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Posted: Sat 22. Nov 2003, 17:00
by svobi
mod_rewrite kann in .htaccess probleme geben, wenn man darin keine
erlaubnis hat symbolischen links zu folgen.

für mehr hier :

im apache error log sollte man, wenn von diesem betroffen, entsprechende einträge finden.

abhilfe : rewriterules direkt in httpd.conf einbauen.

Posted: Sat 22. Nov 2003, 17:31
by Oliver Georgi
Why do you need speaking URL? It's unneccessary overhead in rendering process - URL rewriting itselfs needs additional processing power. I think the rendered "title" is enough.


Posted: Sat 22. Nov 2003, 18:33
by sunflare
I think it's just a matter of aesthetics to have clean, logical and reasonable URLs.
Nothing ist more annoying then sending links like this via Mail: ... =dvd&n=130

instead of (just an example)

Some Mail Clients break them apart.... and you can't remember them by yourself. You always have to start from the home directory and click yourself through the page-jungle.

Or another point - visitors can't see what's behind your website. It's obvious that you use a CMS when URLs look like this. Some people tend to hide such information...

The links generated by PHPWCMS aren't that long, it's very clean, but I thought it would be nice if a link can say something about itself before clicking on it....

btw: if you want to, you can answer in German...
btw2: I'm really, really impressed by your CMS, thats why I'm interested in improving it! Great work, go on!

Posted: Sat 22. Nov 2003, 19:07
by Oliver Georgi
;-) OK Jochen - that's my tip for described links: send HTML email. It's not the preferred method but simple to use. Then you can name your link to whatever you want. ;-)

<a href="my_very_cryptic_link_176276445">Ah Du meinst das hier</a>


Posted: Sun 23. Nov 2003, 13:23
by sunflare
You're surely right... :)
but I will go on and try to develop this little feature... it's just the same rendering overhead like renaming the links from ?id=... to ...html by regular expressions (developed by rudeboy).

I just need some help what all the id parameters mean (order etc.) and which files are important for the page structure.

/include/inc_act/act_structure.php : Inserts main menu entry in table phpwcms_articlecat with following parameters: bla bla ...
The first one is the unique key in table blabla
This would be really helpful (also for others developing new features)
Thank you!!!

Nice and lazy sunday!
Greets Jochen

Virtual URL Mapping- More Search Engine Friendly

Posted: Wed 18. Feb 2004, 16:36
by cmslover
Virtual URL Mapping - Freeform URLs to fit the site. No fixed way of communicating with the site.
Can phpWCMS be:
or ?
Right now the out put links are generated by phpWCMS like this:,0,0,1,0,0 ... Can we replace those number with a meaning name that relates to the page content such as id=search ?

No need to say, this way phpWCMS is Super Search Engine Friendly.

Mambo Open Scource

Thank you all!

P.S: Sunflare, I'm after your idea. When can it be done? Thanks

Posted: Wed 18. Feb 2004, 17:55
by Oliver Georgi
There is the possibility of URL rewriting included in phpwcms - some people are using this - but needs optimization. But lets make phpwcms more ready - then we can talk about such (at the moment not really neccessary) feature. I'm planning to enhance alias also for articles.

But there are more important things to do at the moment. It would be enough use page title and good content.
