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Posted: Sun 9. May 2004, 00:02
by pSouper
:( no hospital wifi : i just got home from hospital, no baby yet. i will keep you posted :)

Posted: Sun 9. May 2004, 02:46
by DeXXus
pSoupercalifragilisiticexpialidocious Jr. is on the way?? Now ~I'M~ a nervously anxious forum friend wishing ~all~ the best :D

Posted: Sun 9. May 2004, 10:30
by pSouper
thanks D, :) we were going to name the baby 'DeXxus' but we like pSoupercalifragilisiticexpialidocious Jr better now :)

Posted: Sun 9. May 2004, 10:38
by DeXXus
HeHe :lol:
DeXXus p Souper
Gotta's got a "ring" to it :roll:

Posted: Tue 11. May 2004, 10:04
by pSouper
YAY: we took delivery of our new baby girl @ 2:45 10/5/04 :D
14 days late, we will not be using FedEx for the next one ;)
her name will be either Orianne or Annalise (Sorry Dexx, if only a boy, we could have rewritten the baby-name books :) ).
mom and baby are super, and thanks for you kind words in these posts already.

no lets get back to work :)

Posted: Tue 11. May 2004, 10:19
by DeXXus
Congratulations are in order !!!
Glad it was a GIRL... I was sweating the possible GUILT of a naming nightmare ( I dreamed I was hunted down... in my OLD AGE and summarily "executed" -=GANGLAND STYLE=- :wink:

Posted: Tue 11. May 2004, 10:19
by cyrano
.-D congratulations pSouper!

You didn't mentioned how do you feel? I hope also fine :-)

Posted: Tue 11. May 2004, 10:30
by pSouper
thank guys, In the immortal words of that most learned tiger, Tony... I'M GRRRREAT.

@ Dexx, there are a lot more days for you to inccure that kind of wrath until you are old, but if you work hard on it, and stay dedicated you could bring that day forward by decades :)

Posted: Tue 11. May 2004, 10:47
by SNap
Grats to your wife, and you pSouper :)

Posted: Tue 11. May 2004, 15:38
by Paradroid
Hi pSouper,

gratulations and best wishes to you and your family from germany !!


