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Posted: Mon 25. Oct 2004, 02:24
by psych0
thanks a lot for the help... I've finally got around to installing it on my site and messing about with and now I can see exactly what you mean... looks like i'm gonna have to do some heavy hacking to get it to a point where it is xhtml1.0 strict... oh, well...

yeah, it's not a blog... I was in fact looking for a proper website content management tool really... it just seemed too much of a pain to turn wordpress into a proper website (more than one sub-category)... this seems like a much better tool for that sort of tool... as long as I learn to use it and create the templates... looks like it will take weeks instead of days though... I'm just a bit anal about w3c compliance and I really do like how wordpress is xhtml straight out of the box... I wish there was a CMS where I would only have to deal with just the CSS file and define what I want it to look like straight away.

Posted: Mon 25. Oct 2004, 03:37
by ionrock
I actually use wordpress for my blog and it doesn't validate. I made sure my template was in good shape and it had to do with the sidebar area. good luck getting phpwcms up to snuff. I would be happy to help snuffing out the bad markup. I would like to have a "lite" version that was more compliant but I never have the chance.

Almost perfection

Posted: Mon 25. Oct 2004, 14:33
by Kosse
Would be something like all the functionnalities you find in PHPWCMS (the best CMS far on "the market" --> sorry "on the web"), the nice admin, the easy updating and all the things that make it THE cms around and a graphical/semantic approach as you can see on

That would rock!
I would like to contribute to something like that, where/who can I help?

Re: The CSS Story continues...

Posted: Fri 5. Nov 2004, 05:48
by marco
pixelpeter wrote:As mentioned before in this thread I've started to rebuild the contenttypes to be rendered using CSS.

For a better understanding I've set up a little Test site where you can have a look at the work (in progress).

Please visit:
If it is not too much trouble, would it be possible to post the rebuilt CSS contentype templates or a link to download them?