Posted: Sun 6. Jun 2004, 23:42
That didn't work either - there's some odd characters in that function which don't seem to be recognised with a UK character set..?
Anyway, the sql statement that is being run, and appears in as an error, I took and ran directly against the database using phpmyadmin....
I got an error about a missing column - article_hidesummary, so I added it, then I got a message about article_image not being found.
did some digging, and basically found I was missing some columns from the article table.
These were the statements that sorted my problems out (from phpwcms_init.sql)
Have I got something else wrong somewhere - or did I make a mistake in the upgrade?
Anyway, the sql statement that is being run, and appears in as an error, I took and ran directly against the database using phpmyadmin....
Code: Select all
UPDATE pete_phpwcms_article SET article_cid=0,article_title='dd', article_keyword='dd', article_public=1, article_aktiv=1, article_begin='2004-06-05 22:52:14', article_end='2010-12-31 23:59:59', article_subtitle='dd', article_summary='s', article_redirect='', article_username='phpwcms webmaster', article_notitle=0, article_hidesummary=0, article_image='a:8:{s:8:"tmpllist";s:7:"default";s:8:"tmplfull";s:7:"default";s:4:"name";s:0:"";s:2:"id";i:0;s:5:"width";i:538;s:6:"height";s:0:"";s:7:"caption";s:0:"";s:4:"zoom";i:0;}' , article_uid=1 WHERE article_id=8;
did some digging, and basically found I was missing some columns from the article table.
These were the statements that sorted my problems out (from phpwcms_init.sql)
Code: Select all
ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_articlecat` CHANGE `acat_redirect` `acat_redirect` TEXT NOT NULL ;
ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_article` ADD `article_hidesummary` INT( 1 ) NOT NULL ;
ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_article` ADD `article_image` BLOB NOT NULL ;