Splitt this forum up in a english and a german part

Post non-phpwcms related topics here - but I don't want to see "hey check this or that other cms". Post if you have a point or worthwhile comment, don't post just to increase you post count!
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Post by pSouper »

I like to browse this forum through google's translator as the German posts ar e every bit as important and helpfull as Engligh.

to do this I use have bookmarked this link...
http://translate.google.com/translate?u ... uage_tools
... and browse the forum as normal but all in english :D

I guess the german link is...
http://translate.google.com/translate?u ... uage_tools

I hope this works for you guys too, or I'm going to look prety stupid ;)
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Post by cguenther »

hehe .. the google-translater is big party .. it translating english to german like i do translation from russian to german / english. but even it's mucho faster then me :wink:

i use for translation words or parts this translater:


It's for both ways english <-> german.

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Post by pSouper »

;) I didn't say it was good but it means i can get a cursory undertanding of what the topic is about - if it interests me enough an i am still in need of more explanaition/translation then I will put more effort in to a better translation.

I know exactly what you mean..
translation from russian to german
I feel like it's MORE like translating from German to DOG to FISH to MAD COW to English and then displaying the final translation as anagrams ;)
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