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Posted: Wed 17. Dec 2003, 17:20
by conart
Mein Versuch, unsere Site auf PHPWCMS umzustellen...

Feedbacks are welcome 8)

Posted: Thu 18. Dec 2003, 17:59
by SouthMS
conart - looks real good...would you like to share how you made parts of the colors and border text??

Posted: Thu 18. Dec 2003, 19:10
by conart
Thanks for the reply...sure i'd like to share...what is your question?

Posted: Sun 18. Jan 2004, 22:49
by Roman

Posted: Mon 19. Jan 2004, 08:40
by adriano
Hallo Conny,
sieht gut aus, aber auf dem Mac mit dem Browser Safari klebt der Content links am blauen Rahmen, rechts dagegen ist viel Weißraum. Deine - top - Links funktionieren nicht. Soviel von mir, bitte nur als positive Kritik sehen, soll kein gemeckere sein.

Posted: Wed 4. Feb 2004, 09:45
by axelS

My first phpWCMS production site for a client selling diamonds and stuff in the UK. Thanks to the phpWCMS developers and the community for a great system!


Posted: Wed 4. Feb 2004, 16:34
by foxi

my senf

Posted: Tue 2. Mar 2004, 04:18
by phalancs
You can see my page hee:

The text link on my site links to the phpwcms thing.


Posted: Mon 29. Mar 2004, 16:05
by Jan212
one of the sites i made:

Posted: Mon 29. Mar 2004, 16:16
by frold
Jan212 wrote:one of the sites i made:
How do you made that the site fade from one page to another?

Posted: Mon 29. Mar 2004, 16:20
by Jan212
little script, works only with ie...

Code: Select all

<meta http-equiv="Page-Enter"


<meta http-equiv="Page-Exit"

best regards from doc yockl

Posted: Mon 29. Mar 2004, 16:21
by frold
thx it is a nice function :!: :!: ... the site works even though you don´t have IE?

Posted: Mon 29. Mar 2004, 16:24
by Jan212
yes - sir i can boogie.

...more live sites soon - stay tuned

Posted: Mon 29. Mar 2004, 16:46
by Jérôme
Jan212 wrote:little script, works only with ie...

Code: Select all

<meta http-equiv="Page-Enter"


<meta http-equiv="Page-Exit"

best regards from doc yockl
That's a fine small function. And if it even works in IE, I will spread it out on my sites until now, too. :mrgreen:

btw: very nice sites (nice doesn't mean the Unwort "nett" ;))

Posted: Mon 29. Mar 2004, 19:09
by frold
you will find more functions here thx to pSouper for the link! ... tions.html