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Posted: Wed 20. Oct 2004, 22:30
by StudioZ
With all my respect to Kasper at Typo3,
I Totally agree with Executter :wink:
Executter wrote:The only CMS, which is so Template Friendly und functionally is TYPO 3
BUT this CMS is.... hehe... i would say VERY complicated ^^
and it takes over 30 MB webspace... ok it's an enterprise solution....
and i think if frontuser login etc. are working, and there are some kinds of modules, phpwcms is competitive to typo 3 ... AND very much easyer to handle...
My clients are mostly governement's agencies here in Québec, Canada and... by far, PhpWCMS is the best solution for them. Let's just put more efforts at supporting Oliver'($) oeuvre and we should all be more and more suprised with the upcoming new features. 8)

I for one need these soon :wink:

Kind Regards,

Posted: Thu 21. Oct 2004, 09:51
by rookie
I'd have to agree with some of the arguments made.

Even if I use other cms systems now, too, until phpWCMS covers more of what I need, I would still have to say that phpWCMS is beyond amazing. The only cms that I like better is typo3 and I'm using it more and don't find it difficult to use either as Oliver's CMS is very similarly structured and I started out with phpWCMS. I - for one - think that phpWCMS as it is now has great potential. If you think of how long it took for typo3 to become what it is now and think of phpWCMS and how long it's been around, then I'd prognose that it can become just as good or even better than typo3 if this CMS will be continued and worked on with passion and is accessible for a variety of coders etc., being able to create good extensions and bigger modifications/customisations without having to edit the core of phpWCMS.


Posted: Mon 25. Oct 2004, 15:15
by Kosse

I work in Brussels, Belgium for a not-for-profit organization.
We have a lot of customers and provide them with web solutions among other IT demands.
Our policy is simple: we use 3 CMS (if they want a LAMP* solution) to satisfy their needs.
Mambo, SPIP and now testing with PHPWCMS.
My opinion? There are numerous CMS system around, PhpWCMS is simple and clean; You need one day to explain to the people how-to update their site with PHPWCMS. You need to work your templates and design.
Thus, you invest time in "the beggining" (to build it from scratch) but your customers are satisfied afterwards.
Mambo and SPIP (or others like Typo3...) may be/are different (sometimes more complete or compliant to www standards) but they need more time to master, specially for people not familiar with computers/Internet.

As far as I am concerned I will support PHPWCMS as a solution among others, nevertheless, I believe that -all things considered- it is the best CMS around.

As I don't have the financial decisions in my hands (how many of the pple in this forum have?) and if I can convince my boss(es), support (money) will come as well... I can only hope and... ask for it.
Meanwhile, all the developpers, designers, webmasters, content Gurus and other Intenet funny animals can continue publishing and adding features instead of asking (for free or even paid) new releases.

Keep up the good work.

*For those who wonder what that is; LAMP: Linux-Apache-MySql-Php.

Posted: Thu 28. Oct 2004, 11:42
by shocktone

do have a new release date already ?
I dont mean an exact date. But is it like 1 month or 6 month or one year ?

Thanks alot.
Greetings Jens.-

Posted: Thu 28. Oct 2004, 11:43
by Oliver Georgi
1 month (I wish hope think :))


Posted: Thu 28. Oct 2004, 12:00
by shocktone
I also hope !
Good luck and thanks again for your effort !

Posted: Thu 28. Oct 2004, 19:27
by Executter
ok... 1 month... lol
before x-mas? *g*

Posted: Wed 17. Nov 2004, 03:34
by drnibbles
Executter wrote:ok... 1 month... lol
before x-mas? *g*
ok we are now in Nov 2004. So are there any new versions in sight soon???

Posted: Wed 17. Nov 2004, 06:43
by Oliver Georgi
soon is relative - yes.

Posted: Wed 17. Nov 2004, 10:53
by spirelli
no pressure, please. I'd rather wait a few weeks longer than having to apply a thousend patches, or having to spend enless amount of time in this forum because of trying to figure out how to deal with some bugs! Keep going Oliver, enjoy life, be blessed.

Posted: Wed 17. Nov 2004, 22:49
by drnibbles
Great.. I can't wait...


Posted: Wed 17. Nov 2004, 23:58
by snobba
Me neither!!! :P :P

Posted: Thu 25. Nov 2004, 18:28
by DusX
Me either, I have been sitting quietly designing site templates, and working with clients, while I await the new version.

Oliver, you are doing an amazing job on this system.
I'm sold. It really seems like many of us on this board have tried many of the other top systems and have all come back to WCMS so I think that is really saying something.


Posted: Thu 25. Nov 2004, 18:35
by Pappnase

here has oliver written something about the next release but in german :wink: :wink:

Posted: Thu 25. Nov 2004, 18:58
by DusX
OK, i just translated the above page and read..
I gather that we are looking at a release date closer to Xmas now?

If that is the case, what will the upgrade path look like moving from the current version to the newest?