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Hi Frold

Posted: Thu 10. Jun 2004, 16:46
by jsw_nz
Did you get the email (sent you a rendered swf).........a guess, based on your address bar........let me know if it works. the php getWCMS.php goes in the root.

Just posted update

Posted: Sat 12. Jun 2004, 02:24
by jsw_nz
Just posted updated zip file reflecting acat_hidden parameter. Hidden categories will not show up in menu now. cheers, jsw ... ress_3.php

New version

Posted: Sun 13. Jun 2004, 02:43
by jsw_nz
Just posted updated flash menu that 'remembers' last click, uses Shared Local Object of flash. For demo purposes this page reloads itself,yet these parameters can be changed in FLASH MX dev application:

cheers all, jsw

UPDATE: Thanks to Pappnase (Thanks Pappnase) It is working online: The example is menu only and reloads the same page, but the data is coming from DB and when updated, the menu reflects changes:

Posted: Fri 25. Jun 2004, 11:34
by Chucky
Very Nice

Nur wie kann ich das installieren??? :?

Re: Just posted an update

Posted: Fri 25. Jun 2004, 15:12
by marco
jsw_nz wrote:Hi Pappnase, Frold and Marco. Just got the little menu farther works with three levels.. I have tested it with my local installation of RC-4, and works OK. I posted a Flash/Swf/Xml/Php zip package, hoping you might test if you have the time. Would be interested in the feedback.... ... ress_3.php

All best, john (jsw)
That menu is wicked cool!

Posted: Fri 25. Jun 2004, 16:27
by Chucky
hey this flashmenue is very nice

please help with install


OK...a non authoring version is posted

Posted: Tue 29. Jun 2004, 05:12
by jsw_nz
Pappanse, Frold, Marco, and Chucky...

I am posting a flash 'non-authoring' version of the menu, which will not require you to open and edit in Flash MX. Rather a php file is used to send params to the swf (getWCMS_NA.php) It can be customized according to these parameters:

host: "may want to use inc file to point outside webroot"
username: "same as above"
password: "same as above"
db name: "same as above"
domain url: ""
custom color (note: specify as "0xFFFFFF" not "#FFFFFF" )

It also sets a cookie, which is used to reset the Flash menu on first 'subsequent' visit. And the query has been updated as well. When clicking on a category that has sub categories, the swf opens the subcategories, reflecting similarity of Oliver's original NAV_COLUMN script.

Note that the custom color parameter requires the Flash client to use the setRGB method, which has some latency.

The main parameter >>>> the 'unofficial' {PAGETITLE} repTag.
Therefore you will need to add this:

Code: Select all

//need to add to

 // PAGETITLE replacement 
 if( ! (strpos($content["all"],'{PAGETITLE}')===false)) { 
   $content["all"] = str_replace('{PAGETITLE}', $content["struct"][$content["cat_id"]]
["acat_name"], $content["all"]); 

// -------------------------------------------------------------
The menu uses white keylines and black text and may therefore limit the use of colors.....working on an update that handles these as php parameters as well. The original swf is 166px wide and 480px high. You can scale the width to Oliver's default of 170px without degradation. The height is based on accomodationg categories/sub-categories and sub-sub catgeories.

Right now: open number of primary categories, 15 sub-categories and 5 additional sub-sub categories....Uses {PAGETITLE} tag in FLASHVARS to animate buttons to category selected. Eliminated the use of Shared Object (Flash's version of cookies).

Here is the zip link: ...

I will be posting an authoring version (for those who have Flash MX) the near future. Setting color internally bypasses the setRGB latency using Flash MX authoring app is preferred. Nontheless, this file should be of interest.
And again ALL categories in the phpwcms site structure must be given an alias.

All best,
jsw (john)

UPDATE: Original Zip had a bug...reposted fix. Will need to re-download correct version of

Posted: Tue 29. Jun 2004, 12:14
by Pappnase

john and me implement it at the it runs with rewrite on but returns the links with index.php?alias.