20. Dec 2003, 14:18
by fitus
that doesn't work. i got the same msg as before.

Posted: Sat 20. Dec 2003, 14:36
by DeXXus
fitus wrote:that doesn't work. i got the same msg as before.
Then you're not using local setup w/ drive letters :wink:
What "exactly" ~IS~ your path to Imagemagick?? Or "temporarily" modify one of the files with:

Code: Select all

echo $phpwcms["imagick_path"];
in order to see (onscreen) the path it's =trying= to use!!

Posted: Sat 20. Dec 2003, 14:49
by fitus
what du you mean with local setup w/ drive letters?

i'm on a redhat linux system. my path to imagemagick is

Posted: Sat 20. Dec 2003, 14:52
by DeXXus
fitus wrote:what du you mean with local setup w/ drive letters?

i'm on a redhat linux system. my path to imagemagick is
I have an Apache server running on my PC here at home as a "test bed" for phpWCMS, as well as, an "online" webhost running Linux. The online host only provides GD1 service. So... to try out GD2 and ImageMagick... I have installed them on my local "server". It uses drive letter to path for installation of ImageMagick (i.e. d:/ImageMagick5.5.7/).

Posted: Sat 20. Dec 2003, 14:57
by fitus
on my server is installed imagemagick.

Posted: Sat 20. Dec 2003, 15:09
by DeXXus
fitus wrote:on my server is installed imagemagick.
Perhaps this is the problem:


Posted: Thu 1. Apr 2004, 22:13
by alexander
I had the same problem (same error message) and found a solution that works wonderfully in my case. All I did was change this line in

Code: Select all

$phpwcms["use_gd2"]           = 1; //0 = GD1, 1 = GD2
to this:

Code: Select all

$phpwcms["use_gd2"]           = 0; //0 = GD1, 1 = GD2


Posted: Thu 1. Apr 2004, 23:22
by alexander
Update: It works great - except on some single files. I received a "creating thumbnail! wait a moment!" screen for minutes. I guessed the files were too big > 1MB JPEG, so I changed the compression rate and uploaded them again, but now I receive this message (and on some files I still get the "creating thumbnail! wait a moment!" screen for a long time):

Code: Select all

 creating thumbnail! wait a moment!
Image was not resized. {GD2 suppor is OFF}

thumbnail created


click here to go back
(if no automatic redirect)
I am redirected to the file list - and phpwcms attempts to load the thumbnail but can't locate the file (I get an "image missing" icon in my browser).

Can anyone help? Is the file name too long? Or file compression too high (50% JPEG)? Or are the files just too big (between 2500x3000 and 3000x3000 pixels in RGB)?


Posted: Fri 2. Apr 2004, 00:00
by Oliver Georgi
Möglicherweise hast Du nicht genügend Speicher zur Verfügung. Wenn schon nur GD1 unterstützt wird, wer weiß wie Dich Dein provider sonst noch beschneidet.

Ich teste das mal bei mir hier - mit GD.


Posted: Fri 2. Apr 2004, 00:05
by Oliver Georgi
OK - bloß mal schnell getestet:

3000x3000 Pixel RGB x 72 dpi = 34.3MB ungepackt + Speicher, der für die Umrechnung benötigt wird - Rest kannst Du Dir denken.

Ein simples JPG hat auf der Platte zwar nur 150kB - aber im Speicher geht es dann unkomprimiert ab...

So - grob geschätzt braucht der Prozeß zum Berechnen eines solch großen Bildes im Speicher etwa 50MB - mein Apache geht von 20MB auf über 70MB beim Erzeugen hoch.

Bei GD1 ist das sicher noch ungünstiger.


Posted: Fri 2. Apr 2004, 09:31
by alexander
Hallo Oliver,

tausend Dank. Ich sehe ein, dass das etwas groß ist. Ich werde also zwei Bilddateien hochladen - eine für die Galerie und eine zum Downloaden.

Beste Grüße aus Köln

Posted: Fri 2. Apr 2004, 09:42
by Oliver Georgi
Wenn möglich nimm ImageMagick - das zieht alles durch.
